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Migrant Mother, Dorothea Lange, 1936 Robin Harris LIS 740 9/30/2014 Humanities--Research Skills Project.

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Presentation on theme: "Migrant Mother, Dorothea Lange, 1936 Robin Harris LIS 740 9/30/2014 Humanities--Research Skills Project."— Presentation transcript:

1 Migrant Mother, Dorothea Lange, 1936 Robin Harris LIS 740 9/30/2014 Humanities--Research Skills Project

2 From 1935-1945, the Farm Security Administration — Office of War Information undertook the largest photography project ever sponsored by the federal government. The FSA set out to document America and the successful administration of relief services to build support for and justify New Deal programs to help farmers displaced by the Depression. Photographers were hired and given specific subjects and/or geographic areas to cover over several months.

3 The pictures (170,000) focus on rural areas and farm labor, as well as aspects of World War II mobilization, including factories, railroads, aviation training, and women working. Primary focus was humanizing the Great Depression. However, through these photos, everyday life in America was documented, letting people know their experience was a shared one. LOC cataloged and digitized the collection in the mid- 1990’s.

4 A team at Yale wanted to use the already available information (photographer’s name, date, location) to create a new way for researchers to engage with the collection through maps and other data visualization tools. All images were open source, already had metadata assigned, all previously digitized. All images from relatively short period of time, organized under same direction/team.


6 Created at Yale University, Photogrammar is a web-based interactive platform for organizing, searching, and visualizing the 170,000 photographs from 1935 to 1945 created by the United States Farm Security Administration and Office of War Information (FSA-OWI) Combines information from a large data set, maps, geotagging, statistical analysis, and visual history I read about it on the Digital Humanities Now site and thought it sounded really interesting: Resource: Yale Launches an Archive of 170,000 Photographs Documenting the Great Depression Resource: Yale Launches an Archive of 170,000 Photographs Documenting the Great Depression


8 The map plots the approximately 90,000 photographs that have geographical information. Customize your search by by photographer, date, and place.





13 Can track 15 different photographers by colored dot as they traveled the country



16 This section presents data experiments and tools for exploring and interpreting the FSA-OWI collection

17 Treemapping: a method for displaying hierarchical data by using nested rectangles








25 Primary investigator: professor at Yale, Director of the Photographic Memory Workshop, and coordinator of the Public Humanities Program at Yale Co-director: doctoral candidate in American Studies at Yale with a MA concentration in Public Humanities. She also co-directs the Digital Humanities and Public Humanities Working Groups Co-director: has PhD in Statistics from Yale. His research focuses on computational statistics, predictive modeling, and visualization Map Expert: GIS (Geographic Information Systems) specialist and instruction coordinator at the Yale University Library Implementation Coordinator: Librarian for Digital Humanities Research at Yale Project Manager: Director of Yale’s Center for Media and Instructional Innovation Project Manager: from the Instructional Technology Group Illustrates collaboration across disciplines--a hallmark of digital humanities

26 First, team wrote a computer program to download the photos and metadata from the LOC Worked with a small subset of the collection and Google Maps tools Saw patterns start to emerge with just small set With funding from NEH, got historically accurate maps and relevant census data from Yale Library Built a robust open source web platform to create their own mapping module to work with such a large dataset of images (more than Google could handle)


28 Provides a visual hierarchy of information that brings an 80-year-old project back to life Takes images from the past out of the LOC and makes them more personal and interactive Digitizing images is important, but finding relevant ways to search and use them is just as important Able to quickly construct statistical graphics and visualizations from the data associated with the images. The results present cultural heritage materials in compelling and new ways

29 “Our project will allow researchers to back-up, or even challenge, previous positions about the archive and the period of history it recorded with direct visual and quantitative evidence, while discovering new patterns that would otherwise be undetectable by simply going through the photographs one by one.”—Co-director Lauren TiltonCo-director Lauren Tilton Examples: a user will be able to quickly plot the percentage of military images collected by month and location or see a gallery of sharecropping images created exclusively in Georgia

30 Gives people a way to rethink the data from new angles Creates a story about the photographers themselves, and the places they visited Revitalizes the images and adds new context Social media/international attention—got people talking

31 Background info and “About” Why “Photogrammar?” Plans for more states in Metadata Dashboard? ColorSpace tool—when? Blog entries? Functionality issues since just last week

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