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CPM Continuous Passive Motion. This device is used during the first phase of rehabilitation following a soft tissue surgical procedure or trauma.

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Presentation on theme: "CPM Continuous Passive Motion. This device is used during the first phase of rehabilitation following a soft tissue surgical procedure or trauma."— Presentation transcript:

1 CPM Continuous Passive Motion


3 This device is used during the first phase of rehabilitation following a soft tissue surgical procedure or trauma.

4 T HE GOALS OF PHASE 1 REHABILITATION ARE : control post-operative pain, reduce inflammation, provide passive motion in a specific plane of movement, protect the healing repair or tissue.

5 CPM is a device which constantly moves the joint through a controlled range of motion; the exact range is dependent upon the joint, but in most cases the range of motion is increased over timerange of motion


7 I TS MECHANISMS OF ACTION FOR AIDING JOINT RECOVERY ARE DEPENDENT UPON WHAT SURGERY IS PERFORMED. One mechanism is the movement of synovial fluid to allow for better diffusion of nutrients into damaged cartilage (which would be unimportant in the event of joint replacement), and diffusion of other materials out; such as blood and metabolic waste products. synovial fluid cartilagediffusion

8 A NOTHER MECHANISM IS THE PREVENTION OF FIBROUS SCAR TISSUE FORMATION IN THE JOINT, WHICH TENDS TO DECREASE THE RANGE OF MOTION FOR A JOINT. SCAR The concept was created by Robert B. Salter M.D in 1970 and, along with help from engineer John Saringer, a device was created in 1978Robert B. Salter John Saringer

9 I NSTRUCTIONS Plug the machine in and lay patient down on the bed with the machine positioned next to your injured body part. Use pillows to support the machine on either side if needed to make sure it is stable.

10 Line up middle of the patient’s joint on the machine (look for the circle axis where the machine bends) and place the leg into the machine. Connect the Velcro straps so that the body part is secured in place.


12 Turn on the machine. The range of motion will be limited by the parameters set up by the doctor. Use the up and down buttons to find the speed you can comfortably tolerate - in most instances, this is pre-set by Physical Therapists

13 Continue the use of your CPM per parameter set up by MD. At the end of the session, stop your machine when your body part is straight. Unstrap the Velcro and take your leg out of the CPM. Keep track of the frequency and amount of time you use your CPM based on your doctor's instructions.

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