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The Apprenticeship Levy. Summary of the Apprenticeship Reforms The government is committed to significantly increase the quantity and quality of apprenticeships.

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Presentation on theme: "The Apprenticeship Levy. Summary of the Apprenticeship Reforms The government is committed to significantly increase the quantity and quality of apprenticeships."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Apprenticeship Levy

2 Summary of the Apprenticeship Reforms The government is committed to significantly increase the quantity and quality of apprenticeships in England to reach 3 million starts in 2020: New Institute for Apprenticeships led by employers to support quality apprenticeships Employers at the heart of designing new Apprenticeships Standards through the Trailblazer programme Inclusion of new degree and higher apprenticeships provides individuals with an alternative to the traditional university route Apprenticeships will be given equal legal protection to degrees Removal of prior attainment restrictions provides greater flexibility Abolishing employer NICs for apprentices under the age of 25 from April 2016 Apprenticeship targets for public sector bodies – 2.3% of its workforce comprised of apprenticeships

3 Introduction of the Apprenticeship Levy But a step change in the scale and quality of the apprenticeship programme also requires a step change in funding. The Apprenticeship Levy The levy will be 0.5% of paybill, paid through PAYE. An allowance of £15,000 will be given. Levy paid on paybill in excess of £3m (2% of UK employers) Levy funds can only be used to fund payment of the apprenticeship training – cannot be used to fund salary costs Employers in England who pay the levy and are committed to apprenticeship training will be able to get out more than they pay into the levy, through a top-up to their digital accounts* * Use it or lose it! Unused levy will be redistributed after an agreed period (12-24mths – yet to be confirmed)

4 REDEFINING APPRENTICESHIPS WITHIN LINCOLNSHIRE INSPIRING OUR NEXT GENERATION AND FUTURE NHS WORKFORCE Claire Flavell Apprenticeship Programme Manager United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust Wednesday 2 nd March 2016

5 ULHT - Providing acute hospital services at Lincoln County, Boston Pilgrim, Grantham & District, and Louth Hospitals. Also provides outpatient, day case and inpatient services from a range of other community hospitals operated by Lincolnshire Community Health Services or local GP clusters. LPFT - Providing specialist health services for people with a learning disability, mental health, and drug or alcohol problem. Services are delivered in hospitals, care homes, specialist clinics and in the community. EMAS – Providing frontline accident and emergency services, urgent care and patient transport services. LCHS - Providing community healthcare and healthy lifestyle services. Services are delivered in the community and within Community Hospitals at John Coupland Hospital in Gainsborough, Johnson Community Hospital in Spalding, Skegness Hospital and County Hospital, Louth. 100 x Independent GP Practices and Dental Surgeries NHS Services within Lincolnshire

6 ULHT Context Largest Public Sector employer in Lincolnshire Employ over 7,800 staff across 4 sites Difficulty in recruiting to the county for clinical posts (nurses, medics, allied health professionals) Aging workforce Increasing demand on services due to ageing population Financial deficit Prior to 2015 Reforms Reactive approach to recruitment – focus on current demand (skills and resource) Limited forward planning for future skills gaps / succession requirements Lack of awareness / poor perception of the Apprenticeship Programme  For school leavers with low levels of education  A recruitment tool as opposed to development  Perceived lack of flexibility (enrolment restricted by academic calendar) Use of Apprenticeships determined at local department level

7 Annual Levy: Employer of 7,800 staff Average Pay Bill = £225m Levy sum: 0.5% = £1.1m United Lincolnshire Hospitals Impact Annual Apprentice Target: 2.3% of workforce Apprentice target = 180 on programme per annum Impact: Funds (digital vouchers) can only be used to pay registered training organisations for the delivery of the apprenticeship programme. Levy funds cannot be used to support salary costs or other elements. Historically, the majority of training delivery has been conducted through our in-house Clinical Education Team, delivering NVQ qualifications. Less than 0.5% of training conducted through Apprenticeships.

8 NHS Lincolnshire Context Largest Public Sector employer in Lincolnshire Employ over 12,500 staff across multiple sites Difficulty in recruiting to the county for clinical posts (nurses, medics, allied health professionals) Aging workforce Financial deficit Prior to 2015 Reforms Fragmented approach to recruitment across NHS Trusts - often undertaken in silos In addition to national competition, local competition between Trusts for new recruits – small pool of candidates for hard to recruit posts Use of the Apprenticeship programme patchy, with different models in operation Lack of consistency in delivery, hindering portability of skills amongst Trusts Lincolnshire Health and Care review for integrated delivery underway

9 Partner Organisations: United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust Lincolnshire Community Health Services East Midlands Ambulance Service NHS Lincolnshire Impact Annual Levy: Collective employer of 12,500 staff Average Pay Bill = £355m Levy sum: 0.5% = £1.8m Annual Apprentice Target: 2.3% of workforce to be Apprentices Apprentice target = 289 on programme per annum Collective NHS Trusts Lincolnshire

