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I am checking whether you too note as a practice grade (10 points). Also I am following the 80% practice rule for this next test. If you don’t have 80%

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Presentation on theme: "I am checking whether you too note as a practice grade (10 points). Also I am following the 80% practice rule for this next test. If you don’t have 80%"— Presentation transcript:

1 I am checking whether you too note as a practice grade (10 points). Also I am following the 80% practice rule for this next test. If you don’t have 80% on your practice work for this chapter, you cannot retake it nor make up any grade!

2  Define ecology  Know the “levels of organization” in an ecosystem. ◦ Be able to provide an example of each NOT in the book  Be able to do a Quadrant Sampling seen in the quick lab on page 375 and Population and Samples on 377. ◦ We will do activity doing a practice quadrant sampling next week.

3  Define biotic  Define abiotic ◦ Be able to identify biotic and abiotic factors when provided with a picture of an ecosystem  What is a keystone species? ◦ Why is the beaver a keystone species? (notice figure 2.2 on page 380)

4  Define ◦ Producers ◦ Autotrophs ◦ Comsumers ◦ Heterotrophs  Where do producer get their energy since they don’t “eat” anything? ◦ What is the one example where producers do not need sunlight as an energy source?

5  Define… ◦ Herbivores ◦ Carnivors ◦ Detritivores ◦ Decomposers  Know what primary, secondary, and teritiary consumers are  Be able to draw YOUR OWN food web similar to that on page 386. You will have to label the herbivores, carnivores, detritivores, decomposers, primary consumers, secondary consumers, and tertiary consumers.

6  Be able to explain what the hydrologic cycle is. You may be asked to draw a visual.  Be able to explain what the oxygen cycle is. You may be asked to provide a visual.  Be able to explain what the carbon cycle is. You may be asked to provide a visual.  Nitrogen cycle: LEAVE ROOM IN YOUR NOTEBOOK, ½ of a page! I have a great demonstration for this and will be bringing in an aquaponics system that we will start. Aquaponics works because of the nitrogen cycle.

7  I will give you a picture of a pyramid model and ask questions based on it. ◦ Lets do a practice question in class! I don’t think you guy will struggle with this concept.

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