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Creating the Constitution What is the big conflict between the states? What plans are proposed to solve the issue? What is the great compromise?

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Presentation on theme: "Creating the Constitution What is the big conflict between the states? What plans are proposed to solve the issue? What is the great compromise?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating the Constitution What is the big conflict between the states? What plans are proposed to solve the issue? What is the great compromise?

2 Philadelphia Convention Purpose: improve the Articles of Confederation –Instead confederation was scraped and a new constitution was written

3 Philadelphia Convention 55 delegates came Delegate: person who represents others in a meeting Framers:writers of the constitution –Average age 44 (Young) –Played a role in Revolution –3/4 served in Congress

4 Philadelphia Convention Framers James Madison: Father of the Constitution –Came with a plan for a stronger national government

5 Philadelphia Convention Framers George Washington –Chief of army during war –Believed in a stronger national government –Not interested in politics wanted to farm

6 Philadelphia Convention Framers Benjamin Franklin –81 –Poor health –Printer, inventor, writer, revolutionary, peacemaker, and diplomat –He encourage delegates to cooperate with each other

7 Philadelphia Convention Framers Gouverneur Morris –From NY –Served in state militia –Had been member of Continental Congress –Good speechmaker –Helped write the constitution

8 Who didn’t come Thomas Jefferson- in France John Adams- in England

9 Who didn’t come Patrick Henry: said I’m not coming –“I smell a rat” –He hated the idea of a strong national government and thought a new constitution would be written

10 Who didn’t come? No blacks, Native Americans, or Poor Farmers Rhode Island refused to send anyone

11 What rules did the Framers agree to follow Framers: frame or shape, and wrote the US Constitution Everyone agreed George Washington would be in charge of meetings

12 What they agreed to do 1) Decided not to improve the Articles but write a new constitution 2) keep it a secret who was at the convention for 30 years –Why do you think they did this? 3) Give each state one vote in convention proceedings no matter the size –Why do you think they did this?

13 Ideas Agreed upon National government should be a constitutional government with limited powers Purpose of government is to protect fundamental rights and promote common good Strong national government needed to protect fundamental rights

14 Ideas Agreed Upon Republican form of government to elect represent A system with a separation of powers and checks and balance was need to prevent abuse of powers

15 Creating Constitution 4 months to write and agree upon Revisions throughout history More than 200 years later and still going

16 Creating a Constitution Lots on debate on how to do it –Small vs... large states

17 Creating a Constitution What do you the issue will be between the small and large states?

18 Small vs.. Large Debate Small –Didn’t wanted large populations control the government –Wanted equal representation –Equal representation: all states have same vote in congress

19 Small vs.. Large Debate Large –Unfair that small states had the same power –Wanted Proportional representation –Proportional representation: representations based on number of people living in a state

20 Small vs.. Large Debate Time to do a little math... –In pairs you will need to complete worksheet and use pg 115 from We the People –Read pg 115 –List the states in either large or small columns –Then list the population –Complete step 3 & 4 on chart

21 Small vs.. Large Debate What did you discover about representation? What seems better to you?

22 Small vs.. Large Debate Read page 116 & 117 and fill out T chart about the Virginia and New Jersey Plan

23 Small vs.. Large Debate Why plan do you like better and why? How could you revise it to make it better?

24 The Great Compromise Congress has 2 houses 1 based on on proportional representation –House –Develop all bills dealing with taxes and government spending

25 Great Compromise 1 house based on equal representation –Senate –Accept or reject bills related to taxes and spending –Now they can make changes in bills

26 Work Cited caucus-focuses-on-the-10th-amendment caucus-focuses-on-the-10th-amendment content/uploads/2009/07/presidents-thomas-jefferson-and-john- adams.jpg content/uploads/2009/07/presidents-thomas-jefferson-and-john- adams.jpg

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