10 Getting “Levy Ready”… Apprenticeship reforms have been the catalyst for change – raising the priority Levy will force a change in the way Apprentices are utilised within the workforce Within ULHT, introduction of Government Levy and targets considered in conjunction with: – Management of the levy – Digital Apprenticeship System – Impact on our supply chain and other NHS bodies out of scope (eg. General Practice) – Recruitment challenges and long-term workforce planning – Need to more towards an integrated health and care staffing model – Financial impact for the organisation – need to utilise levy contributions to best effect Look beyond our own Organisation: Consultation commenced in early November ‘15 regarding the expansion of ULHT Talent Academy and a collaborative approach to Apprenticeships across Lincolnshire health and care community


12 Redefining Apprenticeships in Lincolnshire Lincolnshire Talent Academy has been established – a collaborative body consisting of 4 NHS Trusts and General Practice. Links with Public Health and Social Care through the LETC / HEEM to ensure integration. Academy priorities: – Integrated programme delivering clear pathway for talent identification and development – Development of a centralised Apprenticeship programme for Lincolnshire – new recruits and staff development – Consistency of delivery aiding portability of skills – Rotational placements supporting integrated workforce model – Centralised Levy management process – supporting supply chain & General Practice programme – Working in collaboration with the SFA and providers, to move towards in-house delivery of Apprenticeship provision – Cost efficiencies through centralised systems and shared resource – Reinvestment of levy into the programme

13 NHS Lincolnshire – Talent Academy Collaborative Development - Opportunities ULHT Employment Progression Pathways – GenericDate: 8 th July 2015 C Flavell – Draft Planning DocumentVersion: 01 Careers Inspiration Activity (Awareness) Pre-Employment Programmes Entry Level Apprenticeships Advanced Apprenticeship Higher Apprenticeship Lincolnshire NHS Work Experience Hub  Coordinated approach and single point of contact 6 th Form Courses  Clinical & Midwifery Traineeships  Centrally commissioned 16-18 yrs Employability Programme Placements Voluntary Services Advanced Apprenticeships Centralised NHS Ambassador Programme  Central register of Ambassadors  Coordinated delivery  Greater impact  Efficient use of staff resource Intermediate Apprenticeships Internship Opportunities Higher Apprenticeships Summer Placements  Nuffield Science Research Projects Opportunities for Collaboration  Greater economies of scale  More efficient use of staff resource and existing funding  Funding revenue income stream  Multi-disciplined staff – opportunities for rotational staff model (supports LHAC) Centralised NHS Lincolnshire Apprenticeship Hub Coordinated Programme Management Centralised commissioning of services Greater economies of scale – negotiation regarding Employer Charges & delivery models Efficiency of recruitment Increased development opportunities for Apprentice progression Centralised Training Delivery Greater flexibility for Lincolnshire delivery Utilisation of staff and resources Continuity of delivery across Lincolnshire NHS Opportunity for Direct Skills Funding Agency Grant Available for organisations supporting in excess of 200 apprentices Income stream (Traineeships and Apprenticeships) Centralised framework delivery Centralised Careers Events  Single NHS approach  Regional coverage  Site pathway specific careers days  Staff utilisation Talent Pipelines  Lincolnshire Education Partnership programme  Joint programme for Health and Social Care Programmes (120hrs)

14 Care / Clinical / Allied Health Pathway Option 1: Internal - Allied Healthcare Apprenticeship ULHT Transitional Progression Pathways – Allied HealthDate: 16 th July 2015 C Flavell – Draft Planning DocumentVersion: 01 Entry Intermediate Apprenticeship Advanced Apprenticeship Professional Development Higher Apprenticeship Multi-disciplinary Allied Healthcare Apprentice – Level 2 Apprenticeship Age 16 – 24 Co-funded training Duration 18 months Level 2 Healthcare Support Services framework - contextualised Care Certificate included Delivered by rotation 3 x 6 mths Delivery Internal of External delivery Progression Opportunity to progress and specialise Additional Apprenticeship Progression Opportunities:  Aspiring Nurse Apprentice (L3)  Multi-disciplinary Allied Healthcare Apprentice – Level 3 Apprenticeship Multi-disciplinary Allied Healthcare Apprentice – Level 3 Apprenticeship Co-funded training Duration 18 months Level 3 Clinical Support framework Delivered by rotation 3 x 6 month rotations: Rotation #1: Radiology Rotation #2: Physio Rotation #3: OT Allied Healthcare – Secondment (Part Time Study)  Pre-registration Programme - Sheffield Hallam University ULHT secondment onto programme BSc Honours Physiotherapy BSc Honours Occ. Therapy 15 places across 3 Trust Additional Apprenticeship Progression Opportunities:  Assistant Practitioner  Nursing Higher Apprenticeship University – Full Time Study  Relevant Degree  Non-funded Rotation #1: Radiology / Diagnostics Rotation #2: Physiotherapy Rotation #3: Occupational Therapy

15 Positive Impact of Apprenticeship Reform Raises the priority of skills development and workforce planning New reforms place employers firmly in control of the design and delivery of the programme Develop new standards that meet the needs of our business Creation of talent pipelines – engagement with the younger generation Re-design our future workforce models Opportunities for collaborative working

16 For further information, please contact: Claire Flavell Email: Further questions: Should you have any questions, or wish to contact us regarding the event or information provided, please contact: Claire Flavell Or by email to: Apprenticeship Programme Manager NHS Lincolnshire Talent Academy United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust Robey House Greetwell Road Lincoln LN2 5QY

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