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Ohio BoSCoC HMIS Visibility Technical Training April 16, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Ohio BoSCoC HMIS Visibility Technical Training April 16, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ohio BoSCoC HMIS Visibility Technical Training April 16, 2015

2 Webinar Information All participants are muted Submit questions using the chat feature in GoToWebinar control panel We are recording the webinar This presentation file (ppt) and webinar recording will be posted later today on COHHIO’s HMIS site: –

3 Important Dates Visibility will open April 20, 2015 Computer Labs will start in mid-May, still TBA Hard deadline for clean-up October 1, 2015 Soft deadlines are agency specific and come from – APR Due Dates – Grant Applications – Monitoring visits – Regional planning – CoC Application

4 Clean-up Priority Target open clients first – Use Current Clients report in As Needed folder (ART) – Use Data Quality: Entry/Exit and Assessment report to help spot errors Follow-up with cleaning data on clients served back to January 1, 2014

5 Which records are affected? Only Clients with prior/multiple stays – Any current client you are serving that has had previous stays in HMIS – Any clients you served back to January 1, 2014 that had a previous stay in HMIS before your recorded stay – Any new clients you are serving who have had previous stays in HMIS Clients without previous stays will not have visibility data to clean up

6 What data is affected? Sub-assessment data – Disability – Income (including Total Monthly Income) – Non-cash Benefits – Insurance

7 Help from Reporting You can use the Current Clients report to show who is currently in your project You will use the Data Quality: Entry/Exit and Assessment report to show you which clients have errors in the sub-assessments – A revised Data Quality report will automatically replace the current one on April 20 – You cannot get a head start – You will have to wait until 4/20 to start running this report and to start correcting errors

8 *New Reporting Rules* You will not use the EDA Provider prompt in ART reporting anymore – If you continue to run reports with EDA Provider set in ART reports after April 20 you will see many false errors – This is not the same as using Enter Data As in ServicePoint while doing data entry. You will still use Enter Data As for data entry.

9 Data Quality Report-Training Video There will be a training video available on our HMIS website after April 20 that shows how to run the new report and use it to help find errors –

10 Sample from Data Quality Report

11 Tools and tips to find errors Use Data Quality report starting April 20 Sort sub-assessment list for Yes records and double-check dates End Incomes, Benefits, Disabilities that are old and conflict with new information Check incomes that you know are Yes and find old No records and end date them when they conflict Use View Gross Income button to tally active income records This is just like doing Interims, same rules, same concept. Its just at Entry instead of an Interim Date

12 Let’s look at some examples! Current client with previous program stays with incomes to fix now Client with previous program stays coming to a new stay with incomes that need ended Client who has had previous program stays with no income and has income coming to a new stay

13 Current client with previous stay in system (1) We will look at their original program stay from the viewpoint of the original user Then we will look at their current program stay from the viewpoint of the users project Then we will look at their record the way it will appear after the open visibility change next week

14 Client with previous stay coming for new stay (2) We will look at the client record as we do the new stay with open visibility We will make changes to the income or benefits as needed – There will be some old Yes records to end – There will be new Yes records to create to replace them

15 Client with a previous stay coming for a new stay – 2 nd example (3) We will look at the client record as we do the new stay We will make changes to the Income or Benefits as needed In this example the client previously had no income or benefits – There will be old No records to end – There will be Yes records to create

16 Concurrent program stay concerns In some cases there will be cases where clients have a stay in a shelter (ES) and also a Rapid Rehousing project at the same time They will show up with two open project entry lines – Since there is a single version of the client record as of April 20, the RRH may need to update income at entry under the above mentioned methods while the client is still in the shelter – Shelter users may notice that client data has changed during the stay by the RRH agency – This should not affect your 'at Entry' data, it will appear similar to an Interim – In most cases it will be a positive change and it reflects the actual activity for the client so it should not be reversed

17 Wrap Up Visibility opens April 20 New Data Quality report will be in place April 20 Start working on clean up If you have questions call email or attend labs – The webinar will be posted on the website this evening for review

18 Q & A Please ask any questions in the GotoWebinar chat box We will cover as many as we can All Q&A will be compiled and released as a Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) document on the HMIS Help website later

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