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It’s never too early or too late to begin your career exploration! Go Big! Career Pathways for Large- Scale Community Impact.

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Presentation on theme: "It’s never too early or too late to begin your career exploration! Go Big! Career Pathways for Large- Scale Community Impact."— Presentation transcript:

1 It’s never too early or too late to begin your career exploration! Go Big! Career Pathways for Large- Scale Community Impact

2 Big Impact Career Pathways Development Marketing Community Connection Career Center Engagement Intentional Pathways

3 Meta-Major Academic Pathways Senate Bill 1720 and updated Rule 6A-14.065 to create the concept of "meta-majors" A collection of academic programs that have common or related content FTIC students must declare a Meta-Major Advise students based on the selection of a meta-major academic pathway Gateway Courses

4 Eight Meta- Major Academic Pathways

5 Gateway Courses Each meta-major has defined "gateway" courses for English and mathematics as follows: English - ENC1101 is the gateway English course for all meta-major academic pathways Math - MAC1105, College Algebra OR MGF1106, Liberal Arts Math OR MGF1107, Finite Math OR STA2023, Elementary Statistics

6 Laying the Foundation Meta-Major: Career Pathways Student Affairs, CTE, Academic Affairs Faculty, Associate Deans, Program Managers Mapped Programs to Pathways – Included Top Transfer Majors – Bachelor’s Degrees – All CTE Programs President’s Leadership Academy

7 Career Pathways

8 First Steps Career Coach Specialists Career Center Awareness

9 Shaping the Message Business Career Pathway Collect Labor Market Data – By Pathway – By Degree Type Build Career Awareness Comprehensive Marketing Campaign Connect with K12 and Florida College System

10 Career Awareness

11 Marketing Print – Career Pathways Brochure – 8 Pathway Brochures – Degree Info Sheets Multimedia – Career Literacy Video – Mobile App – Career Commercials – Web Landing Pages



14 Career Literacy Video Voice over animated graphic Introduction for any college presentation Train the trainer for community leaders Change Society Image about Viable, Lucrative Careers!

15 Career Pathways Mobile App: The Game of Life Concept Explore Career and College Options Persistence, Time Management, Balance

16 Home Page Directional 8 Career Pathway 2-minute videos Career Pathway Landing Pages

17 The Heavy Lifting Career pathway declaration Focused career pathway new student orientation Pathway Success Course Intentional pathway with sequenced courses

18 New Admissions Process

19 Beyond the Gateway Courses Sample First 15 ACG 2001-Financial Accounting ECO 2013-Macro Economics CGS 1060-Computer Literacy GEB 1010- Business Pathway Success

20 Go BIG! Mildred G. Coyne, Associate Vice President Career and Technical Education Renee Lay, District Director Career and Technical Education

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