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Many employees in health care and other professions may be exposed to bloodborne pathogens Bloodborne Pathogens Overview Your safety starts with this.

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3 Many employees in health care and other professions may be exposed to bloodborne pathogens Bloodborne Pathogens Overview Your safety starts with this important training!

4 Most common infectious diseases Importance of exposure control plans Prevention procedures Safe work practices Information on vaccinations Procedures for handling exposure to pathogens What You Should Learn:

5 Bloodborne pathogens are agents, like bacteria, viruses or fungi, that are found in the blood or bodily fluids of infected individuals What Are Bloodborne Pathogens?

6 Bloodborne pathogens cause diseases, including: Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) What Are Bloodborne Pathogens?

7 Diseases such as HBV, HCV or HIV can be transmitted through the eyes, skin, nose, mouth, or under the skin by means of puncture Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens

8 Exposure can result from: Cuts or puncture wounds from items such as blades, needles or knives Blood or bodily fluids splashed on open cuts or mucous membranes Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens

9 High-Risk Activities Cleaning up spills of blood Sticking yourself or someone else with a needle Handling knives or cutters Drawing blood for lab tests

10 Applying pressure to control bleeding Cleaning up contaminated equipment Treating a laceration Handling contaminated laundry or restroom facilities High-Risk Activities (Continued)

11 Severe liver infection transmitted through blood or bodily fluids 280,000 people are infected each year Virus may live in the body for six months before symptoms appear Medications are available for long- lasting infections No cure for the disease HBV- Hepatitis B Common Bloodborne Diseases

12 Transmitted through blood May cause cirrhosis or cancer of the liver The disease develops slowly No cure Common Bloodborne Diseases HCV- Hepatitis C

13 Virus that causes Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) 2 million Americans infected Attacks white blood cells Passed through blood or bodily fluids Antibody detected in blood test six months after exposure No cure or vaccination Common Bloodborne Diseases HIV – Human Immunodeficiency Virus

14 A vaccine is a medical substance that helps your body fight disease A vaccination is not a cure but a defense system that will make your resistance stronger in case of exposure Vaccinations

15 There is a safe and effective vaccination for HBV Offered in three doses over six months Available to all employees at risk of exposure Vaccinations The Good News!

16 Your employer should develop a written “exposure control plan” for workers at risk of exposure Goal is to minimize exposure to blood and other potentially infectious material Exposure Control Plan

17 1.List of jobs where there is exposure 2.Detailed description of work practices regarding hand washing, disposal and protective equipment 3.Instructions for housekeeping 4.Procedures for responding to incidents Exposure Control Plan (Continued) What does it include?

18 You can reduce likelihood of exposure by following “universal precautions” This means you should treat all blood and bodily fluids as if they are known to be infected with HIV, HCV or other bloodborne pathogens “Universal Precautions”

19 Personal protective equipment (PPE) includes items such as: Gloves Goggles Face shields Gowns Shoe covers PPE acts as your first line of defense against exposure to harmful blood or bodily fluids Personal Protective Equipment

20 Always wear PPE when handling potentially infectious materials Remove garments penetrated by blood or infectious material immediately, or as soon as possible, to avoid exposure Replace all torn or punctured garments Personal Protective Equipment (Continued)

21 After using PPE, clean or disinfect the equipment if it is reusable Remove all PPE before leaving work area Place all garments in the designated area or storage bin for cleaning, decontamination or disposal Personal Protective Equipment (Continued)

22 Commonly used to prevent exposure Put gloves on before contact with blood or bodily fluids Carefully inspect them for holes and tears Gloves

23 Peel off one glove and hold it in the gloved hand With an uncovered finger, peel off the remaining glove from the outside Dispose of glove promptly Wash your hands using the proper hand washing procedure Removing Gloves

24 Always wear a mask, goggles, glasses or face shield when performing a task if there is a possibility for blood or other potentially infectious materials to be splashed, sprayed or spattered on you Eye and Face Protection

25 1.Remove rings or jewelry 2.Use warm to hot water and wet hands thoroughly 3.Use soap to create a thick lather 4.Scrub hands, between fingers, wrists, forearms and under nails Proper Technique for Hand Washing

26 5.Continue scrubbing for at least 20 seconds 6.Rinse thoroughly under running water 7.Turn off faucet with a paper towel 8.Dry hands with a single-use towel or dryer 9.Use a paper towel to cover the door handle when leaving the room Proper Technique for Hand Washing (Continued)

27 Working with sharp instruments (otherwise known as “sharps”) can put you at risk of exposure to bloodborne pathogens Dispose of sharps in a designated sharps container, not a common trash basket The container must be puncture- resistant, leakproof, and labeled with a biohazard sign Identify where sharps containers are in the workplace Avoiding Injuries Caused by Sharps

28 Do not open or place your hands into a sharps container Do not handle sharp objects such as broken glass with bare hands Use tools such as forceps, pliers, brooms and dustpans to move or pick up sharps Don’t recap, remove, bend or shear needles Replace used sharps containers often Avoiding Injuries Caused by Sharps (Continued)

29 Avoid eating, drinking or smoking in an area where you may be exposed to bloodborne pathogens Do not store food or drinks in refrigerators, on shelves, in cabinets or on counters where infectious materials are kept Eating, Smoking and Drinking

30 All biohazardous materials must be placed in containers that prevent leakage Containers must be identified by a fluorescent orange or orange/red biohazard label Designated person should seal container to avoid leakage Containers should only be removed by authorized individuals with proper training Disposing of Biohazardous Materials

31 Written schedule for cleaning and decontamination should include: 1.Description of affected location or area within facility 2.Type of surface to be cleaned 3.Type of infectious material present 4.Procedures normally performed in that area Housekeeping

32 Put contaminated laundry into bags at the location where used Bags should be labeled as biohazardous Bags should be shipped to the laundry facility in leakproof containers Handling Laundry

33 1.Section off area with barrier and isolate contaminated area 2.Wear gloves 3.Spread absorbent over blood or infectious material Decontamination In the Event of Contamination:

34 4.Use broom or dustpan to pick up sharps 5.Use bleach or disinfectant to clean areas 6.Decontaminate work areas promptly 7.Allow area to dry before barrier removal Decontamination (Continued)

35 Report any incident involving possible exposure to bloodborne pathogens to your supervisor immediately Your employer will provide a confidential medical evaluation and follow-up Post-Exposure

36 Provide as much information as possible, including how you were exposed, the instrument used, etc. You will be informed of the results of the evaluation You will be told of any medical conditions resulting from exposure Hepatitis B vaccine may be offered to you at no charge Post-Exposure (Continued)

37 Quick Review Now that we have concluded this training presentation, you should have a clear understanding of: Why bloodborne pathogens present a risk in the workplace Common types of infectious diseases caused by exposure to bloodborne pathogens High-risk exposure activities What an “exposure control plan” includes

38 Quick Review (Continued) The importance of following “universal precautions” How various types of PPE can protect you How to avoid injury when handling “sharps” The proper response to contamination or exposure Other prevention procedures and safe-handling practices

39 You are encouraged to take advantage of the safety measures covered in this training Your knowledge about bloodborne pathogens can make the difference between sickness and good health

40 Remember, safety is your responsibility Ask for additional guidance if you have any questions on bloodborne pathogens in your workplace

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