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Africa chapter 1, section 3 Resources and Land USe Agricultural Resources - Farming to Live (subsistence) - Crops for Sale (cash crops) - Harvesting trees.

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Presentation on theme: "Africa chapter 1, section 3 Resources and Land USe Agricultural Resources - Farming to Live (subsistence) - Crops for Sale (cash crops) - Harvesting trees."— Presentation transcript:

1 Africa chapter 1, section 3 Resources and Land USe Agricultural Resources - Farming to Live (subsistence) - Crops for Sale (cash crops) - Harvesting trees Natural Resources Improving Economic Health - Strengthening Economies - Where Does the Money Go?

2 Agricultural Resources - Most Africans are farmers - Some on fertile soil w/much rain - Many in areas with bad soil, little rain, difficult to make a living.

3 - Subsistence farming, crops to support your family. - In the north they grow barley, wheat, and irrigate to grow fruits, vegetables, dates. - Regions with rain grow fruits, vegetables, yams, and cassava (used to make tapioca) - West Africa grows corn and rice - Many people fish or raise goats or poultry. Farming to Live

4 Crops for Sale - All regions grow cash crops (crops produced for sale) like coffee, cacao, tea. - Land is being used for cash crops, leaving less for subsistence farming – less food. - If cash crops fail, are prices fall, people have less money. Harvesting Trees - Trees grow in all 4 regions - This has become a valuable resource

5 Natural Resources - Each African country has it’s own economy (system of producing, distributing, and owning goods and services). - Some African countries have petroleum (makes oil and gasoline). - Several countries are major oil producers (Libya, Algeria, Nigeria, Cameroon, Gabon and Angola). - Ghana, leading exporter of gold - Copper, silver, uranium, titanium, and diamonds also come out of Africa.

6 - Specialized economy – a country that depends on one kind of industry; in this case farming. Strengthening Economies - For Africa, a successful economy depends on rainfall and good prices for crops. - Africa is trying to diversify (add variety) Why is this a good idea????? Improving Economic Health

7 Where Does the Money Go? - Mining Africa’s resources is costly. - Foreign companies take the resources out of Africa to produce products in factories (Africa does not have a lot of factories).

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