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For the last day with you we wanted to make a little game to do all toghether. We hope that you had fun.

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Presentation on theme: "For the last day with you we wanted to make a little game to do all toghether. We hope that you had fun."— Presentation transcript:

1 For the last day with you we wanted to make a little game to do all toghether. We hope that you had fun.

2 Now we’ll give you the solutions of the questions, you count how many right questions you have and then we’ll find the winner of this treasure hunt.

3 When did the Polish Pope John Paul II die? a)May 13th 2004 b)April 19th 2005 c)April 2nd 2005 d)May 20th 2003

4 The right answer is letter C, because he died on 2 April 2005.

5 Who is the director of the famous film “The Pianist” set in the Polish town of Warsaw? a)Piotr Hosenfeld b)Roman Polanski c)Adrien Brody d)Wladyslaw Szpilman

6 The right answer is letter B, because the director of this film is Roman Polański

7 Who was the founder of the first independent Polish trade union Solidarność? a)Jaroslaw Wałęsa, who was also a member of Poland's Sejm, the lower house of the Polish parliamentSejm b)Lech Wałęsa, who was also president of Poland from 1990 to 1995 c)Lech Kaczyński, current president of Poland d)Donald Franciszek Tusk, current prime minister of the Polish Cabinet

8 The right answer is letter B, because Lech Wałęsa was the founder of the first independent Polish trade union Solidarność.

9 What’s the name of the famous Polish film-maker who directed Three Colours and the Decalogue? a)Sławomir Idziak b)Krzysztof Kieślowski c)Roman Polanski d)Zbigniew Preisner

10 The right answer is letter B, because he is the director of “Three Colours” and “the Decalogue”.

11 What’s the title of the Italian national anthem? a)Forza Italia b)Viva l’Italia c)Italia Italia d)Fratelli d’Italia

12 The right answer is letter D, because this is the name of our national anthem.

13 Who is Comenius? a)A famous XVII century educator and writer b)A famous XV century mathematician c)A famous XVIII century traveller d)The current president of the European Union

14 The right answer is letter A, in fact he was an educator and writer

15 How many stars are there in the European flag? a) 12, representing the idea of completeness b) 27, the number of the member states c) 16, the number of countries adopting the euro d) 6, the number of the founding members

16 The right answer is letter A, because there are twelve stars, representing the idea of completeness.

17 Who’s the author of the famous Italian poem La Divina Commedia? a) Petrarca b) Dante c) Boccaccio d) Fibonacci

18 The right answer is letter B. He wrote this poem around 1304 and 1321.

19 What’s the title of the most famous novel by the Italian author Umberto Eco? a)The Name of the Flowers b)The Rose Bush c)The Name of the Rose d)The Scarlet Rose

20 The right answer is letter C. He wrote this book in 1980.

21 Who is the author of the famous sequence 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21…? a) Pythagoras b) Fibonacci c) Vigenère d) Euclid

22 The right answer is letter B, he was an important Italian mathematician.

23 What’s the name of the famous Polish footballer who played in the Italian teams of Juventus and Rome between 1982 and 1988? a)Sławomir Wojciechowski b)Zbigniew Boniek c)Piotr Nowak d)Zawisza Bydgoszcz

24 The right answer is letter B. He played in the Rome team and Juventus team.

25 What do Καλός and Αγαθός mean? a)Καλός = strange, weird; Αγαθός = person's shyness b)Καλός = noble, handsome, good; Αγαθός = person's bravery, ethics c)Καλός = wonderful, gorgeous; Αγαθός = person's jealousy, vanity d)Καλός = ugly, bad, horrible; Αγαθός = person's laziness

26 The right answer is letter B, in fact Καλός means noble, handsome, good; and Αγαθός means person's bravery, ethics.


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