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The Presidents of the United States of America Presenting the 44 Presidents of the United States A fun and interactive lesson for Grades 2-4.

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1 The Presidents of the United States of America Presenting the 44 Presidents of the United States A fun and interactive lesson for Grades 2-4

2 George Washington 1789-1797 First President of the United States of America Nicknamed: the Father of his Country Helped win the Revolutionary War as a General. Home in Mount Vernon, Virginia Washington D.C. was named after him Facts: Vice President: John Adams Married: Martha Custis Lived: February 22, 1732-December 14, 1799 1

3 John Adams 1791-1801 Built up the United States Navy Called “The Father of the Navy” Father to John Quincy Adams – 6 th President of the U.S. Signed the Declaration of Independence Died on July 4, 1826 – Independence Day Facts: Vice President: Thomas Jefferson Married: Abigail Smith Lived: October 30, 1735 – July 4, 1826 2

4 Thomas Jefferson 1801-1809 Wrote most of the Declaration of Independence Governor of Virginia Founder of the University of Virginia Died the same day as John Adams – July 4, 1826 Facts: Vice President: Aaron Burr & George Clinton Married: Martha Skelton Lived: April 13, 1743 – July 4, 1826 3

5 James Madison 1809-1817 Representative from Virginia Shortest President, stood 5’6” Face on the $5,000 bill Member of both the Democratic and Republican Party Facts: Vice President: George Clinton & Elbridge Gerry Married: Dolly Todd Lived: March 16, 1751 – June 28, 1836 4

6 James Monroe 1817-1825 Governor of Virginia Set forth the Monroe Doctrine No European country could colonize land in the Americas Member of both the Democratic & Republican Parties Facts: Vice President: Daniel D. Tompkins Married: Elizabeth Kortright Lived: April 28, 1758 – July 4, 1831 5

7 John Quincy Adams 1825-1829 Son of John Adams, Second President of the U.S. Lawyer Argued for African slaves who rebelled on the La Amistad Won rights of freedom for Africans. First former President to be photographed in 1848 Facts: Vice President: John C. Calhoun Married: Louisa Johnson Lived: July 11, 1767 – February 23, 1848 6

8 Andrew Jackson 1829-1837 General & known for his toughness Nicknamed “Old Hickory” First representative from Tennessee Face on the $20 bill Facts: Vice President: John C. Calhoun Married: Rachel Donelson Lived: March 15, 1767-June 8, 1845 7

9 Martin Van Buren 1837-1841 Senator & Governor New York Resident Had to learn English later in life Grew up speaking Dutch Facts: Vice President: Richard M. Johnson Married: Hannah Hoes Lived: Decemebr 5, 1782-July 24, 1862 8

10 William Henry Harrison 1841 (March 4-April 4) Grandfather of Benjamin Harrison (23 rd President) Senator from Ohio Died in office of Pneumonia Served shortest term as President (one month) General Facts: Vice President: John Tyler Married: Anna Symmes Lived: February 9, 1773 – April 4, 1841 9

11 John Tyler 1841 - 1845 Governor & Senator from Virginia Became President when Harrison passed away First President married while in office Whig party Facts: Vice President: None Married: Letitia Christian Lived: March 29, 1790 – January 18, 1862 1010

12 James Knox Polk 1845 - 1849 Governor Representative From Tennessee Boundaries of United States were stretched to Pacific Ocean Facts: Vice President: George M. Dallas Married: Sarah Childress Lived: November 2, 1795 – June 15, 1849 1

13 Zachary Taylor 1849 - 1850 General Nicknamed “Old Rough and Ready” Never voted until his own election Whitey (his horse) grazed on the White House Lawn Died after a Fourth of July Celebration Facts: Vice President: Millard Fillmore Married: Margaret Smith Lived: November 24, 1784 – July 9, 1850 1212

