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Eötvös Loránd University Rector’s Office Department for International Education and Mobility.

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Presentation on theme: "Eötvös Loránd University Rector’s Office Department for International Education and Mobility."— Presentation transcript:

1 Eötvös Loránd University Rector’s Office Department for International Education and Mobility

2 Leadership Rector Prof. Dr. Barna Mezey Director General Dr. Katalin Juhászné Huszty Vice-Rector for Strategic Affairs Prof. Dr. András Karácsony Vice-Rector for Educatior Dr. Csaba Borsodi Vice-Rector for Science, Research and Innovation Prof. Dr. Ernő Keszei Secretary General Dr. Zoltán Rónay Vice-Rector for International Affairs Prof. Dr. Zoltán Horváth Vice-Rector for Public Affairs (and Communication) Dr. György Fábri Rector's Commissioner- General for Student Affairs Dr. Tibor Seifert.

3 Brief History of ELTE 1635 founded by Péter Pázmány, the Archbishop of Esztergom (Faculties of Arts and Theology)‏ 1667 Faculty of Law 1769 Faculty of Medicine 1777 moved from Nagyszombat (Trnava) to Buda, then to Pest Turn of the 18th-19 cc. ELTE is one of the 15 largest universities in the world 1949 Faculty of Science 1950 adopted the name of Loránd Eötvös (1848-1919), 2001 Lágymányos Campus completed 2000-2003 New faculties








11 Pál Erdős (1913-1996) ‏ Lipót Fejér (1880-1959 Student, professor in mathematics John von Neumann (1903-1957)‏ László Lovász (1948-)‏

12 ELTE in figures Number of students29 952 Students admitted per academic year 9 700 (9,8% of all first-year university students in Hungary) 8 faculties 32 238 courses/semester 69 bachelor’s degree programmes 91 master’s degree programmes 34 master’s-level modules for teachers 72 post-graduate specialised studies 29 foreign language study programmes 17 doctoral schools of offering 95 doctoral programmes

13 8 faculties Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Law Faculty of Science Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Education and Psychology Faculty of Social Sciences Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Elementary and Nursery School Teachers' Training

14 Distribution of students by faculties

15 National university ranking by number of applicatoins (26 558 applicants in y. 2011; 9,8% of all national applications) 1.Eötvös Loránd University 2.University of Szeged 3.University of Debrecen 4.University of Pécs 5.Budapest Buisness School 6.Budapest University of Technology and Economics 7.Corvinus University 8.St. István University 9.Óbuda University 10.University of West Hungary

16 International Rankings The Eötvös Loránd University is a world- famous research university, it is ranked at all the international rankings globally Top 500 Universities by Jiao Tong University Top 401-450 TIMES (QS) Ranking

17 International Relations University Networks EUA (European University Association), UNICA (Universities from Capitals of Europe), the Coimbra Group, the Utrecht Network the Danube Rectors' Conference CEI UniNet (Central European Initiative University Network) IAUP (International Association of University Presidents) Prof. László Boros is in the Executive Board of the Coimbra Group‏

18 International Relations European dimension Erasmus programme Increasing number of partners and mobility: 1998-99: 64 partner universities (quota: students 178) 2011-12: 353 partner universities (790 contracts, quota: outg. students: 1634) The number of Erasmus students: outgoing incoming 1998-99 :11619 2004-05:26599 2007-08:422 + 44 (intern.)150 2009-10:480 + 55 (intern)320 2011-12 (planned):490 + 70 (intern)400

19 Services for incoming students Hungarian Langauage Course; Housing Office; Mentor System; Cultural and social programmes organized by the Students’ Union A more than 400 year old university library; Sport facilities; Alumni Club for former and current Erasmus students of ELTE





24 International Relations Bilateral Agreements Bilateral agreements: extensive relationships with universities all over the world formal agreements with 120 universities in Europe, Asia, Africa, North and South America at an institutional or a faculty level, and 298 Erasmus partner universities. main areas of cooperation: –joint training and research projects –joint participation in international conferences and workshops –accreditation of courses –exchange of students and guest lecturers

25 Full degree programmes (51 programmes in total) (in English and other major European languages)

26 Joint degree programmes Erasmus Mundus Programmes TEMA; European Territories (Civilisation, nation, region, city):Identity and Development, TEMA Erasmus Mundus Master Course DCGC ; Doctorate in Cultural and Global Criminology Other joint programmes Europe-China School of Law Postgraduate Master Course in Forensic Science EIT KIC Labs (3 M.Sc.) programmes


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