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Mohamed KSIBI Professor and Director Environmental Chemistry Higher Institute of Biotechnology Sfax University Tunisia 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Mohamed KSIBI Professor and Director Environmental Chemistry Higher Institute of Biotechnology Sfax University Tunisia 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mohamed KSIBI Professor and Director Environmental Chemistry Higher Institute of Biotechnology Sfax University Tunisia 1

2 Introductions  Background  B. Sc. – University of Sfax, Tunisia  M. Sc. – University of Poitiers, France  Ph. D. – University of Poitiers, France  H. D. R. – University of Sfax, Tunisia  Professor in Environmental Chemistry – University of Sfax, Tunisia  Head of the Department health and environment in the Higher Institute of Biotechnology  Director of the Higher Institute of Biotechnology 7/20/2016 2

3 Master of Environmental Sciences and Technology  Students (30-35) enter the Environmental Sciences and Technology Program from a wide range of undergraduate science backgrounds, including the undergraduate program in life science, Biotechnology, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering 7/20/2016 3

4 Interaction pollutants environment  This course is intended to build student knowledge, skills and experience to :  Evaluate the critical variables and methods that may be used to quantify a contaminant’s distribution and transformation rate,  Evaluate methods for analysis of microbial degrader populations, microbial activity and transport in soil and water environments,  Evaluate the physicochemical properties, fate and environmental effect of natural and anthropogenic contaminants from own environmental laboratory data. 7/20/2016 4

5 Teaching and Learning Methods  Lectures complemented by experimentally based project work.  The experimental methods comprise modern state-of-the-art techniques used in environmental chemistry and environmental toxicology.  Specific exercises may change from year to year as they will reflect current research activities among the participating research groups.  The goal is to provide students with a hands-on understanding of the fates and effects of pollutants in environmental and biological systems. 7/20/2016 5

6 Learning Objectives At the end of this module, students will:  Select and discuss utility of chemical and ecotoxicological methods to investigate polluted environments,  Operate selected laboratory set-up and instruments  Conduct a scientific evaluation of the environmental fate and effects of a contaminant,  Evaluate the potential for biodegradation of environmental pollutants,  Prepare and complete a written report involving laboratory assessments,  Demonstrate overview over selected remediation technologies and understanding of their strengths and weaknesses. 7/20/2016 6

7 Key challenges for students  I believe as an environmental chemist and a teacher it is my responsibility to challenge and support my students, in pursuit of three learning goals:  confront misconceptions about crucial sustainable development ideas;  learn basic environmental chemistry concepts;  cultivate an interest in environmental studies program and an understanding of how we do to make connections to “real” research problems. 7/20/2016 7

8 Thank you for your attention 8

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