14 Millard Fillmore 1850 - 1853 Representative from New York Read the dictionary during breaks as young mill worker Abigail (wife) started the President Library in the Oval Room Facts: Vice President: None Married: Abigail Powers (d. 1853); Caroline McIntosh Lived: January 7, 1800 – March 8, 1874 1313

15 Franklin Pearce 1853 - 1857 General Representative & Senator from New Hampshire Took office at age 48 Youngest President to serve at the time Facts: Vice President: William Rufus Married: Jane Appleton Lived: November 23, 1804 – October 8, 1869 1414

16 James Buchanan 1857 - 1861 Senator from Pennsylvania Only President that never married Had one near-sighted & one far-sighted eye Seven states seceded from the U.S. under his term They formed the Confederate States of America Facts: Vice President: John C. Breckinridge Married: Never Married Lived: April 23, 1791 – June 1, 1868 1515

17 Abraham Lincoln 1861 - 1865 Nicknamed “Honest Abe” Served during the Civil War Declared all slaves were to be free First President to be assassinated Shot while watching a play at Ford’s Theater Facts: Vice President: Hannibal Hamlin; Andrew Johnson Married: Mary Todd Lived: February 12, 1809 – April 15, 1865 1616

18 Andrew Johnson 1865 - 1869 U.S. Senator & Governor From Tennessee Bought the territory of Alaska from Russia Facts: Vice President: None Married: Eliza McCardle Lived: December 29, 1808 – July 31, 1871 1717

19 Ulysses S. Grant 1869 - 1877 General Commander of the United States Army Changed his name from Hiram Ulysses Grant Did not want the initials: H.U.G. Face is on the $50 bill Facts: Vice President: Schulyer Colfax; Henry Wilson Married: Julia Dent Lived: April 27, 1822 – July 23, 1885 1818

20 Rutherford B. Hayes 1877 - 1881 Governor from Ohio Signed a bill that allowed female lawyers to argue cases before the Supreme Court Facts: Vice President: William Almon Married: Lucy Webb Lived: October 4, 1822 – January 17, 1893 1919

21 James Abram Garfield 1881 (6 ½ months) Former Minister Called “The Preacher President” First left-handed President Second President to be assassinated Campaigned in both English & Spanish Facts: Vice President: Chester Alan Arthur Married: Lucretia Rudolph Lived: November 19, 1831 – September 19, 1881 2020

22 Chester Alan Arthur 1881 - 1885 Became President upon the death of Garfield Very sick with kidney disease during his term Kept it a secret Facts: Vice President: None Married: Ellen Herndon Lived: October 5, 1829 – November 18, 1886 2121

23 Grover Cleveland 1885 – 1889 & 1893 - 1897 Only President to serve terms that were years apart First President to be wed in the White House First President to have a child born in the White House Unveiled the Statute of Liberty (a gift from France) on October 28, 1886 Facts: Vice President: Thomas A. Hendricks & Adlai E. Stevenson Married: Frances Folsom Lived: March 18, 1837 – June 24, 1908 2 2424

24 Benjamin Harrison 1889 - 1893 General Grandson of William Harrison (9 th President) Became President 100 years after George Washington Facts: Vice President: Levi P. Morton Married: Caroline Scott (d. 1892); Mary Dimmick Lived: August 20, 1833 – March 13, 1901 2323

25 William McKinley, Jr. 1897 - 1901 Called the “Idol of Ohio” Assassinated six months into second term Face is on the $500 bill- which is no longer in circulation Facts: Vice President: Garret A. Hobart; Theodore Roosevelt Married: Ida Saxton Lived: January 29, 1843 – September 14, 1901 2525

26 Theodore Roosevelt 1901 - 1909 Took office after McKinley’s death “Teddy” was the youngest President at 42 years, 10 months Face is on Mount Rushmore Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1906 for peace between Russia & Japan Established five National Parks Facts: Vice President: Charles W. Fairbanks Married: Alice Lee (d. 1884); Edith Carow Lived: October 27, 1858 – January 6, 1919 2626

