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Master Boot Record (MBR)

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1 Master Boot Record (MBR)
Executable Code Machine Language Code Processor Specific Decodes Partition Table 446 bytes long Partition Table 4 Entries First Entry Starts at offset 0x01BE MBR “Signature” 0x55AA 2008 Richard T. Turley

2 Decoding a Partition Table Entry
Entry #3 starting at offset 0x01DE Starting Sector Offset 2 6 bits (use 6 LSB) Decode as bits 0xC1 = 1100|0001 6 LSB = = Sector #1 Starting Cylinder Offset 3 10 bits (use remaining 2 bits from sector as upper 2 bits) Decode as bits 0xFF = 1111|1111 10 bits = 11|1111|1111 = 0x3FF = Cylinder # 1023 Bootable? Offset 0 Value 0x80 means bootable Starting Head Offset 1 1 Byte 0x00 = 0 Starting Head File System Type Offset 4 Decode as table entry 0x0C = Win 95 Fat-32 LBA Number of Sectors Offset 12 4 Bytes Decode as Number (swap) 0x000E37BA = 931,770 # of sectors in this partition 477,066,240 bytes (*512) Ending Head 5 Relative Sectors Offset 8 4 Bytes Decode as Number (swap) 0x1D0D9045 = 487,428,165 # of sectors from start of drive to start of this partition Ending Sector 6 Ending Cylinder 7 2008 Richard T. Turley

3 Partition Boot Record (PBR)
BIOS Parameter Block Executable Code Machine Language Code Processor Specific Decodes BPB Searches for OS PBR “Signature” 0x55AA 2008 Richard T. Turley

4 Decoding a Partition Boot Record (BIOS Parameter Block – BPB)
Jump Instruction Offset 0x00 3 bytes OEM Name Offset 0x03 8 bytes Decode as ASCII “MSDOS5.0” Bytes Per Sector Offset 0x0B 2 bytes Decode as Number (Swap “endian”) 0x0200 = 512 Sectors Per Cluster Offset 0x0D 1 byte Decode as Number 0x08 = 8 8 * 512 = 4096 bytes/cluster Media Type Offset 0x15 1 byte Decode from Table 0xF8 means HD Heads Offset 0x1A 2 bytes Decode as Number (Swap “endian”) 0x00FF = 255 Sectors per Track Offset 0x18 2 bytes Decode as Number (Swap “endian”) 0x003F = 63 Total Sectors Offset 0x20 4 bytes Decode as Number (Swap “endian”) 0x000E37BA = 931,770 477,066,240 Bytes FAT Size (Sectors) Offset 0x24 4 bytes Decode as Number (Swap “endian”) 0x D = 909 465,408 Bytes (*512) 58,176 Entries (/4) 238,288,896 bytes addressed (*4096) File System Type Offset 0x52 8 bytes Decode as ASCII “FAT32 ” 2008 Richard T. Turley

5 FAT Root Directory Volume ID Directory Entry
Single Directory Entry for a file with a “short” filename. Multiple Directory Entries for a file with a “long” filename. There are 4 entries to contain the long file name, and 1 entry to contain the complete set of file information including the “short” file name. Designates Attribute Bits 0x08 = Volume Label 0x20 = Archive 0x0F = Long File Name 2008 Richard T. Turley

6 Decoding a Root Directory Entry (1)
Create Time (Coarse) Offset 0x0E 2 bytes Decode as Number (swap) 0x6E4D = 01101|110010|01101 1st 5 bits: 13 hour Next 6 bits: 50 min Last 5 bits: 13 => 26 seconds 13:50: fine above 13:50:27.02 DOS File Name Offset 0x00 8 bytes Decoded as ASCII “LONGY “ DOS File Extension Offset 0x08 3 bytes Decoded as ASCII “TXT “ Create Time (Fine) Offset 0x0D 1 byte Decode as Number 0x66 = 102 102 * 10 ms = 1.02 sec. Create Date Offset 0x10 2 bytes Decode as Number (swap) 0x3562 = |1011|00010 1st 7 bits: = year Next 4 bits: 11 month = November Last 5 bits: 2 day November 2, 2006 Last Access Date Offset 0x12 2 bytes See Create Date File Size Offset 0x1C 4 bytes Decode as Number (swap) 0x = 14,658 bytes Occupies 4 clusters (/4096) Has 4* = 1726 bytes of slack First Cluster Offset 0x14 (High Bytes) Offset 0x1A (Low Bytes) 4 bytes Decode as Number (swap) 0x = 3 start cluster 2008 Richard T. Turley

7 Decoding a Root Directory Entry (2)
Bit Meaning Read Only 1 Hidden 2 System 3 Volume Label 4 Subdirectory 5 Archive 6 Device 7 Unused Attributes Offset 0x0B 1 byte Decode as bits – 0th bit on right, 7th bit on left 0x0F means Long Filename entry 0x20 = 0010| Archive Last Modified Time Offset 0x16 2 bytes Decode as Number (swap) 0x6E1A = 01101|110000|11010 1st 5 bits: 13 hour Next 6 bits: 48 min Last 5 bits: 26 => 52 seconds 13:48:52 Last Modified Date Offset 0x18 2 bytes Decode as Number (swap) 0x3562 = |1011|00010 1st 7 bits: = year Next 4 bits: 11 month = November Last 5 bits: 2 day November 2, 2006 2008 Richard T. Turley

8 This file occupies 4 clusters or 4 * 4096 = 16,384 bytes on the drive.
Cluster 3 Entry First Cluster of File as identified in directory entry Offset 0x08 4 bytes Decoded as Number (swap) 0x = 4 next cluster FAT Table (FAT) Cluster 4 Entry Offset 0x08 4 bytes Decoded as Number (swap) 0x = 5 next cluster Cluster 5 Entry Offset 0x08 4 bytes Decoded as Number (swap) 0x = 6 next cluster Cluster 6 Entry Offset 0x08 4 bytes Decoded as Number (swap) 0x0FFFFFFF = EOF This file occupies 4 clusters or 4 * 4096 = 16,384 bytes on the drive. It is not always the case that a file will occupy sequential clusters. 2008 Richard T. Turley

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