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“The most badass of all American Demographics” –Urban Dictionary.

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Presentation on theme: "“The most badass of all American Demographics” –Urban Dictionary."— Presentation transcript:

1 “The most badass of all American Demographics” –Urban Dictionary

2 Total Irish American Population Irish-American Population by State Biggest Irish-American populated Cities Irish Political Power U.S. Presidents with Irish Heritage Power in Office Emerald Societies Famous Irish-Americans How People Celebrate St Patrick’s Day Average St Patrick’s Day Spending Sources




6 Urban politics in the 1900’s was how the Irish in America started out their monumental success in the political arena. By taking control of the democratic party they created the perfect political machine. Through voter fraud and “under the table” rewards the political machines controlled by the Irish were able to bring support for individuals and families attempting to adapt to city life in a new country. Although the political machines were created to serve Irish-American interests immigrants like the Poles, Jews, and Italians benefited from them. The political world moved more towards National Politics leaving the political machines of the 19 th and early 20 th centuries with dissipated power. By the 1960’s the way was clear for the successful campaign of Democratic presidential nominee John F. Kennedy.

7 Andrew Jackson 7 th President James Knox Polk 11 th President James Buchanan 15 th President Andrew Johnson 17 th President Ulysses S. Grant 18 th President Chester A. Arthur 21 st President Grover Cleveland 22 nd President Benjamin Harrison 23 rd president William McKinley 25 th president Theodore Roosevelt 26 th president William Howard Taft 27 th president Woodrow Wilson 28 th President Warren G Harding 29 th president Harry S. Truman 33 rd president John F. Kennedy 35 th president Richard Nixon 37 th president Jimmy Carter 39 th President Ronald Reagan 40 th president George H. W. Bush 41 st President Bill Clinton 42 nd President George W. Bush 43 rd President Barack Obama 44 th president



10 Grace Kelly – Actress Georgia O’Keeffe – Painter John McEnroe – Tennis Pro Danica Patrick – Race Car Driver Bill O’Reilly – Radio Personality Henry Ford - Entrepreneur William J Brennan Jr. – Supreme Court Justice Tom Clancy – Author Eileen Collins – Astronaut Walt Disney – Entrepreneur Bing Crosby – Actor, Singer

11 . St Patrick was born in Roman Britain during the 5 th century. He was kidnapped and taken to Ireland as a slave. He escaped but later returned to Ireland as a missionary bringing Catholicism to the island. Today people of all backgrounds celebrate St Patrick’s day, the slogan “Everyone’s Irish on St Patrick’s Day” seems to be true. Some popular activities for the holiday are: Drinking, parades, and Chicago dyes the river green.



14 can_culture_and_sport can_culture_and_sport “Race & Ethnic Relations: American And Global Perspectives” by Martin N. Marger cost-of-st-patrick-s-day.html cost-of-st-patrick-s-day.html “The Irish Americans: A History” by Jay P. Dolan “The Irish Way: Becoming American in the Multiethnic City” by James R. Barrett

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