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COMMON PURPOSE Survey Results and the way forward.

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1 COMMON PURPOSE Survey Results and the way forward

2 THE SURVEY Filled out by around 1500 people. Unique – no other English Diocese has ever attempted something like this. Survey was designed to be used by multiple groups – laity, readers, pastoral assistants, stipendiary clergy etc. Some questions were specific to role However, most were common to all. Tonight we will look at some of the common questions and their responses.

3 WHERE IS GOD ALREADY AT WORK ACROSS THE DIOCESE? Three of the questions on the survey asked about what was working in parishes currently in terms of numerical growth, spiritual growth and community engagement. We’ve grouped the responses to these into three themes: 1) Focusing on working with Children, in particular Toddlers groups, toddlers praise and an increased engagement with baptismal families. 2) New forms of worship service – Sunday teatime, midweek, improving quality of existing services. 3) Delivery of support networks – Foodbanks, debt advice, children’s clothes swaps etc.

4 WHAT IS HOLDING BACK THE HEALTH AND GROWTH OF GOD’S CHURCH? Here are the top 7 among all respondents… 7 – Limitations of Church Buildings 6 – Clergy and other key leaders have to spend too much time on administration. 5 – Lack of a clear vision and action plan for growth. 4 – Lack of Youth Ministry Provision 3 – Financial Limitations 2 – A lack of focus on the priority of prayer for growth. 1 – A lack of confidence to share the gospel

5 WHAT COULD THE DIOCESE DO AS WE SEEK TO GROW IN SPIRITUAL MATURITY, IN NUMBERS AND IN COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT? The top five from the survey: 1. Provide opportunities to share good practice between churches with similar challenges 2. Provide seed funding for key support posts (e.g. Children's worker etc.) 3. Provide a simple Parish Audit tool to highlight areas of possible growth and areas for development 4. Provide Church Growth conferences and training 5. Provide consultants to work alongside your parish on growth areas

6 WHAT SHOULD BE OUR WIDER PRIORITIES AS A DIOCESE AS WE SEEK TO GROW IN SPIRITUAL MATURITY, IN NUMBERS AND IN COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT? 1. Increasing investment in lay ministry and leadership 2. Increasing ordained vocations in the light of a national shortage 3. Providing resources and support to develop discipleship in Parishes 4. Growing co-operation and relationships between parishes 5. Resourcing new churches in new housing areas

7 NEXT STEPS In December all of the Clergy of the Diocese were asked to meet with Bishop Andrew at the Cathedral to discuss their responses to the survey. A positive and focused discussion in groups allowed for some more detail and nuances to be added. These Deanery meetings are the next stage of gathering ideas and beginning to sharpen our strategy. On the following slide is a copy of the visual minutes from the clergy morning.


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