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Welcome to Vietnam

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1 Welcome to Vietnam

2 Vietnam History  Early Kingdoms  Chinese Colonization (111 BC – 938 AD)  Vietnam Monarchy (11 th century to 1945)  French Colonization (1858 - 1945)  First Indochina War (1945 – 1954)  Second Indochina War (1954 – 1975)  Vietnam since the war ended

3 Early Kingdoms

4 Wet rice cultivation

5 Dong Son Bronze Drum

6 Vietnamese Mythology

7 The Hung Kings-Founders of Vietnam


9  Vietnam’s long association with China had an enduring consequences.  Over the millennium, Chinese political institutions, literature, art and music, religion and philosophy, even the Chinese language sank deep roots into Vietnamese soil.

10 Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared- Buddha Buddhism

11 Taoism

12 Confucianism Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it - Confucius

13 Chinese Language

14 938

15 The heroic figures of traditional Vietnam were identified with resistance to Chinese domination: Hai Ba Trung, Ngo Quyen, Ly Thuong Kiet, Tran Hung Dao, Nguyen Trai, Le Loi.

16  In the centuries after the restoration of national independence from China, the Viet people began the southward expansion, prompted by population pressure and national security.  The expansion lasted nearly 700 years long, with the Mekong Delta in South Vietnam as the last territories to be annexed by the Vietnamese.


18 Christianity


20 The Spice Route

21 For much of Asia, the 19 th century was a traumatic time. The Western civilization compelled the whole world to participate in an international market economy. The blending of science, industry and Christianity were driven by competition among its member nations for raw materials and markets, and expanded by arm forces when necessary. For much of Asia, the 19 th century was a traumatic time. The Western civilization compelled the whole world to participate in an international market economy. The blending of science, industry and Christianity were driven by competition among its member nations for raw materials and markets, and expanded by arm forces when necessary.

22 Among the Europeans most interested in the area along the coast of the South Sea China and the Gulf of Siam were the French, and in the middle of the 19 th century when the British began to consolidate their hold on India and Burma, French leaders turned their eyes towards Vietnam.
















38 A new & independent Vietnam


40 The Geneva Conference, 1954

41  The 1954 Geneva Conference left Vietnam a divided nation, with Ho Chi Minh’s communist government ruling the North from Hanoi and Ngo Dinh Diem’s regime, supported by the United States, ruling the South from Saigon.


43 The period that the Americans refer to as the “Vietnam War”- and the Vietnamese call the ‘American War”- was the US military intervention from 1965 to 1973. The war in Vietnam was a result of the US policy during the Cold War, a period when Americans believed that Communism was a threat to their security and power.

44 1965







51 1973

52 1975

53  In 1995, the Vietnamese government reported that its military forces, including the NLF, suffered 1.1 million dead and 600,000 wounded during Hanoi's conflict with the United States.  Civilian deaths were put at two million in the North and South; 300,000 Vietnamese are still listed as MIA.  Approximately 58,183 US Soldiers dead; 1,724 missing; 303,635 wounded; 25% of GIs in Vietnam war were suffered by PTSD.  The direct cost of war was about US$ 165 billion.  ARVN lost 223,748 soldiers.





58 The Vietnam War has been the subject of many films in participant countries including the US. Films from Hollywood such as The Deer Hunter, Apocalypse Now, and the Hamburger Hill… has featured the war in Vietnam differently.

59 The Vietnamese has learnt the war from a different perspective, mainly because of a propaganda by the government

60 The war has gone, but the sorrow of war has remained long on both sides.

61  4OO thousands South Vietnamese- soldiers, teachers, writers, student activists, intellectuals were sent off to reeducation camps.  Conditions varied widely. Executions were rare, and brutality was not a pattern. But thousands of prisoners died before seeing freedom.

62  In the wake of the Vietnamese communist victory, hundreds of thousands of South Vietnamese who had opposed the communists fled by boat, fearing reprisals.


64 Food Voucher

65 Economic Reform Facing the economic crisis, the Vietnamese government announced in 1986 the program of Doi Moi, or Renovation, and began a gradual movement towards a market economy. As part of a major adjustment program, production and consumption subsidies were eliminated from the State budget. Central bank credit was no longer used to finance the budget deficit. Foreign banks were allowed to operate in Vietnam. In the agricultural sector, farmers no longer had to work for collective farms, and were granted the land use right by the government.

66 These reforms have had a dramatic impact on the economy. By 2002, Vietnam was the 3 rd largest exporter of rice, and the 2 nd largest exporter of coffee, pepper and cashew. The benefits from growth have been fairly widespread: poverty rates have declined from 75 percent in 1984 to 55 percent in 1993, and 37 percent in 1998 and 29 percent in 2002. In 2007, Vietnam joined the World Trade Organization as its 150 th member.







73 Mc Donald enters Vietnam

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