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PROTISTS EUGLENA, AMOEBA, PARAMECIUM. WHAT IS A PROTIST? Kingdom Protista Very diverse single cell organisms. Eukaryotic Less complex with many different.

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2 WHAT IS A PROTIST? Kingdom Protista Very diverse single cell organisms. Eukaryotic Less complex with many different characteristics.

3 EUGLENA Single-celled Protist that live in fresh water. Captures and releases energy- producers (make their own food) and heterotrophs (gets food by eating other things) Some contain chlorophyll

4 MORE INFO ON EUGLENAS Eyespot helps them sense light. Can be autotrophic (produces their own food) Waste- Contractile Vacuole holds excess water and removes it from the cell. Movement- Flagella video

5 MORE INFO ON EUGLENAS Specialization - shape does change easily so it can move around Nucleus- controls activities of Euglena Cell Membrane- Outer Layer that allows movement in and out

6 AMOEBA Found in freshwater and salt water around a lot of dead and decaying material. Captures and releases energy- parasites, they get energy by invading other organsisms

7 MORE INFO ON AMOEBAS Waste- Contractile Vacuole holds excessive waste Movement- pseudopodia (false feet is used to engulf food) amoeba video

8 MORE INFO ON AMOEBAS Food Vacuole- part of cell that stores food

9 PARAMECIUM Found in freshwater. This is a single celled organism but is more complex than other organisms. Captures and releases energy- Cilia sweep food into food passageway. VIDEO

10 PARAMECIUM CONTINUED … Waste- Anal Pore (food waste is removed) and Contractile Vacuole (water waste) Movement- Cilia (tiny hairs that move back and forth.)

11 PARAMECIUM CONTINUED … Gullet- area where food is collected Oral Groove- Opening for taking in food Food Vacuole- food storage sac

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