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Southern Regional Education Board TCTW Intro to TCTW TCTW 1 Technology Centers That Work: College and Career Ready in the 21 st Century.

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Presentation on theme: "Southern Regional Education Board TCTW Intro to TCTW TCTW 1 Technology Centers That Work: College and Career Ready in the 21 st Century."— Presentation transcript:

1 Southern Regional Education Board TCTW Intro to TCTW TCTW 1 Technology Centers That Work: College and Career Ready in the 21 st Century

2 Southern Regional Education Board TCTW Southern Regional Education Board  High Schools That Work (HSTW) – The largest and oldest of SREB’s school improvement initiatives  1987 – 27 sites  2012 – 1,200+ sites in 30+ states  Technology Centers That Work for shared- time technology centers  2007 – 8 sites  2012 – 200+ sites in 18 states  Making Middle Grades Work for middle grades schools  1998 – 25 sites;  2012 – 450+ sites in 21 states

3 Southern Regional Education Board TCTW To Address College & Career Readiness: Make High School Matter! Increase Engagement Completing HS Completing PS/Industry Certification Improve Achievement Academic Occupational Technical Enhance Transition Through school To continuing education To the workplace To a successful adulthood Intro to TCTW3

4 Southern Regional Education Board TCTW Intro to TCTW SOME ONE WHO ALWAYS DROPS THINGS

5 Southern Regional Education Board TCTW BUTTERFINGERS

6 Southern Regional Education Board TCTW TCTW SITES  Caddo Kiowa  Central Tech  Chisholm Trail  Eastern OK County  Gordon Cooper  Green Country  Kiamichi  Meridian  Metro Tech  Mid America  Mid Del  Moore Norman  Pioneer  Red River  Southern  Tri-County  Wes Watkins

7 Southern Regional Education Board TCTW HSTW SITES  Gutherie High School  Cache High School  Carnegie High School  Catoosa High School  Charles Page High School  Choctaw High School  Claremore High School  Drumright High School  Durant High School  McLoud High School  Moore High School  Mt. View-Gotebo High School  Norman High School  Norman North High School  Piedmont High School  Putnam City North  Putnam City West  OKC – Southeast High School  Tecumseh High School  Tulsa Daniel Webster High School  Westmoore High School  Tulsa Will Rogers High School

8 Southern Regional Education Board TCTW A GREAT TIME TO GO SHOPPING Intro to TCTW

9 Southern Regional Education Board TCTW PAY DAY Intro to TCTW

10 Southern Regional Education Board TCTW SDW for CT10 TCTW Goals  Increase to 85 percent the percentages of CT students who meet career and college-readiness goals in reading, mathematics and science.  Increase the percentages of career/technical students who perform at the Proficient level to at least 50 percent in reading, mathematics and science, as measured by the TCTW Assessment.  Increase the percentages of technology center graduates who complete a CT concentration and enter employment within the field for which they were prepared and who enter postsecondary studies. TCTW

11 Southern Regional Education Board TCTW SDW for CT11 TCTW Goals  Increase to 95 percent the percentages of high school students who enter the technology center in grade 11 and graduate on time.  Advance policies and leadership initiatives that sustain a continuous school improvement effort.  Work with middle schools to use assessments to guide students in creating programs of study that prepare students for high school and technology center. TCTW

12 Southern Regional Education Board TCTW SDW for CT12 TCTW Goals  Increase annually the percentage of students leaving the technology center with postsecondary credit or having met standards for postsecondary studies.  Work with the high schools to annually increase the percentage of students entering technology centers prepared to earn college credit based on test scores.  Increase annually the percentage of graduates that pass an approved employers exam. (National licensure, state exam/credential, etc., such as ASE) TCTW

13 Southern Regional Education Board TCTW COLORFUL FLOTATION DEVICES Intro to TCTW

14 Southern Regional Education Board TCTW  LIFE SAVERS Intro to TCTW

15 Southern Regional Education Board TCTW Five Priorities Ten Key Practices Improve Achievement Academic Occupational Technical Five Priorities Ten Key Practices Intro to TCTW15

16 Southern Regional Education Board TCTW Priority Areas/Key Practices Relationship TCTW Priority AreasTCTW Key Practices Improve the overall quality of CTE High Expectations Career/Technical Studies Work-based Learning Academic Studies Students Actively Engaged Provide guidance and counseling for careers Guidance and Advisement Program of Study Provide extra help to students with support for rigorous academics and for making transitions Extra Help/Transitions Work with sending schools to increase communication and collaboration Teachers Working Together Provide leadership to support a culture of continuous improvement Culture of Continuous Improvement

17 Southern Regional Education Board TCTW Intro to TCTW Why Technology Centers That Work?

18 Southern Regional Education Board TCTW Intro to TCTW  Add value to academic achievement  Highlight career clusters and programs of study  Networking with other sites  State supported professional development  Change the current structure of support for CT teachers  Align to college and career readiness standards  Train for high skill, high wage jobs  Relationship to Perkins IV Advantages of TCTW

19 Southern Regional Education Board TCTW DRY COW Intro to TCTW

20 Southern Regional Education Board TCTW MILK DUDS Intro to TCTW

21 Southern Regional Education Board TCTW The TCTW Assessment  TCTW Sites are required to administer the survey even years.  Assessments are given to a minimum of 60 random seniors.  Professional Development is provided through ODCTE to assist in preparing for the assessments & analyzing site level data.  Cost: $33-$53/student based on national participation. TCTW Grant funding can be used.  TCTW Teacher and/or Student surveys are available online every spring.  Results: Baseline data for local sites AND statewide/nationwide comparisons.

