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Free Powerpoint Templates Community Language Learning المركز الجهوي لمهن التربية و التكوين – مكناس المنزه - Presented by : Mostapha MOURADI Ali HAMDAOUI.

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Presentation on theme: "Free Powerpoint Templates Community Language Learning المركز الجهوي لمهن التربية و التكوين – مكناس المنزه - Presented by : Mostapha MOURADI Ali HAMDAOUI."— Presentation transcript:

1 Free Powerpoint Templates Community Language Learning المركز الجهوي لمهن التربية و التكوين – مكناس المنزه - Presented by : Mostapha MOURADI Ali HAMDAOUI Supervised by : Prof. Hicham LAABIDI

2 Out line : 1.Background. 2.Principles of Community Language Learning. 3.Techniques of Community Language Learning. 4.Advantages and disadvantages of CLL. 5.Practice. 6.Conclusion.

3 What comes to your mind as you look at this picture?

4  Background: Community language learning Counselling-Learning Approach Charles Curran 1976 Humman Psychology Carl Roger 1951

5  Principles of Community Language Learning. CLLCLL Building relationship Language is for Communication Building Community No superior Knowledge Team work Feeling of security Autonomy and sense of Responsibility

6 Tech nique s Translation Group work Tape recording Reflection On experience  Techniques of Communicative Language Learning.

7  Works well with lower levels students who are struggling in spoken English.  It lowers students’ anxiety and overcome threatening affective filter.  It creates a warm, sympathetic and trusting relationship between teacher and learners.  The counselor allows the learners to determine the type of conversation.  He/she trains students to become independent.  Advantages:

8  Some learners find it difficult to speak on tape.  In order for students to become independent, teacher might neglect the need for guidance.  The teacher has to be highly proficient in the target language and in the language of students.  Translation is an intricate and difficult task. The success of this method relies largely on the counselor’s translation.  It is time consuming to carry out.  Disadvantages:


10  Conclusion : State three elements of community language learning method that, you as a teacher, will use in your teaching.


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