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Technical Cooperation Programme Cycle Management Framework “PCMF Member State Project Design Overview” – August 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Technical Cooperation Programme Cycle Management Framework “PCMF Member State Project Design Overview” – August 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Technical Cooperation Programme Cycle Management Framework “PCMF Member State Project Design Overview” – August 2016

2 Member State Roles NLO – National Liaison Officer. Reviews, comments on and approves all projects for the Member State they represent. Adds/Removes Counterparts (CPs) NLA – National Liaison Assistant. Can perform the same tasks as the NLO under the direction of the NLO NCR – National Coordinator for Regional Agreements. Designs and comments on regional projects in collaboration with PMO and TO. Adds/Removes CPs. CP – Project Counterpart. Designs both national and regional projects in collaboration with PMO and TO. RPM – Representative from Permanent Mission.

3 Major Roles within the Agency DIR-TC – Director Technical Cooperation. Approves all projects for their division in collaboration with the DIR-TD. SH-TC – Section Head Technical Cooperation. Comments and approves each project assigned to their section in collaboration with SH-TD. Adds/removes PMO. PMO – Programme Management Officer. Designs project in collaboration with Member State stakeholders and TO. Adds/removes project team members PPO – PACT Programme Officer. Design project in collaboration with Member State stakeholders, PMO and TO. Add/Remove project team members. PSS – Project Support Staff. Assists the project design team in the administration of the project design.

4 Major Roles within the Agency DIR-TD – Director Technical Division. Approves all projects for their division in collaboration with the DIR-TC SH-TD – Section Head Technical Division. Comments and approves each project assigned to their section in collaboration with SH-TC. Adds/removes TO FOA FP – Field of Activity Focal Point. Liaises between TC and TD in relation to allocation of projects to Fields of Activity. Adds/removes SH-TD and TO TO – Technical Officer. Designs projects in collaboration with Member State stakeholders and PMO SR – Safety Reviewer (NSRW) ProcR – Procurement Reviewer

5 TC Programme Cycle Management PROGRAMME PLANNING & APPROVAL (PCMF Phases I & II) Formulating Strategies 1.Planning/Concept identification 2.Concept pre-qualification 3.Prioritization 4.Project design & formulation 5.Resource & Budgeting 6.Approval PROGRAMME IMPLEMENTATION (PCMF Phase III) Monitoring, Assessing & Reporting Performance 1.Operational execution 2.Monitor progress 3.Assess performance 4.Make adjustments 5.Report performance PROGRAMME REVIEW (PCMF Phase IV) Reviewing Results 1.Plan & conduct review 2.Assess Project/Programme 3.Follow-up adjustments and implementation of recommendations

6 Project Design Key Features Collaborative development of project design Transparent process Develop and extract LFM Develop and extract workplan Upload documents related to the project Email the project design team Post discussion comments

7 Major Steps in PCMF Project Design Phase 1.Project / Programme Design 2.Secretariat Agreement 3.TACC/Board Approval Phase II

8 Project / Programme Design National concept moved to design phase by PMO & returned to MS by SH-TC Regional/Interregional concept moved to design phase & returned to DTM by PMO The initial project design is developed off-line using a word template provided Copy background details & the logical framework matrix (LFM) to PCMF Submission of draft project design Review of draft designs by PMOs and TOs for continuous improvement Technical Review Quality Review Submission of feedback to MS Submission of finalized/completed project design

9 Secretariat Agreement PMO & ProcR comment at end of the draft design phase FOA Focal Point & TO comment QRR review and comments PMO comment at end of final design DIR-TC, SH-TC, SH-TD, NS and FOA-FP comment Clearance of project designs by TC Regional Directors National Programme acknowledged by NLO in PCMF Regional/Interregional designs acknowledged outside PCMF

10 Project Design: National Workflow A.Review by PMO & Procurement Reviewer. Comments visible online to rest of team. B.FoA Focal Point and TO Technical review. Comments visible online to rest of team. C.QRR – Quality Review. Comments visible online to rest of team. D.PMO Quality Review. Comments visible online to rest of team. E.Review by DIR-TC, SH-TC, SH- TD, NS and FOA-FP. Comments visible online to rest of team.

11 Project Design: Regional/Interregional Workflow A.Review by PMO & Procurement Reviewer. Comments visible online to rest of team. B.FoA Focal Point and TO Technical review. Comments visible online to rest of team. C.QRR – Quality Review. Comments visible online to rest of team. D.PMO Quality Review. Comments visible online to rest of team. E.Review by DIR-TC, SH-TC, SH- TD, NS and FOA-FP. Comments visible online to rest of team.

12 TACC/Board Approval The draft Programme of all Member State projects (new & ongoing) is available for the General Conference in September Approval by DDG-TC and DDG-TDs Review of TC Programme by TACC Approval of TC Programme by Board of Governors The design goes to the Board of Governors for approval The approved Programme is initiated at the start of the following year

13 Brief Overview of PCMF Project Design PHASE II

14 5/6/2009 PCMF – Login in website

15 5/6/2009 PCMF – How to reset your password?

16 5/6/2009 Project Design – Actions Required

17 5/6/2009 Project Design - Cycle Listing (MS View)

18 5/6/2009 Project Design - Member State Listing (MS View)

19 5/6/2009 Programme Note Overview Listing (MS View)

20 Project Design: Background (MS View)

21 Project Design: Edit Background(MS View)

22 Project Design: Edit Initial Budget


24 Overall Objective Outcome Outputs Activities Inputs are provided to carry out to produce contributing to to achieve an Plan Down Implement Up Elements of Project Plan

25 Project Design LFM: Objective

26 Project Design LFM: Outcome

27 Project Design LFM: Output

28 Project Design LFM: Activity

29 Project Design LFM: Activity – add/edit

30 Project Design LFM: Input

31 Project Design LFM: Input Add/Edit

32 Project Design LFM: Assumptions

33 Project Design LFM: Indicators

34 Project Design: Related Documents & Discussion

35 Project Design: Navigation in Detail

36 Project Design: View Review Questions

37 Project Design: Team

38 Project Design: Who Can Change the Team? NLO/NLA/NCR – Can add/remove CP, NLA, NCR and NLO DIR-TC – Can add/remove SH-TC and PMO SH-TC – Can add/remove PMO, NLO, NLA, NCR & CP PMO – Can add/remove NLO, NCR, NLA, CP & PSS PSS - Can add/remove NLO, NCR, NLA & CP FOA Focal Point – Can add/remove SH-TD and TO SH-TD Can add/remove TO and PST-TD No need to add PSS to National Projects

39 Project Design: Workflow

40 Project Design: Exporting Information

41 Project Design: Generate LFM

42 Project Design: Generate Workplan (Text)

43 Website(s): http://pcmf.iaea.org For specific questions / comments Email: Thank You

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