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Title I Requisition Training for School Staff May / August 2010 Presenters: Amanda Gambill and Kim Lavielle.

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Presentation on theme: "Title I Requisition Training for School Staff May / August 2010 Presenters: Amanda Gambill and Kim Lavielle."— Presentation transcript:

1 Title I Requisition Training for School Staff May / August 2010 Presenters: Amanda Gambill and Kim Lavielle

2 what is a requisition? –the first step in purchasing process (also known as purchase requisition or pre-encumbrance) what is SAP? –the system or program that OKCPS uses for human resource and accounting purposes (including purchasing goods/services) why is training important? –different grants (also known as projects or funding sources) have different requirements; different purchases have different requirements Intro

3 Creating Requisitions for Title I— State Submitted Budget what is a State-submitted budget? –budget that a school creates for spending money that they have been allocated; it is submitted to the State Dept of Education for approval during the spring/ summer before the school year begins in the fall why look at the State-submitted budget? –it is the official budget that the school is authorized to operate from for a specific grant –may have issue of goods/services not being in budget or allowable

4 what does a State-submitted budget look like?



7 how to read the State-submitted budget? –summary page—shows the total amount in each function/object –justification page(s)—describes the goods/ services being purchased in each function/object –function code—number related to the purpose/ use of a good/service/activity (ex: 1000 is related to instruction, both classroom instruction and extended day instruction) –object code—number related to the actual good/service/activity (ex: 611 is related to paper)

8 why are function and object codes important? –they are part of the Oklahoma Cost Accounting System from the State; are also known as OCAS codes; these are codes used for financial transactions

9 Creating Requisitions for Title I— SAP Budget why look at budget in SAP? –may have issue of no money budgeted or insufficient funds budgeted –many grants, projects or funding sources general fund (000)library fund (015) IDEA, Special Ed (621)Delinquent (532) School Improvement (515) Neglected (518) SIG (Supplemental School Imp; 519) Title I (511) SIG (School Imp ARRA, 537)Title I ARRA (516) Distinguished School Award (517)

10 how to access budget in SAP? –select “Expenditure Summary by Object” report by typing in “Y_OKD_48000045” in menu –enter fund and fund center (fund is the numbers related to a grant, such as 511 for Title I; fund center is the numbers related to the site, such as 069 for central office; fund plus fund center numbers are the same as the cost center)




14 how to read budget in SAP? –pre-encumbrance—represents the amount that is in a requisition (PR) –encumbrance—represents the amount that is in a purchase order (PO) –accounts payable—represents the amount that has been invoiced –payments issued—represents the amount that has been paid to a vendor –total assigned—represents the amount that is in a requisition, purchase order, has been invoiced or has been paid to a vendor –balance remaining—represents the amount that is not in a requisition, purchase order, etc

15 Creating Requisitions for Title I— Steps in SAP how to create a requisition? –select “Create Requisition” transaction (can also type “ME51” in menu


17 –enter account assignment, whether “U” or “K” (“U” represents a draft item; “K” represents an item that will be assigned to a cost center; “A” represents an item that will be assigned an asset code by the Finance Dept as its cost is $2,500 or more) –enter delivery date (date the good/service is needed or expected) –plant—site that is purchasing the good/service (ex: 069 is the central office); also known as site number or fund center –purchasing group—this is person in the Purchasing Dept who will convert the requisition to a purchase order –material group—type of item being purchased (ex: CO0020 is for computer hardware & accessories) –requisitioner—person creating requisition in SAP


19 –enter short text (information regarding the good/service being purchased) –enter quantity (number of goods needed or total amount for service) –enter unit (description of good/service being ordered, such as “each” or “box”)


21 –enter value price (amount of good) –enter vendor (person or company that is selling the good/service, such as Massco for paper supplies)


23 –enter G/L account (these numbers relate to the good/service being purchased; is comprised of a “5” plus the function and object and “00”) –enter cost center (made up of the fund center plus “11” plus the fund, such as 06911511 for central office Title I budget) –enter order number (these numbers specify the type of program paying for the good/service and the recipient of the good/service; is comprised of a program number, such as 494 for a schoolwide Title I site, and a subject number, such as 1130 for elementary reading)


25 –enter long text (information regarding the good/service being purchased; this area is for additional information that cannot fit in the short text area)

