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Microlending Academy Peer Discussion OFN: Customer Acquisition.

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Presentation on theme: "Microlending Academy Peer Discussion OFN: Customer Acquisition."— Presentation transcript:

1 Microlending Academy Peer Discussion OFN: Customer Acquisition

2 Today’s Agenda Review key points from OFN webinar Review some of their suggestions Discuss Give feedback on role or services CAMEO could provide

3 Today’s Questions In a time of unprecedented change in small business lending, Where easy, fast funding is available 24/7, How do you gain and retain quality customers, Who fulfill your loan volume and mission goals?

4 Your Most Import Customers Without clarity our loan officers chased everything and closed little. Without clarity our referral partners sent us poor prospects. Walt Postlewait Chief Lending Officer, Craft 3

5 We’re in a Costly Business If you couple non-strategic outreach with a lack of sales culture and an inefficient process, You end up spending a lot of time, attracting and screening the wrong customer Leading to high costs and low productivity Overall low performance on volume and mission

6 What, to Whom and How? ID Your Target Market and Value Proposition What problem are you solving? Who are you solving it for best? How well are you solving it compared to the competition? Where is the competition better? Where are you better? How well do you communicate your advantages to borrowers and referral partners?

7 Craft 3 Priorities Places: Rural economic centers and Urban disadvantages neighborhoods People: people of color, women veterans Sectors: Manufacturing, Value-added processing, commercial scale renewable energy, land conservation.

8 Growth Capital’s Value Proposition An accessible, affordable, just-missed bank loan

9 What do you do best -- compared to banks, credit cards, MCAs

10 Walt Postlewait, Craft 3 Technology, Ease and Speed It still takes us 30 days to do a $75K deal, whereas online lenders can do it in 48-72 hours Borrowers want this regardless of terms because they value time over the cost of money This is gigantic shift in business owners’ mentality and expectations

11 We Sell Loans: Growth Capital Create a sales culture Every staff has five business development contacts daily Daily dashboard results posted Incentives for volume and performance Performance appraisals based on volume, quality and mission

12 Growth Capital Dashboard

13 Driving Sales Technology: emails, website content marketing, social media, phone calls Personal: Phone calls, lunch, presentations Corporate: Board meetings, events, receptions Referral Partners: Build relationships and incentives

14 Relationships Relationships build trust Once there is trust, partners will share their problems If you can solve the problem and follow through You have a strategic partner

15 FinTech Influence Craft3 re-modeled website to look like a place to get a loan. Lowered the barrier to start the loan process Being “accessible” means making it easier for borrowers to find you and apply Growth Capital: online application

16 OFN Webinar Series Topic Date Small Business LandscapeFebruary 11 Business Model CanvasMarch 3 Value PropositionMarch 24 Customer AcquisitionApril 14 Lending Life Cycle–EfficienciesMay 5 Lending Life Cycle –TechnologyMay 26 Talent ManagementJune 16

17 Thanks!!

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