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Presented by Annamarie Bailey.  perceptions about the sources  characteristics:  trustworthiness  expertise  dynamism  physical attractiveness 

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by Annamarie Bailey.  perceptions about the sources  characteristics:  trustworthiness  expertise  dynamism  physical attractiveness "— Presentation transcript:

1 presented by Annamarie Bailey

2  perceptions about the sources  characteristics:  trustworthiness  expertise  dynamism  physical attractiveness  perceived similarities

3  must be motivational  must strike a responsive cord

4  choosing appropriate symbols  sets the mood:  sound  colors  room layout  perceived similarities  Scheduling  nature of interaction

5  selecting proper wording  most important considerations:  clarity  appropriateness

6  successful public relations:  programming feedback mechanisms  immediate or delayed

7  effective communication:  two-step flow  multi-step flow  opinion leaders:  status  no formal position

8  reference group members:  cohesiveness  mutual interactions  share a set of norms  influence each other

9  specific messages are created depending on the target audience  positives, undecideds, negatives  influences media choice

10  practitioners encourage audience self-persuasion:  direct experience  involvement with the organization or cause

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