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Presentation on theme: "PROFESSIONAL INTEGRATION OF IMMIGRANTS IN THE PORTUGUESE SOCIETY 16 November 2006."— Presentation transcript:


2 CONTENTS I. Characterisation of Immigrant Unemployment II. The Public Employment Services (PES) in dealing with immigrant job demand  Intervention programme for the socio-professional integration of immigrants  Employment and Vocational Training Measures and Programmes III. The PES in regulating migratory flows IV. Conclusions

3 I. Characterisation of Immigrant Unemployment Unemployed Immigrants Registered with Job Centres on the Mainland by Nationality NationalityDec. 05Aug. 06 Total20,14217,843 Total 10 +18 13116 061 BRAZIL4 6324 239 UKRAINE3 4882 776 CAPE VERDE2 8612 655 ANGOLA2 7832 503 GUINEA-BISSAU1 6621 560 SÃO TOMÉ AND PRINCIPE 879 822 MOLDAVIA 810 648 RUSSIA 558 442 ROMANIA 458 416

4 I. Characterisation of Immigrant Unemployment Unemployed Immigrants by Nationality Groups according to Gender – December 05 Nationality GroupsMenWomenTotal Eastern Europe1 0968041 900 Ukraine2 0291 6413 670 PALOPS2 8082 5785 386 Cape Verde1 5331 5353 068 Brazil2 0272 6054 632 Other countries 981 5051 486 Total10 4749 66820 142

5 I. Characterisation of Immigrant Unemployment Unemployed Immigrants by Nationality Groups according to Age Group – December 05 Nationality Group < 25 Years 25 - 34 Years 35 - 54 Years >= 55 Years Total Eastern Europe 2782 1542 929 2095 570 PALOPS1 1662 7894 080 4198 454 Brazil 4982 0082 021 1054 632 Other countries 95 552 789 501 486 Total2 0377 5039 819 78320 142

6 I. Characterisation of Immigrant Unemployment Unemployed Immigrants by Nationality Groups according to Region – December 05 Nationality Groups NorthCentreLisbonAlentejoAlgarveTotal Eastern Europe 853 7472 598 2981 0745 570 PALOPS 398 3117 319 88 3388 454 Brazil 751 4142 807 176 4844 632 Other countries 383 223 684 61 1351 486 Total2 3851 69513 408 6232 03120 142

7 I. Characterisation of Immigrant Unemployment Unemployed Immigrants by Nationality Groups according to School Qualifications – December 05 Nationality Groups < 1 st CYCLE BE 1 st CYCLE BE 2 nd CYCLE BE 3 rd CYCLE BE SECONDARYHIGHERTotal Eastern Europe 369 382 2261 4422 725 4265 570 PALOPS 8591 5661 9922 0221 742 2738 454 Brazil 118 360 776 9012 248 2294 632 Other countr. 196 181 166 302 522 1191 486 Total1 5422 4893 1604 6677 2371 04720 142

8 I. Characterisation of Immigrant Unemployment Unemployed Immigrants by Nationality Groups according to the National Job Classification – Dec. 05 Eastern Europe PALOPSBrazil Other countries Total 4.1. Office Employees 152 478 420 941 144 5.1. Staff – Protection and Safety Services 6171 210 946 1842 957 5.2. Models, Prod. Promoters, Demonstrators 140 505 457 651 167 7.1. Operators and similar workers - Extraction and Civil Constr. 6281 741 348 2012 918 8.3. Driver – Vehicles and Mobile Equipment 524 224 289 531 090 9.1. Non-qualified workers – Services and Commerce 1 0811 853 610 1703 714 9.3. Non-qualified workers – Mines and Civil Construction 1 2191 317 638 3653 539

9 I. Characterisation of Immigrant Unemployment Subsidised Unemployed Immigrants by Nationality Group Dec. 05Aug. 06 Eastern Europe799895 Ukraine1 6051 679 PALOPS2 2872 361 Cape Verde1 2001 280 Brazil1 9682 368 Other countries533613 Total8 3929 196

10 CONTENTS I. Characterisation of Immigrant Unemployment II. The Public Employment Service (PES) in dealing with immigrant job demand  Intervention programme for the socio-professional integration of immigrants  Employment and Vocational Training Measures and Programmes III. The PES in regulating migratory flows IV. Conclusions

11 II. The Public Employment Service  Processing of immigrant job demand, intervening vis-à-vis the immigrant population with legal permanence or residence permits in Portugal seeking to resolve its employment problem.  Regulation of migratory flows, intervening in the admission process of immigrants, in terms of diagnosing labour needs and managing the maximum admission quota of these citizens.  Action Areas in socio-professional integration:

