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1 Sun: - ODF - StarOffice & OpenOffice ● Rudy Van Hoe ● Software Practice Manager ● Sun Microsystems 1.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Sun: - ODF - StarOffice & OpenOffice ● Rudy Van Hoe ● Software Practice Manager ● Sun Microsystems 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Sun: - ODF - StarOffice & OpenOffice ● Rudy Van Hoe ● Software Practice Manager ● Sun Microsystems 1

2 2 Agenda Motivation Features and Benefits ODF Adoption ODF Roadmap StarOffice & OpenOffice ODF Programmability

3 3 Perspectives “Modern information technology has turned the world into a village with amazing speed. It links people and builds bridges in a way which even quite recently we would have believed impossible. An open, unhindered exchange of information in all areas of life is of fundamental importance for today's knowledge-based society. It is an important foundation for our shared objective: a peaceful, democratic, pluralistic society. The Open Document Format, as a completely open and ISO-standardized format, is an excellent vehicle for the free exchange of knowledge and information in the globalized age. ” Frank-Walter Steinmeier Federal Foreign Minister, Germany

4 4 OASIS ODF TC Charter

5 5 More than 500 members from more than 50 countries since March 2006, e.g.: BBC, Bristol City Council, Bull, Corel, EDS, EMC, Google, IBM, Novell, Oracle, Red Hat, Software AG, Sun Microsystems, City of Vienna, etc.

6 6 Defined in an Open, Transparent Process Mailing lists open to the public Individual members allowed Public meeting agendas and minutes Received public comments are publicly visible Public review period (now 60 days) ISO/IEC 26300

7 7 Reuse of Established Standards Dublin Core SVG MathML XForms XSL:FO XLink SMIL RDF/XML (ODF 1.2) OWL (ODF 1.2)

8 8 ODF Enables New Concepts Offline / PC ( Online / Browser (Google Docs & Spreadsheets)

9 9 ODF Support for All Key Platforms Windows Linux Mac OS X Solaris OS FreeBSD OS/2 Symbian PalmOS } Solid (!!!) ODF support for “minorities”

10 10 Choice of ODF Implementations Sun StarOffice Office Suite KOffice IBM Lotus Notes / Symphony Corel WordPerfect Apple Mac OS X Leopard / TextEdit TextMaker AbiWord / Gnumeric Google Docs & Spreadsheets AjaxWrite Mobile Office by Odendahl SEPT-Solutions Microsoft Office (via plug-ins) Mozilla Firefox (via plug-ins)

11 11 Gartner says... „By 2010, ODF document exchange will be required by 50 percent of government and 20 percent of commercial organizations (0.7 probability).”

12 12 ODF in the Public Sector Commonwealth of Massachusetts, USA (ETRM) Belgium (De Post) Spain / Extremadura Netherlands South Africa (MIOS) Russia Denmark France (RGI) Germany (SAGA) Finland Norway Brasil (e-Ping)

13 13 More than 1.2M Downloads per Week! More than 130M downloads of in total More than 1.2M downloads of per week Close to 2M downloads of at peak times These numbers don't include > Many mirror sites > Linux distros > CD's / DVD's bundled with magazines > CD's / DVD's given out at events > Copies bundled with hardware

14 14 ODF is Maturing Quickly ODF 1.0 > OASIS approval in May 2005 > ISO approval in May 2006 ODF 1.1 > Minor update > OASIS approval in February 2007 > Focus on accessibility ODF 1.2 > Solid draft available > Focus on formulas and metadata

15 15 ODF 1.2 Formulas Are Influenced by Microsoft Excel (many different versions) / StarOffice Lotus 1-2-3 Quattro Pro Gnumeric Koffice Kspread WikiCalc SheetToGo Mathematica Macsyma Octave

16 16 Benefits of ODF 1.2 Formulas Broad application coverage > Incl. Microsoft Excel, Lotus 1-2-3 and Innovative functions > E.g. XOR, BASE, SEC, etc. Reuse of standards > E.g. ISO 8610 date and time representation Support for supplier-unique namespaces > Enables rapid, decentralized innovation Avoids bugs like the „1900 leap year bug“ No limitation to the number of rows and columns No constraints on the user interface Predefined function sets for different application areas

17 17 Intelligent Documents with ODF XForms (ODF 1.0) > Allows integrating external XML data sources > Allows submitting XML data from forms to files and Web services > Based on existing W3C standards RDF/XML and OWL based metadata (ODF 1.2) > Allows “tagging” of documents / document elements for automatic processing > Allows adding “hidden” information for automatic processing > Based on existing W3C standards

18 18 StarOffice or StarOffice > Enterprise: –Migration tools –Configuration manager –Indemnity from Sun > All editions: –Commercial spell checker –MS-equivalent fonts –Screen Beans –WordPerfect filters –Supported by Sun > Single edition / many customizations –Community support –Lower price –Completely open source –Additional localizations

19 19 Roadmap Summary StarOffice 9 Microsoft interoperability Performance and stability PIM / Outlook alternative Mac support Office 2007 import filters Enhanced VBA compatibility in StarOffice Basic PDF Import PDF/A support Presenter console for Impress with multi screen support Improved Pivot tables and new Solver in Calc Fully automated Online Update Incremental Updates Updates StarOffice 8 Migration Tools Increased MS Office interoperability New presentation interface New database front-end OpenDocument support Improved Usability Enhanced PDF export User configuration tools Enhanced Programmability 2005 Today Autumn 2008 Patches and maintenance releases Languages: Dutch, Russian, Hungarian, Polish "StarOffice Server" (make SO better suited for doc. conversion) Add-on components (e.g eFax, Blogs, DB Report, Minimizer) ISP Value-add services (e.g. google, AOL) Improved charts NetBeans integration/support

20 20 ODF Programming with Perl

21 21 ODF Programming with Python (1/2)

22 22 ODF Programming with Python (2/2)

23 23 ODF Programming with PHP (1/2)

24 24 ODF Programming with PHP (2/2)

25 25 ODF Programming with Ruby

26 26 ODF Programming with Java Tools

27 27 ODF Programming Using The StarOffice Server

28 28 The ODF Toolkit Project

29 29 ODF Programming with ODFDOM What is ODFDOM? > Lightweight toolkit (compared to full featured office application) > Allows creating & processing of ODF documents ODFDOM Features > Adding / removing file streams from the ODF package (ZIP) > Processing ODF documents on ODF XML element level > ODF elements are represented by Java classes with XML attributes as attributes, > Generated from the ODF RelaxNG Schema (typed W3C XML DOM, similar to HTML DOM part of Apache Xerces parser) > Common high-level convenience functionality (e.g. add table, add table row, etc.) > Extensibility for customized ODF behavior and embedded user XML

30 30 Resources ODF Community Website ODF Alliance Website List of ODF API's ODF Plug-in for Microsoft Office ODF Toolkit Project Sun Engineering Blog Sun Open Source Initiatives

31 31 Thank you very much! ● Rudy Van Hoe – 31

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