26 select “save” by clicking on the disk icon

27 requisition number will appear at bottom

28 requisition is released according to release strategy in SAP –what is this? this is the way to track approval of the good/service being requested/ ordered; this is the way to track the denial of the good/service being requested/ordered (will not be released if it is not allowable) –who is on the release strategy? BL—this represents the school building; principal should be aware of & approve the purchase as they are responsible for spending the funds

29 BF—this represents the Title I office; they must verify the item is mentioned in the budget, has correct OCAS coding (GL account, cost center & order number), & has necessary information entered in the short/long text to be processed RA—this represents the Budget/Finance Dept; they must verify the item is allowable, has correct OCAS coding (GL account, cost center & order number), & has necessary information entered in the short/long text to be processed

30 –how to find the release strategy? click on flag icon in requisition display mode


32 –how to read the release strategy? “releases to date” represents who has released the requisition as of the moment you are looking in SAP click on flag icon in requisition display mode “final releases” represents who is supposed to release the requisition & the order of the release/ approval

33 requisition is converted to a purchase order in SAP –what is a purchase order (PO)? this is the official document from the district used to order the goods or service from the vendor –who converts a requisition to a PO? Purchasing Dept –how does the PO get to the vendor? the Purchasing Dept faxes a copy of the PO document to the vendor; if anyone else gives a copy of the PO document or the PO number to a vendor, it is not considered official until the vendor receives it from the Purchasing Dept

34 Creating Requisitions for Title I— Steps outside of SAP technology orders—must be approved by the IT Dept via TPR approval –what is TPR approval? process in which IT Dept either approves or disapproves technology and technology related goods/services –why does IT need to approve or disapprove my goods/services? district hardware, software, network and staff must be able to support/work with the technology

35 –what needs TPR approval? anything that connects to a computer or the network anything that gets installed on a computer anything that the IT Dept will be asked to fix or work on if it breaks –what is the approval process? after creating the requisition in SAP, school fills out a Technology Purchase Request (TPR) form school submits TPR form to IT Dept via email to Sarah Julian IT Dept approves TPR and puts it on the TPR portal/website

36 Title I Office checks the TPR portal/website to see what has been approved by the IT Dept and releases requisition in SAP if it has TPR approval requisition is released according to release strategy in SAP Purchasing Dept checks the TPR portal/website to see what has been approved by the IT Dept and converts requisition to a purchase order if it has TPR approval

37 –what does the TPR form look like?

38 assets—must be approved by the Finance Dept –what is this? process in which Finance Dept assigns an asset number to an individual item that is worth $2,500 or more –what is the approval process? after creating the requisition in SAP, school fills out an Asset Request form school submits Asset Request form via email to Janet Cimbalo Finance Dept assigns an asset number to the item in SAP

39 Title I Office checks SAP to see if an asset number has been assigned to the item Title I Office releases requisition in SAP based on what has an asset number requisition is released according to release strategy in SAP Purchasing Dept converts requisition to a purchase order based on what has an asset number

40 –what does the Asset Request form look like?

41 travel—must be approved via memo approval –what is travel memo approval? process in which Title I Office, RED and Assistant Superintendent either approves or disapproves for school staff to attend training outside of the school building –what is the travel approval process? after creating the requisition in SAP, school creates a travel memo & fills out Request for Leave & Request for Conference Attendance forms school submits travel memo & forms to RED RED verifies that they approve the school staff to be out of the building & that the travel is relevant to the needs of the school by signing the travel memo

42 Title I Office verifies that travel is mentioned in budget & that there is sufficient money in budget for people traveling by signing the travel memo Title I Office releases requisition in SAP for the expenses of that travel requisition is released according to release strategy in SAP Assistant Superintendent verifies that they approve the school staff to be out of the building & that the travel is relevant to the needs of the school/district by signing the travel memo Purchasing Dept converts requisition to a purchase order if it has an approved travel memo

43 –what does a travel memo look like?

