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Of Mice and Men Vocabulary and Idioms. Copy the Vocab words and Definitions 1) bindle: a small bundle of items rolled up inside of a blanket, carried.

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Presentation on theme: "Of Mice and Men Vocabulary and Idioms. Copy the Vocab words and Definitions 1) bindle: a small bundle of items rolled up inside of a blanket, carried."— Presentation transcript:

1 Of Mice and Men Vocabulary and Idioms

2 Copy the Vocab words and Definitions 1) bindle: a small bundle of items rolled up inside of a blanket, carried over a shoulder 2) scowl: an angry look achieved by frowning and scrunching the eyebrows together 3) heavy-laden: thickly loaded 4) skeptical: to be doubtful or question something 5) burlap: a coarse, inexpensive woven fabric 6) mimic: to imitate 7) elaborate: expressed in great detail 8) tart: a woman of low morals; prone to cheat on their boyfriend or husband 9) derogatory: belittling or insulting 10) monotonous: flat, with no expression

3 Copy the Idioms and Definitions 1) “Jungle up” to camp out on the road 2) “blow their stake” to waste all of their money 3) “get the can” to get fired 4) “rattrap” a hopeless situation 5) “sore as hell” extremely angry 6) “two bits” a quarter; twenty-five cents 7) “What stake you got in this guy?” What interest do you have in this guy? 8) “on the country” on welfare 9) “roll up a stake” save some money 10) “set on the trigger” on the verge of causing trouble 11) “wing-ding” terrific person; someone to be admired 12) “booby hatch” insane asylum

4 Chapter 2 vocabulary 1. Ticking- strong fabric used to cover mattresses or pillows 2. Mollified-calmed, pacified 3. Pugnacious-in the habit of starting fights 4. Flounced- moved impatiently or jerkily 5. Contorted-Twisted out of shape 6. Complacently- in a self-satisfied way 7. Bridled- head held up high, chin forward, showing anger 8. Stable Buck- person who takes care of horses or others 9. Jerkline skinner- someone who can drive a team of horses 10. Swamper- unskilled laborer

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