12 II. The Public Employment Service  An intervention for citizenship and for inclusion, with the involvement of the various social actors as well as those from the publics themselves, in an empowerment process;  The establishment of a logic of partnership and integrated intervention for equality, in a local and organisational context, enhancing an articulated combination of the most suitable action and responses adjusted to the different situations.  Lines of Intervention:

13 II. The Public Employment Service  On the National Inclusion Plans  On National Employment Plans (NEP)  NEP 2005 – 2008, is particulary focused on actions directed at publics with special integration problems, namely the Intervention Programme for the Socio-Professional Integration of Immigrants;  Objective: to reach 38.554 people in this period.  Lines of Intervention are reflected:

14 1.To promote training in basic skills of citizenship and Portuguese so as to ensure immigrants of conditions that facilitate and enhance their integration in the Portuguese society. Intervention Programme for the socio-professional integration of immigrants II. The Public Employment Service  Objectives:

15 2.To reinforce the valencies of the Immigrant Support Centres and to increase the network of Local Immigrant Support Centres, which operate under the coordination of the High Commissioner for the Immigration of Ethnic Minorities, and which have multiple underlying services, the employment and training area being ensured by Units of Integration in Active Life, whose network is currently being expanded. Intervention Programme for the socio-professional integration of immigrants II. The Public Employment Service  Objectives:

16 3.To counteract social and labour discrimination, allowing immigrant citizens to receive the technical benefits of the public employment service:  Vocational guidance  Access to the employment and vocational training measures and programmes  Registration with a job centre (for placement in the labour market or access to unemployment benefits) Intervention Programme for the socio-professional integration of immigrants II. The Public Employment Service  Objectives:

17  Meet the respective access requirements  Have a permanence or residence permit, which qualify them for the exercise of a professional activity, therefore being on equal terms with national and community citizens as regards citizenship rights. II. The Public Employment Service  Access conditions of Immigrants to the employment and vocational training measures and programmes:

18 The PORTUGAL ACOLHE programme is a specific measure designed to facilitate the social, cultural and professional integration of immigrants through the development of basic skills in Portuguese and in Citizenship. Employment and vocational training programmes and measures II. The Public Employment Service  PORTUGAL ACOLHE programme

19 Employment and vocational training programmes and measures II. The Public Employment Service  Special Vocational Training Takes into account the specific needs of some unemployed immigrants:  Low levels of school and vocational qualifications;  Economic needs and significant deficits in terms of employability competences.

20 Employment and vocational training programmes and measures II. The Public Employment Service  Adult Education and Training Courses Access Qualifications Training Path Basic Training Occupational Training On-the-job Training School and Skill Certification Adult Education and Training Certificate

21 Employment and vocational training programmes and measures II. The Public Employment Service  Occupational Programmes Occupational Programmes are designed to provide the unemployed with a socially useful occupation until labour or vocational training alternatives arise, thus preventing their social isolation and the tendency for demotivation and marginalisation, besides ensuring a subsistence allowance.

22 Employment and vocational training programmes and measures II. The Public Employment Service  Integration Companies These are designed to counteract poverty and social exclusion through professional integration or reintegration, promoting:  The acquisition and development of personal, social and professional skills;  Job creation;  Satisfying social needs not met through the normal functioning of the market.

23 Employment and vocational training programmes and measures II. The Public Employment Service  Access to the Services provided by Job Centres All unemployed and employed immigrants wishing to change jobs may register with job centres, as long as they have a valid permanence or residence permit.

24 Employment and vocational training programmes and measures II. The Public Employment Service  Access to the Services provided by Job Centres  Right to an efficient reception;  Right to a personalised reception;  Right to information – training offer and job offer, socio- economic means and labour and job conditions, social benefits, labour market and social employment market.  Technical support in drawing up a personal social and vocational integration or reintegration project.

25 Employment and vocational training programmes and measures II. The Public Employment Service  Access to the Services provided by Job Centres  Immediate and free assistance in seeking a job suited to the immigrant’s needs;  Right to Vocational Guidance with a view to increasing the immigrant’s employability;  Technical support in the active search for a job;  Right to support to professional and geographical mobility;  Right to unemployment protection according to the law.

26 CONTENTS I. Characterisation of Immigrant Unemployment II. The Public Employment Service (PES) in dealing with immigrant job demand  Intervention programme for the socio-professional integration of immigrants  Employment and Vocational Training Measures and Programmes III. The PES in regulating migratory flows IV. Execution of the Job Opportunities Report V. Management of Immigrant Job Demand

27 III. The PES in Regulating Migratory Flows  The Job Opportunities Report was created with the following underlying criteria:  Labour market needs in general;  Labour needs in fundamental sectors for the national economy;  Labour needs for seasonal activities.

