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8.5 阅读试题的 设计要求.  1. 语言正确、地道、得体、简体  2. 考点明确  3. 每题只有一个答案  4. 避免无意中透露了答案线索  5. 选择项的长度、结构等尽量保持相似  6. 选择项放到题干中去,无论从语法、语义还 是逻辑上都要讲得通  7. 题干不要完全是填空式或问答式,两种形式.

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Presentation on theme: "8.5 阅读试题的 设计要求.  1. 语言正确、地道、得体、简体  2. 考点明确  3. 每题只有一个答案  4. 避免无意中透露了答案线索  5. 选择项的长度、结构等尽量保持相似  6. 选择项放到题干中去,无论从语法、语义还 是逻辑上都要讲得通  7. 题干不要完全是填空式或问答式,两种形式."— Presentation transcript:

1 8.5 阅读试题的 设计要求

2  1. 语言正确、地道、得体、简体  2. 考点明确  3. 每题只有一个答案  4. 避免无意中透露了答案线索  5. 选择项的长度、结构等尽量保持相似  6. 选择项放到题干中去,无论从语法、语义还 是逻辑上都要讲得通  7. 题干不要完全是填空式或问答式,两种形式 要交替使用

3 8.5.1 语言正确、地道、得体、 简洁 题目本身的语言要自然、地道、不能有 错。同时要注意题目的难度不能超过阅读 材料的难度。此外,题目的表述要准确清 楚。命题人员必须首先彻底弄懂文章的内 容,这样写出来的题目才不至于含混不清, 说不到点子上。

4 8.5.2 考点明确 Which of the following is true according to the passage? A. The city was to be designed together with a harbor. B. The walls around the city would be made of steel and glass. C. The building of the city would rest on a floating island. D. The people would live in tall building surround by a wall.

5 8.5.3 每题只有一个答案 1 写题人要细心,题目出来后反复推敲,自 己没问题了,再请有经验的同事或专家审 阅,从不同的角度审视题干和选项,看会 不会出现多个答案。 2 避开不明确的信息点,围绕文中清清楚楚 的信息点出问题。

6 8.5.4 避免无意中透露了答案线索 设计题目时,不要用和阅读材料里一样的字 眼。如果题目太接近或与原文文字一样,就等 于泄露了答案。有时,还会出现一道题目否定 另一道题目的情况,说明写题人出现了自相矛 盾,这也相当于给另一道题泄露了答案。

7 8.5.5 选择项的长度、结构等尽量保持相似 What is language according to the passage? A. L is the collection of words. B. L is used to share ideas, opinions, news, information, etc among the society. C. L is the words put together. D. L is the same set of sounds of things. What is language according to the passage? A. L is the collection of words. B. L is used to share ideas in society. C. L is the words put together. D. L is the same set of sounds of things.

8 8.5.6 选择项放到题干中去,无论从 语法、语义还是逻辑上都要讲得通 Compared with other forms of current affairs programs, interviews are ____. A. shorter and more efficient B. more carefully prepared C. fairer in approach D. more authentic and direct

9 8.5.7 题干不要完全是 填空式或问答式

10 bye-bye

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