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Rock Creek Forest Parent Teacher Association January 7, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Rock Creek Forest Parent Teacher Association January 7, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rock Creek Forest Parent Teacher Association January 7, 2015

2 Agenda Approval of December Meeting Minutes PTA Activities Updates Cultural Arts Committee Transition Committee Silent Auction Committee Principal Lowndes Update School Tours!!

3 PTA’s Cultural Art’s Programmingramming 2014-2015 Grade-Specific Workshops and Residencies: Kindergarten Workshop: Science- Spring Planting with the Audubon: end of April 1st Grade Workshop: Potential....Improve (TBD) 2nd Grade Workshop: Potential...Mad Science (liquid, Solid, Gas) (Timing TBD) 3rd Grade Workshop: Incredible Insects: Nov. 21st 4th Grade All Day Program (in-house): Journeys Into American Indian Territory (Tee Pee Day):May 4th or 6th 5th Grade Workshop: Circuit Masters (through Maryland Science Center): Dec 12th 5th Grade Residency: Walking with our Elders (Oral Story Telling): March 11 kick off and final presentation end of May Multi-Grade Assemblies and Projects: All School Assembly: Lilo & Friends: International Music and Dance assembly: Oct 21st All School Assembly: Luis Garay Percussion World: Washington Performing Arts Grant Award: Feb 2nd Grades K-2: Storytelling by Candace Wolf (Timing TBD) Grades 3rd-5th: Geography Bee (timing Spring TBD) All School Assembly: Improve! (March/April TBD) All School assembly: TBD (Spring) School Wide Art Instillation Project: Mandala Project: (Timing Spring TBD)

4 Thank You! Hundreds of packing boxes built Lots of colorful duct tape donated Bulletin board paper hung Classrooms unpacked and decorated Staff and teachers fed during moving days - Dinner on Friday, December 18 - Brunch on Monday, December 22 - Staff Appreciation Luncheon on Tuesday, December 23 - Coffee and Pastries on Monday, January 5

5 Your PTA Support: Playground Enhancements

6 Your PTA Support: Instructional Signage


8 PTA In ACTION…. School Directory, bilingual section for the first time Staff Appreciation Monthly cafecitos Fall Picnic Read-a-thon book fair Brain pop educational software for home and school On-line RCF Spirit Wear store Teacher grants for supplies, such as resources for counseling program Clothing drive for school nurse

9 What’s Ahead…. Valentine Day Classroom Parties, February 13th Student Art and Performance Showcase, February 26 th Curriculum Night, March 3rd Multicultural and Arts Night, April 23 rd Rock Creek Relays – RCF Track Meet, April 26 th Spring Fair, May 31 st 5 th Grade Promotion, June 11 th After School Enrichment Classes (arts, sports, music programming) in partnership with Kids Adventures, begin in February Believe Achieve Club

10 11 th Annual Silent Auction – Saturday, March 14, 2015 – Join us!

11 We need you! Recess and lunch support, backpack mail, Rock Creek Relays, Silent Auction, Spring Fair, and more! Visit the volunteer table or contact Kristen Clemens for more information: Next PTA Meeting: February 3 rd at 7 pm at RCF. Learn about the new PARCC assessment.

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