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CHILDREN ONLINE OPPORTUNITIES, RISKS AND SAFETY Montenegro Research Analysis by Prof. Ida Cortoni, PhD, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy Podgorica, 27.

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1 CHILDREN ONLINE OPPORTUNITIES, RISKS AND SAFETY Montenegro Research Analysis by Prof. Ida Cortoni, PhD, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy Podgorica, 27 th July 2016 Government of Montenegro


3 ACCESS EU Kids Online (2014) and Global Kids Online – Montenegrin research (2016) International comparison For the comparison: -2 different years of reporting: EU Kids Online from 2014 and Montenegrin research from 2016 -Analysis of those variables in both years ADDITIONAL NOTE

4 OWNERSHIP OF SMARTPHONES AND TABLETS, BY COUNTRY (%) Q: Do you have any devices just for your own use that you can go online with? base: children who use the internet

5 AGE OF FIRST INTERNET USE, BY COUNTRY (%) Q. How old were you when you first used the internet? Base: children who use the internet

6 COMPARISON BETWEEN HOME AND SCHOOL ACCESS BY COUNTRY (%) DAILY USE AT SCHOOL (%)DAILY USE AT HOME (%) MONTENEGRO (2016)18,676,5 BELGIUM (2014)1176 DENMARK (2014)6194 IRELAND (2014)773 ITALY (2014)881 PORTUGAL (2014)1974 ROMANIA (2014)1174 UK (2014)2979 ALL (2014)2179 Q. How often do you use the internet at the following places? base: children who use the internet

7 DAILY USE OF SMARTPHONES AND LAPTOPS, BY COUNTRY USE SMARTPHONES DAILY (%)USE LAPTOPS DAILY (%) MONTENEGRO (2016)71,422,7 BELGIUM (2014)2835 DENMARK (2014)7270 IRELAND (2014)3528 ITALY (2014)4251 PORTUGAL (2014)3560 ROMANIA (2014)2128 UK (2014)5647 ALL (2014)4146 Q: When you use the internet, how often do you use any of these devices to go online? base: children who use the internet

8 DIGITAL ENVIRONMENT EU Kids Online (2014) and Global Kids Online – Montenegrin research (2016) International comparison

9 CHILDREN WITH A SNS PROFILE, BY COUNTRY (%) Q: Do you have your own profile on a social networking or social media or gaming site that you currently use? Base: children who use Internet


11 COUNTRIES DIFFER IN RISKY USES OF SNS multiple contacts, public settings, under-age use Q. Thinking of the profile you use most often, about how many people are you in contact with when using [named profile], with how many people do you exchange messages through this profile? Base: children who use Internet

12 RISKS EU Kids Online (2014) and Global Kids Online – Montenegrin research (2016) International comparison

13 ON-LINE EXPERIENCES THAT HAVE BOTHERED CHILDREN (%), BY COUNTRY Q. Do you think there are things on the internet that bother or upset people about your age? Base: children who use Internet

14 CHILD HAS RECEIVED SEXUAL MESSAGES ON-LINE IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS (AGE 11+), BY COUNTRY Q. In the PAST YEAR, have you received any sexual messages (this could be words, pictures or videos) at least once? Base: children who use Internet

15 CHILD (%) IN CONTACT WITH SOMEONE NOT MET FACE TO FACE BEFORE, BY COUNTRY Q: Have you ever had contact on the internet with someone you have not met face to face before? Base: children who use Internet

16 CHILD (%) HAS GONE TO AN OFF-LINE MEETING WITH, SOMEONE NOT MET FACE TO FACE BEFORE, BY COUNTRY Q: In the PAST YEAR, have you at least once met anyone face to face that you first got to know on the internet? Base: children who use Internet

17 CHILD (%) HAS SEEN SEXUAL IMAGES ON-LINE OR OFF-LINE IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS, BY COUNTRY Q: In the PAST YEAR, have you seen any images on the internet that are obviously sexual at least once Base: Children who use Internet

18 SKILLS AND PRACTICES Cluster Analysis ADDITIONAL NOTE We used the K-average method to build our cluster of Digital Skills. The variables of questionnaire included in this Cluster are D1.

