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There are so many environmental problems around the world today. One dilemma is the water shortage that is affecting many countries around the globe.

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Presentation on theme: "There are so many environmental problems around the world today. One dilemma is the water shortage that is affecting many countries around the globe."— Presentation transcript:


2 There are so many environmental problems around the world today. One dilemma is the water shortage that is affecting many countries around the globe. T hey aren’t as lucky as we are where we can have as much water as we want to have.

3  One of the places that is being affected by the water shortage is Africa. In Africa, there are many people who are unable to find clean water that is drinkable. They are forced to drink water from the dirt in which parasites inhabit it in order to survive. Many people across Africa are dying from diseases everyday such as Malaria.  There are other parts of the world where People have no other choice but to take three hour walks just to find clean water to drink. Not only are they traveling through all kinds of weather, they are also traveling with a big jar on top of their heads to carry the water.

4 Many people in so many places have no idea how much water they are wasting. Even the smallest jobs can take up a lot of water.  The average American uses about 500- 1300 gallons of water everyday.  1-2 gallons of water is used for brushing teeth, including having the water running.  15-30 gallons of water is wasted on taking long showers.  10-15 gallons of water is used for shaving, including having the water running.  20 gallons of water is used when a person washes dishes by hand.

5 99-12 gallons of water is used to was dishes using the dishwater. 55-7 gallons of water is used to flush the toilet.  It takes about 1400 gallons of water to make a meal of 1/4 pound of a hamburger, french fries and soft drinks.  Everyday, Americans drink 110 millions of gallons of water a day.  A leaky faucet can waste about 100 gallons of water everyday.  Less than 2% of the Earth’s water is fresh.  If you water your lawn for an hour, you can waste 220 gallons of water.

6 Water is a supply that every person needs. Many countries around the globe cannot find even a drop of clean water to drink and are stuck drinking contaminated water. The clean water percentage is going down. Usually in the USA, no one really takes a moment to think how lucky they are to have clean water. Most of us take water for granted. Everyone is at risk of losing water. One day we might wake up and discover that there is no water left for our daily lives.

7  One way we can prevent the water shortage from continuing, is to limit our uses of water. Instead of taking long showers or baths, we can reduce the amount of time we usually use to complete our tasks. This helps save precious water. Americans spend about 0.5% of their annual income on water. If we save the amount of water used from day to day, we can save money and protect the environment as well.

8  When brushing teeth, you can turn off the faucet off when the toothbrush is in motion in your mouth. When you need the water, you turn it on and then turn it off.

9 AAAAlthough people in Africa and other places have many people dying, there are new generations being brought into the world. There is still population that need resources to survive and one of the most important is water. Perhaps maybe the world as a whole can raise money to create water systems where it is easy to obtain water. This will help many people around the world. Maybe this can help prevent people from dying and becoming sick.


11  Water productivity can be increased by not dumping dirt and garbage into storm sewers. When dirt is dumped into the sewers, the water travels into the oceans and other bodies of water. If dirt and garbage is dumped into garbage cans and recycling bins, then there will be a larger amount of cleaner water for the world.

12  However, producing water naturally maybe harder than you think. The world is dealing with the climate change of global warming and the weather is unpredictable. In countries in Africa, it is hot and humid. In places like Egypt, there are a lot of dry days instead of rainy.

13 Roofs of buildings can be used to trap rain water and it can be somewhat at a slope. There can be a pool that is made so the rain water can fall into the pool and be used for different tasks such as:  Watering plants  Used as charity water for different countries. Using this kind of water can help people in the troubled areas grow crops and harvest them. This way people with no food will finally be able to have a decent meal. (It rains a lot in different parts of the world at different times. New York gets a lot of rain during the months of April and May. Countries like Indonesia have rain all the time, so this roof idea can work.)

14 Water Crisis Affecting the World

15  We can do so many things to preserve water. One way we can make a difference is by completing some of the chores that consist of water are by doing them at home.   In public restrooms, there should be automatic faucets so that when your hand moves away from the faucet, the water will stop running. Turn the sprinklers off because they use water that is not needed.

16  We should also check if our toilets are leaking. This will save your self from getting flooded and water.

17 When you have to get laundry done, wash in a full washing machine. Don’t wash a small amount of clothes and then go the next day and do laundry again. Wait until you have a large amount of water. You can save a lot of water doing this.

18 Right now, the water shortage is taking place. We can stop the shortage. However it may take a while. To stop the water shortage, we think that all you need to do is take a look at the issues and show care.

19 Everything in the world costs money. The best thing to do is help out and raise money for the different services that can be given. As a world, we can also continue to preserve and conserve water and hope for the best. Only the people of the world can make a difference. We are tomorrow and the future.


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