27 William Howard Taft 1909 - 1913 Nicknamed “Big Bill” Largest President: 6’ tall, over 300 lbs. Started the Federal Income Tax Facts: Vice President: James S. Sherman Married: Nellie Herron Lived: September 15, 1857 – March 8, 1930 2727

28 Woodrow Wilson 1913 - 1921 Nicknamed “The Professor”, only President to earn a Ph.D. President during the Great War (World War I) Won the 1919 Nobel Peace Prize for founding the League of Nations Signed the 19 th Amendment-Gave women the right to vote Facts: Vice President: Thomas R. Marshall Married: Ellen Axson (d. 1914); Edith Galt Lived: December 28, 1856 – February 3, 1924 2828

29 Warren G. Harding 1921 - 1923 First President to receive votes from women Died while in office, while returning from a trip to Alaska First President to speak on the radio At age 19, he ran a newspaper Facts: Vice President: Calvin Coolidge Married: Florence Kling Lived: November 2, 1865 – August 2, 1923 2929

30 Calvin Coolidge 1923 - 1929 Took office upon the death of President Harding Sworn in by a justice of the peace in Vermont Born on the Fourth of July Facts: Vice President: Charles G. Dawes Married: Grace Goodhue Lived: July 4, 1872 – January 5, 1933 3030

31 Herbert Hoover 1929 - 1933 President during the stock market crash on October 29, 1929 “Black Tuesday” Led to the Great Depression Mining Engineer Chairman of the Boys’ Clubs of America President during the “Dust Bowl” where crops failed Facts: Vice President: Charles Curtis Married: Lou Henry Lived: August 10, 1874 – October 20, 1964 3131

32 Franklin Delano Roosevelt 1933 - 1945 5 th cousin of Theodore Roosevelt Elected four times, longest serving President President during World War II, died 3 weeks before victory in Europe Stricken with polio at age 39 Polio affected his legs & he used canes a wheelchair Facts: Vice President: John N. Garner; Henry A. Wallace; Harry S. Truman Married: Eleanor Roosevelt Lived: January 30, 1882 – April 12, 1945 3232

33 Harry S. Truman 1945 - 1953 Had no middle name, he added the “S” Became President upon the death of Roosevelt Led the nation during World War II Facts: Vice President: Alben W. Barkley Married: Bess Wallace Lived: May 8, 1884 – December 26, 1972 3

34 Dwight D. Eisenhower 1953 - 1961 General “Ike” Eisenhower Commander of Allied Forces in Europe during World War II First Present to serve all 50 United States Alaska & Hawaii joined the United States in 1959 Facts: Vice President: Richard M. Nixon Married: Mamie Doud Lived: October 14, 1890 – March 28, 1969 3434

35 John F. Kennedy 1961 - 1963 Nicknamed “J.F.K.” First Catholic President, born after 1900 & youngest to be elected Assassinated in Dallas, Texas - Country mourned his death Known for envisioning great things for the U.S. Face is on the 50 cent coin Facts: Vice President: Lyndon B. Johnson Married: Jacqueline Bouvier Lived: May 29, 1917 – November 22, 1963 3535

36 Lyndon B. Johnson 1963 - 1969 Nicknamed “L.B.J.” Had been a teacher, rancher and a Senator Became President upon the death of Kennedy Took oath of office for President on Air Force One Facts: Vice President: Hubert H. Humphrey Married: Claudia “Lady Bird” Taylor Lived: August 27, 1908 – January 22, 1973 3636

37 Richard M. Nixon 1969 - 1974 President when the first man walked on the moon Involved in an illegal cover-up First President to resign from office Facts: Vice President: Spiro T. Agnew; Gerald R. Ford Married: Thelma “Pat” Ryan Lived: January 9, 1913 – April 22, 1994 3737