19 DIGITAL SKILL PROFILES Operational usersOperational users Non-digital usersNon-digital users Advanced creative usersAdvanced creative users 40,9% 19,9% 39,2% 1 2 3

20 NON DIGITAL USERS CHILD IDENTITY Female 12-14 years old South regions Low sociocultural status SKILLS ANDSKILLS ANDPRACTICES PRACTICES They don’t have specific digital skills CLUSTER 2

21 NON DIGITAL USERSACCESSACCESS Most used apps: Google, Wikipedia and Viber for live communication They use Internet to do group work with other students DIGITAL ENVIRONMENT They lack knowledge about the digital environment and the safety systems of social networks They know how to block contacts, but they don’t know and have never seen the options like “report”, help centre or link to a helpline and “safety centre” On social network sites, they accept new people as friends only if they have mutual friends in common or if they know them very well (16%)

22 OPERATIONAL USERS CHILD IDENTITY Female 15-17 years old North region Low sociocultural status SKILLS ANDSKILLS ANDPRACTICES PRACTICES Many Basic knowledge on digital languages (i.e. saving a photo on line, opening downloaded files, using shortcut keys) Some Intermediate knowledge focused on contents and syntax of on line messages (i.e. they know which information shared on line”,”how choosing the best keywords for on line searches”, “how to open a new tab in a browser”) Few advanced knowledge on the technology and the communication context (i.e. removing people from their contact list”, “changing their privacy setting”, installing apps on a mobile devices” CLUSTER 1

23 OPERATIONAL USERSACCESSACCESS They have different access skills: especially social and mobile skills Most used apps: Facebook and Whatsapp DIGITAL ENVIRONMENT They are used to finding a website they have visited before Sometimes they end up on websites without knowing how they got there They don’t use internet at school (36,1%) or they do this rarely (almost once at month) The time spent online is on average 4 hours per day

24 INFORMATIONAL AND CREATIVE USERS CHILDIDENTITYCHILDIDENTITY Male 15-17 years old Centre regions High sociocultural status SKILLS ANDSKILLS ANDPRACTICES PRACTICES Critical skills (they check easily if the online information found is true) Creative production skills (they know how to create something new from video or music that they found online, or how to design a website) Skills of sharing (they know how to post online video or music that they have created themselves) Awarness skills (they know how to find photos, music, video clips, etc. not protected by copyright laws which they can use for free, - they know how to keep track of the costs of mobile app use and they find it easy to check if the on line information is true. CLUSTER 3

25 INFORMATIONAL AND CREATIVE USERS ACCESSACCESS They use Internet daily at school (31,7%) and at home (52,7%) Main activities: making presentations, writing, practising something they are learning, checking information on the school website, chatting online and making pictures The time spent online is on average 7 hours per day The main apps used: skype,minecraft and youtube DIGITAL ENVIRONMENT They publish personal data on social networks and accept all friendship requests They are able to protect their data: they have used the Blocking button (63,1%); they have seen the Report button; the Help centre or the link to a helpline (76,8) and and the Safety centre (68,1%).

26 RISK Additive and Typological index

27 INDEX OF ONLINE RISK EXPOSURE FOR CHILDREN (%) base: children who use Internet (n. 449) Missing 462 units 39,3% of children who use Internet have a high level of risk to be bothered or upset online or treated in a hurtful or nasty way on different devices, or to receive sexual messages online and to meet face to face people never seen before

28 ADDITIVE INDEX OF RISK PER AGE AND GENDER (%) AGE CATEGORIES (%) 9 - 11 12 - 1415-17 RISK INDEX low45,822,711,4 medium37,335,532,3 high16,941,856,3 total100 CHILD'S GENDER (%) MaleFemale RISK INDEX low22,629,1 medium28,541,8 high48,929,1 total100 The level of risk to be bothered or upset online increases with age - it is highest for children aged 15-17 and among males.

