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Fundamentals of Land Administration (LAMg-511) Achamyeleh Gashu BDU, ILA October,2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Fundamentals of Land Administration (LAMg-511) Achamyeleh Gashu BDU, ILA October,2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fundamentals of Land Administration (LAMg-511) Achamyeleh Gashu BDU, ILA October,2012

2 1.1.Land From different Perspectives What is Land? October, 2012

3 What is Land? Land is a term with many meanings To the physical geographer:- it is a landscape, the product of geological and geomorphological processes. To the economist:- it is a resource which, along with capital and labour, is to be exploited or conserved in order to achieve economic production and development. To the lawyer:- land is a volume of space stretching notionally from the centre of the earth to the infinite in the sky, and associated with it are a variety of rights which determine what may be done with it. October, 2012

4 Cont… I. Land is a physical reality: Land provides the physical space in which we all live, work and play, and from which we obtain our material needs. It plays a vital role in the breeding and survival strategies of many living species. Land is the foundation of all human activity and its proper management is a key to the creation and sustenance of civilized societies. October, 2012

5 Cont……….. II. Land as economic value: Land comprises all naturally occurring resources whose supply is inherently fixed (i.e., does not respond to changes in price), It is considered as one of the three factors of production and creation of wealth (along with capital and labor). Obtain food and water, materials to build our homes, our shops and factories, and products such as oil, coal and gas that supply us with energy. It is a commodity to which a value can be assigned; can be traded through land markets and can also be taxed to produce revenues. October, 2012

6 Cont….. III. Land is a legal entity: Land extends from the centre of the Earth to the infinite in the sky. It is the volume of space that encompasses the surface of the Earth, all things that are attached to it, and the rocks and minerals that are just below it. Land includes areas covered by water such as seas and lakes, all building and construction, and all natural vegetation. October, 2012

7 Cont…….. IV. Land is a cultural entity: Unlike personal property and the ownership of movable objects, land is immovable and indestructible. It therefore has a cultural dimension that lies at the heart of any nation. People often have an emotional relationship with the land that they claim to own and the locality in which they live Throughout history nations have resorted to war over the possession of land, while at the local level citizens may fight to defend their own personal territories with many disputes over boundaries being resolved at a cost that far exceeds the economic value of what is involved. October, 2012

8 Cont……. Therefore, in the present context land can be defined as an ultimate resource, without it life cannot exist and sustain Land includes both a physical and abstract attributes in that the rights to own or use are attached. It also encompasses all those things directly associated with the surface of the earth, including those areas covered by water, all the material, biological and chemical factors which surround human kind It is thus the air we breath; the water we drink and use for recreation; the land we cultivate, mine and build on; the cities we flock to in growing numbers; etc October, 2012

9 Cont…..

10 1.2. Conceptualization of Land Administration What is Land Administration? What is the difference between Land Management and Land Administration? October, 2012

11 Cont… According to (Dale and McLaughlin, 1988), Land management is the formulation of land policy, the preparation of land development and land use plans, and the administration of a variety of land related programs. On the other hand, land administration includes the functions involved in regulating the development and use of land, gathering revenue from the land and resolving conflicts concerning ownership and use of the land. Land administration is the operational component and part of land management (Nichols and McLaughlin,1990]. October, 2012

12 Cont……. Therefore, land administration is the operational functions of land management for making and implementing land policies; protecting, acquiring, using, transferring, and distributing rights and interests in land; and carries out the distributive functions by planning, organizing, coordinating, directing, and controlling the use of land. Land administration can be seen as a tool for implementing land management policy (P. van der Molen,2002). Land administration as a tool for land policy.pptLand administration as a tool for land policy.ppt October, 2012

13 Cont……  UNECE(1996) further limits the term ‘land administration’ as the processes of determining, recording and disseminating information about ownership, value and use of land when implementing land management policies.  Such process includes the determination (“adjudication” ) of rights and other attributes of the land, the cadastral surveying and description of these, their detailed documentation and the provision of relevant information in support of land markets. October, 2012

14 Cont…….. Both UN-ECE and; Dale and McLaughlin have identified ownership, values, and use as the three key attributes of land (Figure 1). Therefore, land administration encompasses the recording and dissemination of information about the ownership, value and use of land October, 2012

15 Key Attributes of land.docx Key Attributes of land.docx October, 2012

16 Cont…….  In other words, land administration, whether formal or informal, comprises an extensive range of systems and processes to administer: i. Land rights: the allocation of rights in land; the delimitation of boundaries of parcels for which the rights are allocated; the transfer from one party to another through sale, lease, loan, gift or inheritance; and the adjudication of doubts and disputes regarding rights and parcel boundaries. ii. Land-use regulation: land-use planning and enforcement and the adjudication of land use conflicts. iii. Land valuation and taxation: the gathering of revenues through forms of land valuation and taxation, and the adjudication of land valuation and taxation disputes October, 2012

17 Cont….. Thus, land administration functions can be mainly divided into four components; juridical, regulatory, fiscal and information management. The first three functions are traditionally organized around three sets of organizations while the latter, information management is integral to the other three components October, 2012

18 Components Juridical component ( Land ownership) Regulatory component (Land Use) Fiscal component (Land Value) Information Management Component October, 2012

19 Cont……..  The juridical component places greatest emphasis on the holding and registration of rights in land. It comprises a series of processes concerned with the original determination or adjudication of existing land rights, transfers, prescription, and expropriation.  The regulatory component is mostly concerned with the development and use of the land. It includes land development and use restrictions  The fiscal component focuses on the economic utility and value of the land, value. Its processes may be used to support increased revenue collection and production  Information management function land information systems is integral to all three components described above October, 2012

20 Discussion Questions 1. List out the major activities undertaken by your regional/zonal/woreda level land administration institution? 2. Which functions are missing based on the definitions of land administration in the organizational structure of your regional/ zonal/woreda level land administration institution? 3. Suggest/develop your own land administration structure? October, 2012

21 Cont… Land Administration Framework In Amahara October, 2012

22 Cont…………. Thank You October, 2012

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