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Bilingual Advocacy and Mediation in Health Project Structure, Capacity and Systems in place Ligia Parizzi Including Diversity CIC Project Manager/Director.

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Presentation on theme: "Bilingual Advocacy and Mediation in Health Project Structure, Capacity and Systems in place Ligia Parizzi Including Diversity CIC Project Manager/Director."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bilingual Advocacy and Mediation in Health Project Structure, Capacity and Systems in place Ligia Parizzi Including Diversity CIC Project Manager/Director

2 Background of the Project This model of bilingual advocacy service provision is based on successful examples of good practice pilot programmes in England such as: Newcastle Council for Voluntary Service, through its Advocacy Centre, hosted organisation for the Newcastle Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) communities’ case advocacy pilot project Sussex Interpreting Services initiative with the Brighton & Hove Bilingual Advocacy Pilot (BAP).

3 Background of the Project Language is a difficult enough barrier to overcome. However, when an individual from a minority ethnic group has learning or physical disabilities, a mental health condition or a terminal illness an additional, interlocking set of barriers can further compromise access to health and social care.

4 Background of the Project For people from BME communities, therefore, it may be that interpretation services are not, or not fully, performing the bridging function between need and provision which is required. As budgets contract this is likely to be further exacerbated, unless steps are taken to address it and organisations, statutory and non-statutory have an obligation to address this.

5 Testimonials… ‘I think the Bilingual Advocacy and Mediation in Health OCN Level 4 training it is a great idea. From my own experience I met a lot of Polish people who are really in need of bilingual advocacy. Constantly I have been asked for help by Polish families I am in touch at Sure Start, but unfortunately I can not help them all because my time is limited and my responsibilities as well. Even my knowledge is not enough, so I try to signpost them further.’ Sure Start – Polish Family Support Worker

6 Testimonials… ‘In most cases the interpreting services are the only link between the need and the provision of the service required. Taking for instance access to bereavement service: A leaflet given to the client by the practitioner and sight translated by an interpreter with a number to contact where the person working the phones in this service only speaks English. This proves that the defined signposting role of an interpreter is not enough at complex situations as clients are not able to fully access the service they are referred to’ NIHSCIS Polish Interpreter

7 Testimonials… ‘When I was an advocacy worker for a Chinese Community organisation and based on that experience I agree there is a need for a bridging function through bilingual advocacy. Interpreting on its own is not enough as I found clients can’t read hospital letters and respond appropriately. Many clients have very limited medical knowledge and therefore they often do not know what to ask for at doctors’ appointments. Advocacy workers can help to liaise with health organisations to arrange appropriate health awareness sessions to BME communities. Advocacy workers can represent BME communities as “smart” users of the health service’ NIHSCIS Chinese Interpreter

8 The Advocacy Cycle – Referral handling Referrals are received via confidential email to and are likely to come from: HSC Trust practitioners Community Interpreters Self-Referrals BME Engagement Outreach and Community organisations Including Diversity CIC will support easy access using a customer focussed approach. Referrals will be assessed by the advocacy management team and allocate accordingly to the most appropriate registered BA.

9 The Advocacy Cycle – Case Work stages Engage Plan ActReview Reflect

10 The Advocacy Cycle – Case Work Including Diversity CIC pool of accredited Bilingual Advocates, professionally regulated by a robust Code of Ethics and T&C and fully vetted to deliver sessional Bilingual Advocacy using a simple case work model and instructed advocacy. confidentiality and data protection legislation are core to service delivery. support service users to take action to address social or health issues impacting negatively on their health and wellbeing and connecting services to achieve better outcomes. support service users to identify a central issue and to overcome access barriers through sessions ranging from 2 to 6 hours of bilingual advocacy. In some situations a second issue may become the focus of additional sessions.

11 The Advocacy Cycle – Case Work Working independently, Including Diversity CIC will seek to support the delivery of integrated health and social care for the target group, making a contribution to the well-being of service users and `Better Care` outcomes. Bilingual Advocates will recognise the existing skills of service users, and support people to develop new skills and the confidence to speak for themselves, make appointments, book interpreters, and access services appropriately and consider ESOL classes where relevant.

12 The Advocacy Cycle – Case Work Bilingual Advocates will signpost to specialist services where appropriate. Including Diversity CIC will then encourage provision of Community Interpreters to support access and continuity. Where referrals exceed funded provision a `holding list` will be managed, with a clear statement that further services are funding dependent.

13 The Advocacy Cycle – Case Work Bilingual Advocates will signpost to specialist services where appropriate. Including Diversity CIC will then encourage provision of Community Interpreters to support access and continuity. Where referrals exceed funded provision a `holding list` will be managed, with a clear statement that further services are funding dependent.

14 The Advocacy Cycle – Case Work The support sessions are FREE to the service users and referring organisations When the project effectively starts? From the 21 st October - Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10am to 4pm (5 client slots per day allocated by appointment only) for 10 weeks. From what date will referrals be accepted? Referrals will be accepted from the 24 th September via email with effective service provision starting from the 21 st October.

15 The Bilingual Advocacy Team - 28 accredited Bilingual Advocates, professionally regulated by a robust Code of Ethics and T&C and fully vetted registered with the service. - Covering 9 different language groups: Polish, Lithuanian, Portuguese, Latvian, Czech, Slovak, Somali, Arabic and Romanian.

16 The Bilingual Advocacy Team All Including Diversity CIC Bilingual Advocates in Health have completed the OCN accredited training – Bilingual Advocacy and Mediation in Health OCN Level 4




20 Thank You. Any Questions?

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