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Passport to the Digital Nation Vasa Buraphadeja, PhD The Eighth International Conference on eLearning for Knowledge-Based Society (eLearningAP 2011)

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Presentation on theme: "Passport to the Digital Nation Vasa Buraphadeja, PhD The Eighth International Conference on eLearning for Knowledge-Based Society (eLearningAP 2011)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Passport to the Digital Nation Vasa Buraphadeja, PhD The Eighth International Conference on eLearning for Knowledge-Based Society (eLearningAP 2011)

2 Computer usage by demographic cohort National Statistical Office (2008) 2

3 Internet usage by demographic cohort National Statistical Office (2008) 3

4 Use of technology in Thai Education System Achariyakosol (2006) 4

5 Thai Facebook Population (approx 13M) Digital Immigrants Digital Natives 5

6 SNS studies Facebook can replace web discussion (Hatane and Wijaya, 2010) SNS can promote better learning (Srinath 2010) 6

7 Thailand and SNS 3rd cycle of National ICT master plans Infrastructure Pedagogical culture Low level of adoption += 7

8 Social Network Services Teaching Presence Educational Experience Setting Climate Selecting Content Supporting Discourse Social Presence Cognitive Presence (Anderson, Rourke, Garrison, & Archer, 2001) 8

9 Case study: community pages Department A 48x members Open group Specified its purpose About a post / month Department B 22x members Closed group Doesn’t Many posts / day Why? 9

10 Tool Which SNS? Page or Group? 10

11 Tier Department A Two faculty are group admins Department B No admin! 11

12 Timing 12 January 15 December 8 October 6 August 24 July 1 June 24 June 15 February 22 25 likes + 41 comments

13 Tone 13 Teacher, can we post something funny here or it only has to be serious (really careful about spelling hahaha)

14 Conclusion & Recommendation 14 Teaching Presence Educational Experience Setting Climate Selecting Content Supporting Discourse Social Presence Cognitive Presence (Anderson, Rourke, Garrison, & Archer, 2001)

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