38 Gerald R. Ford, Jr. 1974 - 1977 Voters of Michigan elected him as U.S. Representative, 13 times Appointed to Vice President by Nixon Became President when Nixon resigned Never elected into an executive branch office Facts: Vice President: Nelson A. Rockefeller Married: Elizabeth “Betty” Bloomer Lived: July 14, 1913 – December 26, 2006 3838

39 James E. Carter 1977 - 1981 Called “The Peanut President”, family ran a peanut farm in Georgia Helped negotiate peace between Egypt & Israel Won Nobel Peace Price in 2002 for advancing peace & human rights Facts: Vice President: Walter Mondale Married: Rosalyn Smith Lived: October 1, 1924 - Present 3939

40 Ronald W. Reagan 1981 - 1989 Our oldest President - 69 years, 11 months to 77 years, 11 months Seriously wounded in an assassination attempt Joked “I forgot to duck” Actor & Governor of California – appeared in 53 films Liked Jelly Beans Facts: Vice President: George H.W. Bush Married: Jane Wyman; Nancy Davis Lived: February 6, 1911 – June 5, 2004 4040

41 George H.W. Bush 1989 - 1993 Ambassador to the United Nations Director of the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) President during the Persian Gulf War Father of George W. Bush, the 43 rd President Facts: Vice President: Dan Quayle Married: Barbara Pierce Lived: June 12, 1924 - Present 4141

42 William J. Clinton 1993 - 2001 Governor of Arkansas at age 32 Third youngest President at age 46 First White House Website developed on October 21, 1994 Impeached by House of Representatives, acquitted by the Senate Saxophone player Facts: Vice President: Albert Gore, Jr. Married: Hillary Rodham Lived: August 19, 1946 - Present 4242

43 George W. Bush 2001 - 2009 Former Governor of Texas Son of George H.W. Bush (President #41) In office when terrorists attacked on September 11, 2001 Served as President during Afghanistan, Iraq and Hurricane Katrina Facts: Vice President: Richard B. Cheney Married: Laura Welch Lived: July 6, 1946 - Present 4343

44 Barack H. Obama II 2009 - Present First African-American President Father was from Kenya, Mother was from Kansas Community organizer and Senator from Illinois Won Nobel Peace Prize for efforts to strengthen international diplomacy Facts: Vice President: Joseph R. Biden, Jr. Married: Michelle Robinson Lived: August 4, 1961 - Present 4

45 The first 10 states to enter the Union. 1)Delaware 12/7/1787 2)Pennsylvania12/12/1787 3)New Jersey 12/18/1787 4)Georgia 1/2/1788 5)Connecticut 1/9/1788 6)Massachusetts 2/6/1788 7)Maryland 4/28/1788 8)South Carolina 5/23/1788 9)New Hampshire 6/21/1788 10)Virginia 6/25/1788

46 What does James Monroe have in common with John Adams & Thomas Jefferson? 1)He died on July 4 th 2)He wore a big hat 3)Served during the Great Depression 4)Loved Jelly Beans 5)*Answer: He died on July 4th

47 Harrison only served from March 4 to April 4, 1841. How many days was that? 1)28 days 2)30 days 3)32 days 4)34 days *Answer: 32 Days

48 What job did both Polk and Tyler hold? 1)A baseball player 2)A General 3)A Senator 4)A Lawyer 5)*Answer: A Lawyer

49 What did Pierce put up in the White House for the first time? 1)A Light 2)A Christmas Tree 3)A Self-Portrait 4)A Basketball net 5)*A Christmas Tree

50 What job was held by Fillmore, Pierce & Buchanan? 1)A Lawyer 2)A Reporter 3)A Horse Whisperer 4)A Peanut Farmer 5)*Answer: A Lawyer