44 contracts—must be approved by the school board –what is this? process in which district school board either approves or disapproves for school(s) to contract with a vendor –what is the board approval process? after creating the requisition in SAP, school creates a board agenda memo & fills out a contract for vendor school submits board agenda memo & contract to RED

45 Executive Director verifies that they approve the school to contract with the vendor by signing the board approval memo Title I Office verifies that vendor is mentioned in budget & that there is sufficient money in budget for the contract by signing the board approval memo school board meets & approves contract Title I Office releases requisition in SAP for the vendor requisition is released according to release strategy in SAP Purchasing Dept converts requisition to a purchase order if it has an approved board memo

46 –what does a board approval memo look like?

47 –what does a contract look like?

48 $50,000 limit on vendor—must be approved by the school board –what is this? process in which district school board either approves or disapproves for school(s) to spend more than $50,000 on one vendor –what is the board approval process? after creating the requisition in SAP, school creates a board agenda school submits board agenda memo to RED RED verifies that they approve the school(s) to spend $50,000 or more with one vendor by signing the board approval memo

49 Title I Office verifies that vendor is mentioned in budget & that there is sufficient money in budget for the vendor by signing the board approval memo school board meets & approves spending more than $50,000 on one vendor Title I Office releases requisition in SAP for the vendor requisition is released according to release strategy in SAP Purchasing Dept converts requisition to a purchase order if it has an approved board memo

50 Creating Requisitions for Title I— Completing the Process keeping track of requisitions –why keep track of requisitions? school is responsible for spending money allocated to them for Title I allows school to monitor own spending helps school follow proper purchasing procedures helps school complete the purchasing process –how to keep track of requisitions? keep a log of all requisitions for Title I

51 –what does a requisition log look like?

52 proper purchasing procedures –requisition must have been converted to a purchase order before the goods are ordered, services are started or travel takes place –the school is responsible for making sure there is a purchase order beforehand –if goods are ordered, services are started or travel takes place before there is a purchase order, it is considered an illegal purchase –the requisition is considered a confirmation request & is put on hold for approval

53 completing the purchasing process –goods receipt school verifies that goods/ services were received via entering information in SAP this is the only way that the Accounts Payable Dept knows that goods/services were received –invoice vendor provides document verifying that they have delivered goods/services to Accounts Payable Dept this is the only way that the Accounts Payable Dept knows the exact amount being charged for goods/services delivered by a vendor Accounts Payable Dept enters invoice amount in SAP

54 –closing requisition school deletes (closes) requisition in SAP –closing purchase order school contacts Purchasing Dept to close purchase order Purchasing Dept closes purchase order in SAP

55 Creating Requisitions for Title I— Frequent Issues not looking at State-submitted budget before creating a requisition (may have issue of no money budgeted for that specific item or no money budgeted for that specific function/object combination) not looking at budget in SAP before creating a requisition (may have issue of no money budgeted for that specific item or no money budgeted for that specific object) purchasing goods/services that are not allowable under that specific grant/project/funding sourceincorrect information, such as G/L account, cost center, order number

56 missing important information in the requisition, such as detail on goods/services being purchased or information for conference incorrect amount based on quantity & value (may have issue of budget exceeded message in SAP) requisition left in draft (U) mode (may have issue of never receiving goods/services needed) requisition not released from building (may have issue of never receiving goods/services needed) requisition entered too close to date goods/services are needed (may have issue of not getting a purchase order in time) requisition created after goods/services received (may have issue of requisition not being converted to a purchase order at all)

57 not separating between teachers and non-instructional staff for requisitions for travel changing info on part of requisition but not all (ex: changing function code for only first line item when all line items need to be changed) technology paperwork submitted a long time after creating the requisition, if submitted at all (may have issue of requisition not being converted to a purchase order in a timely manner) board agenda memo submitted a long time after creating the requisition, if it is submitted at all (may have issue of requisition not being converted to a purchase order in a timely manner) trying to purchase goods/services for something that cannot be purchased with a requisition (ex: food from CNS, transportation from Transportation Dept, stipends)

58 Title I Handbook (???) Title I Budget Training (April 2011) CIP Training—Title I Budget & Financial Processes (April 2009) OCAS Manual (revised every July) Financial Training for School Personnel (February 2006) SAP Training on Budget Monitoring SAP Training on Purchase Requisitions Resources

59 Title I Office (Federal Programs Dept) 587-0160 297-6687 (fax) Amanda Gambill 587-0278 Kim Lavielle 587-0168 Amanda Blanchard 587-0103 Contact Information

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