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fluorescent labeling of protein

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1 fluorescent labeling of protein
Fluoresent Labeling fluorescent labeling of protein

2 Protein, antibodies, peptides, nucleic acids, ligands, synthetic oligonucleotides and other biomolecules, labeling with fluorescent molecules that allows the sensing and visualizing of protein dynamics, localization, and protein-protein interactions, is an invaluable technique to understand protein functions and networks in living cells.

3 1. Enzymatic labeling Incorporate functionalities into proteins at specific sites via enzymatic reactions is one of the most important approaches for protein labeling. The incorporated tags then enable reactions that are chemoselective, whose functional groups not only are inert in biological media, but also do not occur natively in proteins or other macromolecules.

4 2. Chemical labeling Chemical labeling or the use of chemical tags could offer a wider range of colors and photo chemical properties. Also, chemical tags are preferred over fluorescent proteins due to the architectural and size limitations of the fluorescent protein's characteristic b-barrel.

5 3. Protein labeling A short tag is used to minimize disruption of protein folding and function in protein labeling. Sometimes, transition metals are also used to link specific residues in the tags to site-specific targets such as the N, C-termini, or internal sites within the protein.  

6 4. Genetic labeling Genetic labeling, also known as chromosome painting, is a genetic labeling technique utilizes probes that are specific for chromosomal sites along the length of a chromosome. This technique allows abnormalities such as deletions and duplications to be revealed.

7 5. Quantum dot labeling The tunable absorption spectrum and high extinction coefficients of quantum dots have made them attractive for light harvesting technologies such as labeling.

8 With the proliferation of fluorescent proteins in recent years, there are many fluorescent protein combinations that can be imaged together. Genetic encoding of fluorescent proteins (FPs) such as Ethidium bromide, fluorescein and green fluorescent protein are the most popular technique for protein labeling because of some important advantages, including high labeling specificity and simplicity.


10 BOC Sciences provides high quality of fluorescent labeling services, besides with which, the company also offer other professional services like isotope labeling, drug design and so on. For chemicals there are Hsp90 inhibitor and many others.

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