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Bell Work Chapter 7 Emotional and social development in infancy and toddlerhood By: Joseph Pangelinan.

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2 Bell Work

3 Chapter 7 Emotional and social development in infancy and toddlerhood By: Joseph Pangelinan

4 “SLOs”  Erikson’s Theory of Infant & Toddler Personality  The Development of Temperament  The Development of Attachment  Identify Self-Understanding

5 “ Norms”  Turn off all devices  Be prepared  Participate  Respect each other.  Have fun.

6 “ Warm Up” Class discussion:  What is the purpose of a smile? And what does it mean (happiness, sadness, anger, disgust)?

7 Erikson’s Theory of Infant and Toddler Personality  Basic Trust vs. Mistrust (infancy) - balance of care on first year, psychological conflict will resolve on positive side.  Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt (toddlerhood) -is resolved favorably when parents provide suitable guidance and reasonable choices.

8 Emotional Development  Basic emotions- are directly inferred from facial expressions, such as happiness (social smile), anger (pouting), or Fear (stranger anxiety).  Understanding & responding to the emotions of others- through emotional contagion or operant conditioning, eventually leading to social referencing during uncertainties.  Emergence of self-conscious emotions (shame, guilt, envy, etc..)- through injury or enhancement of the sense of self.  Beginning of emotional self-emotion – strategies used to adjust our emotional state to a comfortable level of intensity.

9 Activity #1 Development of Temperament  The structure of temperament - an easy, difficult, or slow-to-warm-up child, or a combination of the 3.  Measuring temperament (pg 262)  Stability of temperament (pg 262)  Genetic influences (pg 264)  Environmental influences (pg 265)  The goodness-of-fit model (pg 266) 3 groups (10 minutes)

10 Development of Attachment  Bowlby’s Ethological Theory – infant’s emotional tie to caregiver as a response that promotes survival. 4 phases – Preattachment (birth-6 weeks) Attachment in the making (6 weeks-8 months) Clear-cut attachment (8 months-2 yrs) Formation of reciprocal relationship (18 months-2 yrs up)

11  Security of attachment- 4 Stages secure (base) Avoidant (unresponsive) Resistant (clinginess) Disorganized/disorientated (confused)  Stability of attachment  Cultural Variations  Multiple attachments  Factors that affect attachment security -opportunity, quality of caregiving, infant characteristics, family circumstances, and parents experiences

12 Self-Understanding  Self-awareness – beginning at birth self-recognition self-awareness & early emotional and social development (empathy)  Categorizing the self  Self-control

13 Activity #2  PASSWORD (2 groups)  Choose two students to be the "contestants." Those two students go to the front of the room and face their classmates. Reveal a secret word -- write it on the chalkboard or a chart for everyone but the two contestants. The rest of the students raise their hands to volunteer one-word clues that might help the contestants guess the word. Contestants take turns calling out clues until one of the contestants correctly guesses the secret password. The contestant who guesses the password remains at the front of the class; the student who gave the final clue replaces the other contestant.




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