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© BP p.l.c. 2016. Oil BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2016 © BP p.l.c. 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "© BP p.l.c. 2016. Oil BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2016 © BP p.l.c. 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 © BP p.l.c. 2016

2 Oil BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2016 © BP p.l.c. 2016

3 BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2016 © BP p.l.c. 2016 Oil reserves-to-production (R/P) ratios Years 2015 by regionHistory

4 BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2016 © BP p.l.c. 2016 Distribution of proved oil reserves: 1995, 2005 and 2015 Percentage

5 BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2016 © BP p.l.c. 2016 Oil production/consumption by region Million barrels daily Production by regionConsumption by region

6 BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2016 © BP p.l.c. 2016 Oil consumption per capita 2015 Tonnes

7 BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2016 © BP p.l.c. 2016 Crude oil prices 1861-2015 US dollars per barrel, world events

8 BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2016 © BP p.l.c. 2016 Source: Platts Rotterdam product prices and differentials to crude US dollars per barrel Oil product prices (Rotterdam)Product differentials to crude (Rotterdam products minus Dated Brent)

9 BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2016 © BP p.l.c. 2016 Regional refining margins US dollars per barrel

10 BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2016 © BP p.l.c. 2016 Refinery utilization Percentage (based on average annual capacity)

11 BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2016 © BP p.l.c. 2016 Major oil trade movements 2015 Trade flows worldwide (million tonnes)

12 Natural gas BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2016 © BP p.l.c. 2016

13 BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2016 © BP p.l.c. 2016 Gas reserves-to-production (R/P) ratios Years 2015 by regionHistory

14 BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2016 © BP p.l.c. 2016 Distribution of proved gas reserves: 1995, 2005 and 2015 Percentage

15 BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2016 © BP p.l.c. 2016 Gas production/consumption by region Billion cubic metres Consumption by regionProduction by region

16 BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2016 © BP p.l.c. 2016 Gas consumption per capita 2015 Tonnes oil equivalent

17 BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2016 © BP p.l.c. 2016 Gas prices $/mmBtu

18 BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2016 © BP p.l.c. 2016 Source: Includes data from FGE MENAgas service, GIIGNL, IHS Waterborne, PIRA Energy Group, Wood Mackenzie. Major gas trade movements 2015 Trade flows worldwide (billion cubic metres)

19 Coal BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2016 © BP p.l.c. 2016

20 BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2016 © BP p.l.c. 2016 Coal reserves-to-production (R/P) ratios Years 2015 by regionHistory

21 BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2016 © BP p.l.c. 2016 Source: World Energy Resources 2013 Survey, World Energy Council. Distribution of proved coal reserves: 1995, 2005 and 2015 Percentage

22 BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2016 © BP p.l.c. 2016 Coal production/consumption by region Million tonnes oil equivalent Production by regionConsumption by region

23 BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2016 © BP p.l.c. 2016 Coal prices US dollars per tonne

24 BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2016 © BP p.l.c. 2016 Nuclear energy

25 BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2016 © BP p.l.c. 2016 Nuclear energy consumption by region Million tonnes oil equivalent

26 BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2016 © BP p.l.c. 2016 Hydroelectricity

27 BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2016 © BP p.l.c. 2016 Hydroelectricity consumption by region Million tonnes oil equivalent

28 BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2016 © BP p.l.c. 2016 Renewable energy

29 BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2016 © BP p.l.c. 2016 Renewable energy consumption/share of power by region Other renewables consumption by region Million tonnes oil equivalent Other renewables share of power generation by region Percentage

30 BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2016 © BP p.l.c. 2016 Biofuels production by region Million tonnes oil equivalent World biofuels production

31 Primary energy BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2016 © BP p.l.c. 2016

32 Primary energy world consumption Million tonnes oil equivalent BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2016 © BP p.l.c. 2016

33 BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2016 © BP p.l.c. 2016 Primary energy regional consumption by fuel 2015 Percentage

34 BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2016 © BP p.l.c. 2016 Fuel consumption by region 2015 Percentage

35 BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2016 © BP p.l.c. 2016 Fossil fuel reserves-to-production (R/P) ratios at end 2015 Years

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