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National Latin Exam Quick Lessons
Verbs Conjugations 1-IV (-āre, -ēre, ere, īre)
Four tenses of indicative mood, active voice: present, imperfect, future (I & II), perfect Present active imperative singular and plural; negative imperative with nōlī, nōlīte
Perfect Tense You know that third principal part…
Amo, Amāre, Amavī, Amatum Dēleo, dēlēre, dēlēvī, dēlētum Capiō, Capere, Cēpī, captum Audiō, audīre, audīvī, audītum Refers to completed events She read the book. I went to the store.
How to form… You find the perfect stem Amavī = Amav Dēlēvī = Dēlēv
Cēpī = Cēp Audīvī= Audīv Add endings Singular Plural -ī imus istī istis it erunt
How to form… The ‘F’ is what is unique The ‘u’ is what is unique
Singular Plural Fuī Fuimus Fuistī Fuistis Fuit Fuērunt Singular Plural Potuī Potuimus Potuistī Potuistis Potuit Potuērunt
Imperatives Review 1st Conjugation 2nd Conjugation
Present stem + ā= + Singular Present stem + āte = + Plural Nōlī + infinitive = – Singular Nōlīte + infinitive = – Plural 2nd Conjugation Present stem + ē= + Singular Present stem + ēte= + Plural
Imperative Review cont.
3rd Conjugation Present stem + e= + Singular Present stem + ite= + Plural Nōlī + infinitive = – Singular Nōlīte + infinitive = – Plural
Present infinitive: esse
Imperfect Future Pefect 1st Person Sing. sum eram erō fuī 2nd Person Sing. es erās eris fuistī 3rd Person Sing. est erat erit fuit 1st Person Pl. sumus erāmus erimus fuimus 2nd Person Pl. estis erātis eritis fuerātis 3rd Person Pl. sunt erant erunt fuērunt
Cheater… Present Imperfect Future Perfect
You just have to memorize these This is the only whose first letter changes as it is conjugated Eram Erās Erat Imperfect has an ‘a’ Erō Eris Erit Future has an ‘i' Fuī Fuistī Fuit Perfect begins with ‘fu’
Present stem: posse Present Imperfect Future Pefect 1st Person Sing.
possum poteram poterō potuī 2nd Person Sing. potes poterās poteris potuistī 3rd Person Sing. potest poterat poterit potuit 1st Person Pl. possumus poterāmus poterimus potuimus 2nd Person Pl. potestis poterātis poteritis potuistis 3rd Person Pl. possunt poterant poterunt potuērunt
Cheater… Present Imperfect Future Perfect
If declined sum begins in an.. E add pot S add pos Possum Potes potest Add pot to eram Poteram Poteras Poterat Add pot to erō Potero Poteris Poterit Subtract f and add pot Potui Potuisti Potuit
Nouns Declensions I-III Nominative: Subject, Predicate Nominative
Genitive: Possession Dative: Indirect object Accusative: Direct object, Object of prepositions Ablative : Object of prepositions, Ablative of Accompaniment, means/ instrument, manner Vocative: Direct Address
Objects of Prepositions that you don’t know
Accusative Ablative Post- after Circum -around Inter- among Trāns- Across Contrā- Against Sine- Without Sub – Under
Object of Prepositions that you know
Accusative Ablative Ad- towards Ante- before In- into Per- through Prope- near Ab- from Cum- with Dē- of, about Ex- out of In- in, on Prō- on behalf of, before
Ablative of Accompaniment
Used to show the people with whom something is done. Preposition: cum Cum amīcīs ambulābat. He was walking with his friends.
Ablatives Ablative of means/ instrument Ablative of manner
Think of Clue… Mrs. Peacock was killed in the library with the rope Ablative of manner How something is does She took the test with enthusiasm.
Declining Names They decline just like the declension they are in.
Julia, juliae, f. Julia, Juliae, Juliae, Juliam, Julia, Juliae, Juliarum, Juliis,Julias, Juliis Vocative: Singular- Julia, Plural- Juliae Marcus, Marcī, m. Marcus, Marcī, Marcō, Marcum, Marcō, Marcī, Marcorum, Marcīs, Marcos, Marcīs Vocative: Singular- Marce, Marci Cicerō, Cicerōnīs, m. Cicerō, Cicerōnīs, Cicerōnī, Cicerōnem, Cicerōne, Cicerōnēs, Cicerōnum, Cicerōnibus, Cicerōnes, Cicerōnibus Vocantive: Singular- Cicerō, Cicerōnēs
Irregular Vocatives Nouns ending in –us change to e
Nouns ending in –ius change to ī Meus changes to Mī
Pronouns Personal- ego, tu, nos, vos Interrogative
Quis – Who? (Masculine and Feminine, Nominative, Singular) Quid- What? (Neuter, Nominative or Accusative, Singular) Interrogative Adjective Quot?- How many?