29 ADDITIVE INDEX OF RISK PER REGION AND SOCIOECONOMIC STATUS (%) Region NorthCentreSouth risk index low31,72718,9 medium39,632,336,1 high28,740,745,1 total100 socio economic status LowMediumHigh risk index low28,719,124,6 medium40,232,836 high3148,139,5 total100 The level of risk to be bothered or upset online is highest among children living in the southern region and among children with a medium socioeconomic status

30 TYPOLOGICAL INDEX OF RISK: AWARENESS AND PERSONAL EXPERIENCE (%) 42,3% of children who use internet are not aware of online risks and don’t have any personal experience of them 39, 5% of children who use internet are aware of online risks, but don’t have personal experience with them Only 18,3% of children who use Internet have had personal experiences of online risks

31 TYPOLOGICAL INDEX OF RISK PER AGE AND GENDER (%) AGES CATEGORIES 9 -11 12 - 14 15-17 lack of awareness and personal experience 5634,838,5 awareness of risk without personal experience 29,644,842,4 awareness and personal experience 10,119,916,1 not awareness but personal experience 4,40,62,9 total 100 CHILD'S GENDER MaleFemale 42,941,2 35,644 18,312,5 3,12,3 100 Lack of awareness and personal experience of online risks is highest among the youngest children and males Awareness improves with age (highest among 12-14 years old) – mostly among females Youngest male children (9-11 years old) have the lowest personal experience of online risks

32 TYPOLOGICAL INDEX OF RISK PER REGION AND SOCIOECONOMIC STATUS (%) REGION NorthCentreSouth lack of awareness and personal experience 45,245,933,1 awareness of risk without personal experience 39,337,643,4 awareness and personal experience 12,614,320,7 not awareness but personal experience 32,32,8 total100 SOCIOECONOMIC STATUS LowMediumHigh 45,336,740,3 39,642,840,5 12,317,517,2 2,83,12,2 100 Lack of awareness and personal experience is more spread among children who live in the central region and those with a low socioeconomic status Awareness is the greatest among children who live in the southern region and those with a medium socioeconomic status

33 TYPOLOGICAL INDEX OF RISK: AWARENESS AND PERSONAL EXPERIENCE Youngest children, males, those living in the central region and having a low socioeconomic status are least aware of online risks and lack personal experience of it Awareness of online risks improves with age and mostly among females Awareness is the greatest among children who live in the southern region and those with a medium socioeconomic status 4,4% of children aged 9-11 have personal experience of online risks, but lack awareness of it.

34 INDEX OF ON-LINE RISK EXPOSURE PER DIGITAL SKILL PROFILES (%) 307 units, chi square: 0,005 The risk index increases with the improvement of digital skills. So, non digital users mostly have a medium level of online risk, while more advanced internet users - children with operational skills and those with informational and creative skills - mostly have a high level of online risk.

35 FAMILY Cluster Analysis ADDITIONAL NOTE We used the K-average method to build our cluster of active parental mediation. In this case we considered only variables of active mediation in the family of children who use Internet (I3, I4, I5 of the questionnaire of children who use Internet).

36 CLUSTER ANALYSIS ABOUT ACTIVE PARENTAL MEDIATION (%) Every third child who uses internet lives in a family with low parental mediation of internet usage.

37 ACTIVE PARENTAL MEDIATION PER AGE AND GENDER (%) AGE CATEGORIES 9 - 11 12 - 1415 - 17 Medium -44,441,1 High -27,922,9 Low -27,636,1 total -100 CHILD'S GENDER MaleFemale 42,942,6 19,531,5 37,625,9 100 Active parental mediation of children’s use of Internet is most present among children 12-14 years old and decreases with age (15-17 years old). It is highest for female children.

38 ACTIVE PARENTAL MEDIATION PER REGION AND SOCIOECONOMIC STATUS (%) Regions NorthCentreSouth Medium36,44448,3 High20,726,230,2 Low42,929,821,5 total100 Socioeconomic status LowMediumHigh 38,244,844,5 19,126,827 42,828,428,5 100 Active parental mediation is most present in the southern region and least present in the northern region. Also, it is least present in families of low socioeconomic status and it increases with the improvement of the socioeconomic status of the family.

39 ACTIVE PARENTAL MEDIATION Active parental mediation in children’s use of Internet is: highest for children between 12-14 years old and decreases with age; highest for females; most present in the southern region and least present in the northern one; increases with the improvement of the socioeconomic status of the family.

40 ACTIVE PARENTAL MEDIATION PER RISK INDEX (%) ACTIVE PARENTAL MEDIATION LowMediumHightotal RISK EXPOSURE INDEX low18,614,318,516,6 medium30,23535,833,9 high51,250,745,749,5 total100 The level of the risk to be bothered or upset online is highest when active parental mediation is the lowest. It decreases when the active parental mediation increases.

41 Government of Montenegro THANKS FOR YOUR ATTENTION

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