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Your Career as a thought-leading lawyer. The giant, the small or something in between? or... Does size REALLY matter?

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Presentation on theme: "Your Career as a thought-leading lawyer. The giant, the small or something in between? or... Does size REALLY matter?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Your Career as a thought-leading lawyer

2 The giant, the small or something in between? or... Does size REALLY matter?

3 YOU be the judge! What’s your answer?

4 Is known as a “go-to” expert Has unique insights or perspectives to share Leads with his or her thinking Changes the way others think May influence the future direction of an industry or community. A thought leader...

5 Become the guru in 7 steps!

6 1. Explore the law Create a “mental map”

7 2. Go deeper Immerse yourself in an area

8 3. Learn the skills of thought leadership

9 4. Build relationships Hold high-quality conversations

10 5. Be original Express an opinion

11 6. Capture your content Know what you know

12 7. Be seen everywhere Speak and write

13 Stand out! Be the go-to expert

14 Shelley Dunstone LinkedIn group “Thought Leadership for Lawyers”

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