Numbers Decline like adjectives Four common ones in Latin
Unus, -a, -um (one) Followes 1st and 2nd declension adj- No plural forms (obvi!) Duo, duae, dou (two) odd duck Masculine Feminine Neuter Nominative duo duae Genitive duōrum duārum Dative duōbus duābus Accusative duōs duās Ablative
Numbers Trēs, tria (three) is a third declension adjective.
Quattuor (four) Quīnque (five) Sex (six) Septem (seven) Octō (eight) Novem (nine) Decem (ten) No word for zero
Numbers Centum Mille (thousand) funky. In the singular it is an indeclinable adjective. In the plural, however, it is a third declension i- stem neuter noun: milia, milium, milibus, milia, milibus
Roman Numerals I 1 XX 20 CC 200 II 2 XXX 30 CCC 300 III 3 XL 40 CD 400
IV 4 L 50 D 500 V 5 LX 60 DC 600 VI 6 LXX 70 DCC 700 VII 7 LXXX 80 DCCC 800 VIII 8 XC 90 CM 900 IX 9 C 100 M 1,000 X 10
Break it down I 1 V 5 X 10 L 50 C 100 D 500 M 1,000
Adverbs that you don’t know.
Crās – Tomorrow Herī- Yesterday Subitō- Suddenly Tum- Then Ubi- Where (also a conj to mean where…) Male- Badly
Adverbs you do know Mox- soon Ibi- there Numquam- never Saepe- often
Statim- at once Tum- Then Bene- well
Interrogative Adverbs
Cur? – Why? Ubi? – Where? Quomodo?- How?
Adjectives Only need to know 1st and 2nd declension adjectives
Yay! Noun/ adjective agreement
Conjunctions You don’t know You do know Aut – or Neque- nor
Neque… neque- neither nor Ubi- Where Et – and Quod- because Sed- but Et…et And… and Joins two things without making an inference Enclitics -ne = yes or no question -que- and Pairs, opposites, or two things that complete a set
Naming The praenōmen, similar to our first or given name
The nōmen, similar to our last name. This was the clan name. The cognōmen, which indicated a particular family within the larger clan. Marcus Tullius Cicero Daughter: Tullia Son: Marcus Tullius Cicero
Roman Family Pater Mater Fīlius Fīlia Frāter Soror
Kings of Rome/ Early Heroes
Fabricius- Negotiated peace deal and exchange of hostages with Pyrrhus, King of Epirus. He was incorruptible and had great austerity. Mucius Scaevola- left handed man from Chapter 192 Cloelia- run away girl from Chapter 12 test Tarquinius- Last (7th) king of Rome. King until revolt that lead to founding of the Republic Horatius- Hero who fought of the entire Etruscan + Tarquinius army on a bridge. Cincinnatus- Gave up farm to save Rome and be a military dictator and then went back to his farm
Important Dates April 21, 745 BC – Founding of Rome
January 10, 49 BC- Caesar crosses the Rubicon March 15, 44 BC- Assassination of Caesar
Countires/ Cities (Map in book)
Britannia Gallia Hispānia Germānia Graecia Sicilia Alpēs Montēs Āppennīnus Mōns Africa, Carthāgō Aegyptus, Alexandrēa Neāpolis Rōma
Augustus Domitian Caracalla Tiberius Nerva Geta Caligula Trajan
Macrinus Cladius Hadrian Diadumenianus Nero Antonius Pius Craziness!! Galba Marcus Aurelius 306- Maxentius Otho L. Verus Constantine Vitellius Commodus Vespasian Pertinax Titus Septimius Severus Augustus Tiberius Caligula Cladius Nero Galba Otho Vitellius Vespasian Titus Domitian
Things to go over tonight…
Weather (Pg. 202) Quota hora (pg. 230) Mottoes: States, Government (Pg. 162) Mottoes: War and Peace (Pg. 217) Expressions: Legal terms ( Pg. 272) Abbreviations: A.M., P.M., A.D. (Pg. 310, 388) Arena (Pg. 325) Pompeii (Pg. 267)
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