51 What job did Andrew Johnson hold? 1)Seamstress 2)Soldier 3)Candle Maker 4)Tailor 5)*Answer: Tailor

52 What were Ulysses S. Grant’s original initials 1)B.U.G. 2)H.U.G. 3)T.U.G. 4)M.U.G. 5)*Answer: HUG

53 What rank was held by both Hayes & Garfield? 1)General 2)Private 3)Corporal 4)Lieutenant 5)*Answer: General

54 What gift did President Cleveland unveil on October 28, 1886 1)New Clothes 2)A Christmas Gift 3)Statue of Liberty 4)Train Set 5)*Answer: Statue of Liberty

55 What same job did Cleveland, Harrison & McKinley hold? 1)Washington Post 2)Horse Groomer 3)Lawyer 4)Mayor 5)*Answer: Washington Post & Lawyer

56 Pick the Presidents depicted on Mount Rushmore! 1)Thomas Jefferson 2)Abraham Lincoln 3)George Washington 4)Theodore Roosevelt 5)All of the above 6)*Answer: All of the Above

57 What was the 19 th Amendment? 1)Right to Free Speech 2)Gave women the right to vote 3)Power to the States 4)Freedom of the Press 5)*Answer: Gave women the right to vote

58 During what time period did Herbert Hoover serve? 1)World War I 2)World War II 3)The Great Depression 4)The Korean War 5)*Answer: The Great Depression

59 FDR’s face is on which coin? 1)Nickel 2)Quarter 3)Dime 4)Penny 5)*Answer: Dime

60 What sign did Truman have on his desk that became very well known? 1)Read my lips 2)Tear Down that Wall 3)The Buck Stops Here 4)I can not tell a lie 5)*Answer: The Buck Stops Here

61 What two states became part of our country in 1959? 1)New Jersey 2)Hawaii 3)Florida 4)Alaska 5)*Answer: Hawaii & Alaska

62 What did JFK envision for the United States? 1)Landing a man on the moon 2)IPad’s 3)Drive a car 4)Create the Internet 5)*Answer: Landing a man on the moon

63 Where did Lyndon Johnson take the oath of office? 1)Oval Office 2)Air Force One 3)Lincoln Memorial 4)Supreme Court 5)*Answer: Air Force One

64 Who was President when Neil Armstrong landed on the moon? 1)George H.W. Bush 2)Clinton 3)Ford 4)Richard Nixon 5)*Answer: Richard Nixon

65 What was Jimmy Carter’s nickname? 1)The Peanut President 2)Ike 3)Big Bill 4)Teddy 5)*Answer: The Peanut President

66 What was Ronald Reagan’s favorite treat? 1)Ice Cream 2)Gum 3)Jelly Beans 4)Reese’s Pieces 5)*Answer: Jelly Beans

67 Who was President during the Persian Gulf War? 1)Obama 2)George H.W. Bush 3)Clinton 4)Reagan 5)*Answer: George H.W. Bush

68 What instrument did President Clinton play? 1)Flute 2)Bagpipes 3)Saxophone 4)Guitar 5)*Answer: Saxophone

69 What events occurred during George W. Bush’s presidency? 1)September 11, 2001 2)Afghanistan War 3)Iraq War 4)Hurricane Katrina 5)All 6)*Answer: All

70 What is the significance of President Obama’s election? 1)41 st President 2)Gave the Gettysburg Address 3)Ended the Vietnam War 4)First African-American President 5)*Answer: First African-American President

71 Prez Quiz 1)Who was the youngest person to become President? 2)Who was the youngest person to be elected President? 3)Who was the oldest President? 4)Who was the shortest President? 5)Who was the tallest President? 6)Who was the first President to live in the White House? 7)Who was the first President to have a child born in the White House? 8)Which Presidents died on July 4? 9)Which President was born on July 4? 10)Which Presidents won the Nobel Peace Prize? 11)What does POTUS stand for?

72 Presidential Quiz Answers: 1)Theodore Roosevelt 2)John F. Kennedy 3)Ronald Reagan 4)James Madison 5)Abraham Lincoln 6)John Adams 7)Grover Cleveland 8)John Adams 9)Calvin Coolidge 10)Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Jimmy Carter, Barack Obama 11)President of The United States

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