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Occupations. I am a DOCTOR I work in a Hospital I help sick people She is a NURSE She works in a hospital She helps the doctor.

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Presentation on theme: "Occupations. I am a DOCTOR I work in a Hospital I help sick people She is a NURSE She works in a hospital She helps the doctor."— Presentation transcript:

1 Occupations

2 I am a DOCTOR I work in a Hospital I help sick people She is a NURSE She works in a hospital She helps the doctor

3 He is a BAKER He works in a bakery He makes bread and cackes I am a ENGINEER I work In a building I build houses

4 He is a PILOT He works in an airport He flyes Planes She is a SECRETARY She works in an Office She Writes letters and documents

5 He is a STUDENT He goes to school He studies at school. She is a TEACHER She works in a school She teaches students

6 He is a HAIRDRESSER He works in a barber shop He cuts and fixes our hair He is a SINGER He works in the scenery He sings and play instruments

7 He is a WAITER He works in a restaurant He brings our food I am a CHEF I work in a restaurant I prepare delicious food

8 He is a FIREFIGHTER He works in a firestation He tuns off the fire HE is a POLICEMAN He works in a policestation He protect us from chiefs

9 He is an ASTRONAUT He works in the space He travels to space to explore I am a CLOWN I work in a circus I make people laugh

10 Complete the following sentences using the ocupations you saw. 1. _____________ works in a school. 2. _____________ builds houses. 3. _____________ fly planes. 4. _____________ studies at school. 5. _____________ writes letters and works in an office. 6. _____________ makes breads and cakes. 7. _____________ helps sick people. 8. _____________ makes people laugh. 9. _____________ cuts and fixes our hair. 10. _____________ travels to space. 11. _____________ helps the doctor. 12. _____________ works in a firestation 13. _____________ He sings and play instruments. 14. _____________ prepares delicious food 15. _____________ brings our food

11 Means of transportation

12 Bus Car Bycicle Motorcycle

13 Rocket Helicopter Hot air balloon Plane Aeroplane Military plane


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