28 III. The PES in Regulating Migratory Flows  Objectives of the Job Opportunities Report:  To establish a forecast of job opportunities per activity sector;  To set a mandatory annual limit for incoming immigrants, for the exercise of a professional activity;  To draw up a diagnosis of economic needs that tend to regulate the flow of legal “labour immigration”.

29 III. The PES in Regulating Migratory Flows  Cooperation Agreements and Protocols between the IEFP and non-member countries:  They also serve as instruments that increase the integration of immigrants;  They assist the IEFP in recruiting and selecting workers from Member Countries;  There is a close articulation between the IEFP and the respective services of the Non-member country.

30 III. The PES in Regulating Migratory Flows  Cooperation Agreements and Protocols in force:  Protocol with Cape Verde (Decree no. 60/97, of 19 November)  Agreement with Bulgaria (Decree no. 23/03, of 17 May)  Agreement with Brazil (Decree no. 40/03, of 19 September)  Agreement with Ukraine (Decree no. 03/05, of 14 February)  Agreement with Romania (Decree no. 18/05, of 06 September )

31 CONTENTS I. Characterisation of Immigrant Unemployment II. The Public Employment Service (PES) in dealing with immigrant job demand  Intervention programme for the socio-professional integration of immigrants  Employment and Vocational Training Measures and Programmes III. The PES in regulating migratory flows IV. Execution of the Job Opportunities Report V. Management of Immigrant Job Demand

32 IV. Execution of the Job Opportunities Report (ROT) EAC Manifestation of Interest Reports Issued Visas Granted 011 – Agriculture3,5481,2851,039 45 – Construction7,9722,3441,593 55 – Lodging and restaurants 5,2001,483995 93 – Other act. Services745164100 Sub-Total17,4655,2763,727 Act. not foreseen in the ROT3,381491507 Total Global20,8465,7674,234

33 IV. Execution of the Job Opportunities Report (ROT) Nationalities Brazil7,450 Moldavia3,163 Romania2,110 Ukraine1,643 Cape Verde419 Others2,680 TOTAL17,465  Distribution of Jobs over the total activities foreseen in the ROT

34 IV. Execution of the Job Opportunities Report (ROT) NationalitiesVisas Granted Brazil1,322 Moldavia779 Romania480 Ukraine444 Cape Verde135 Others567 TOTAL3,727  Distribution of Visas over the total activities foreseen in the ROT

35 IV. Execution of the Job Opportunities Report (ROT)  Summary table of Quotas EACInitial TotalCaptiveFilledAvailable 011Agriculture21002631,039798 45Construction29007711,593536 55Lodging and Restaurants28005099951,296 93Other Activ. Services70066100534 TOTAL8,5001,6093,7273,164

36 CONTENTS I. Characterisation of Immigrant Unemployment II. The Public Employment Services (PES) in dealing with immigrant job demand  Intervention programme for the socio-professional integration of immigrants  Employment and Vocational Training Measures and Programmes III. The PES in regulating migratory flows IV. Execution of the Job Opportunities Report V. Management of Immigrant Job Demand

37  Presentation for Job Offers Nationality Groups2005Jan to Aug 2006 Eastern Europe11,14510,158 PALOPS16,19313,602 Brazil9,4589,418 Other countries2,6352,261 Total39,43135,439

38 V. Management of Immigrant Job Demand  Placement of Unemployed Immigrants Nationality Groups2005Jan to Aug 2006 Eastern Europe1,021635 PALOPS916737 Brazil691568 Other countries210142 Total2,8382,082

39 V. Management of Immigrant Job Demand  Immigrants Integrated in Training Actions – 2005 Total Cape Verde TotalUkraineTotalBrazil Apprenticeship 5843240119012413937 Qualif. Training for Integration in Labour Market 131176930524022 Technological Specialisation Courses 71420021 Voc. Educ. Train. courses Young People -1 st Job22810170103744112 Continuing Vocational Training 1.57772508109459229538347 Training of Qualified Active Workers27453101713 Portugal Acolhe 1.65157301.2898093020 Voc. Training Unemployed 68652350704113243110 Adult Educ. Train. courses – Unemployed 13361024600258 Educ. Train. Courses Young People – New Job21001000 Training of Qualified Unemployed33111832189 Training of Trainers 198211084 Training for Underprivileged Groups 96200011 Adult Educ. Training courses – Underprivileged 41220010 Other Measures 135401132 Total5.1042731.6335641.8201.0641.378566 TOTALEU PALOP'sEastern Europe Rest of the World

40 João Pedro Henriques IEFP 16 November 2006


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