22 Southern Regional Education Board TCTW 2014 TCTW Assessment Results AllGoalOK  Reading250250256  Math258257255  Science255258260

23 Southern Regional Education Board TCTW

24 Southern Regional Education Board TCTW Student Survey  Section 1  Course-taking patterns  Sections 2 and 3  School and classroom experiences  Based on HSTW Key Practices

25 Southern Regional Education Board TCTW Teacher Survey  Center and classroom experiences  Center mission  High expectations and extra help  Guiding and supporting students  Curriculum content and engaging students in learning  Transitions  Leadership and professional growth

26 Southern Regional Education Board TCTW Assessment Report  Executive Summary  One page summary of performance and implementation  Overview  Slightly longer summary  Full report  Tables breaking out achievement by experiences  Teacher survey results TCTW Teacher survey results will be provided in a separate report.

27 Southern Regional Education Board TCTW  FAMOUS BASEBALL PLAYER Intro to TCTW

28 Southern Regional Education Board TCTW BABE RUTH Intro to TCTW

29 Southern Regional Education Board TCTW Intro to TCTW Helping students acquire the technical knowledge and skills needed to get a good job is a very important goal. All Sites 81% Oklahoma Sites – 83% 2014 TCTW Teacher Survey Report

30 Southern Regional Education Board TCTW Intro to TCTW Preparing all students for the dual objective of employment and further study is a very important goal. All Sites 65% Oklahoma Sites – 66% 2014 TCTW Teacher Survey Report

31 Southern Regional Education Board TCTW Intro to TCTW Ensuring students earn a high school diploma is a very important goal. All Sites 70% Oklahoma Sites – 67% 2014 TCTW Teacher Survey Report

32 Southern Regional Education Board TCTW Intro to TCTW Technical Assistance Visits  Pre-visit for new sites – assists in development of instructional improvement plan  Every 3 years for new sites  Every 5 years for seasoned sites  Focused on instructional strategies, implementation of the 10 key practices and stakeholder interviews TCTW

33 Southern Regional Education Board TCTW THE GALAXY Intro to TCTW

34 Southern Regional Education Board TCTW MILKY WAY Intro to TCTW

35 Southern Regional Education Board TCTW Intro to TCTW Getting Started  Site Development Workshop  Technical Assistance Visit – recommended during first 2 years  Summer Staff Development Conference  National TCTW Forum  Webinars  HSTW Assessment (including TCTW Teacher Survey)  Other leadership experiences:  On-site Coaching  Culture  Literacy  Numeracy  Guidance/Advisement  Project-based Learning

36 Southern Regional Education Board TCTW Intro to TCTW Some Questions to Ponder 1.How many times in the last month has your staff come together to share ideas about instructional improvement? 2.If I were to talk with your students, how often would they say they read or put together a comprehensive work plan to complete a project or assignment? 3.How many of your teachers know how to engage students in reading technical materials so they can analyze and produce a product that would pass an employers’ expectations? 4.How many of your teachers have high expectations for their students? 5.What is your mission statement? 6.Would your teachers say the goals and priorities of your center are clear? TCTW

37 Southern Regional Education Board TCTW Data Driven Rigorous Career/TechnicalIntensive5-10Moderate2-4Low0-1 1.Predict outcomes based on observations or information provided. 2.Develop a logical argument for your solution to a problem or project. 3.Do background research for a problem or project, such as reading technical article(s), before developing a plan or solution. 4.Make inferences from information provided to develop a solution for a problem or project. 5.Use math to solve complex problems related to your career/technical area.

38 Southern Regional Education Board TCTW Rigorous Career/TechnicalIntensive5-10Moderate2-4Low0-1 6.Apply academic knowledge and skills to your career/technical area. 7.Apply technical knowledge and skills to new situations. 8.Develop and test hypotheses. 9.Complete an extended project that requires planning, developing a solution or product, and presenting the results orally or in writing. 10.Used computer software or other technology related to your career/technical area to complete assignments weekly.

39 Southern Regional Education Board TCTW Intro to TCTW39

40 Southern Regional Education Board TCTW CHEERFUL CATTLE FARMER Intro to TCTW

41 Southern Regional Education Board TCTW JOLLY RANCHER Intro to TCTW

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