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Introduction to the National End of Life Care Intelligence Network Professor Julia Verne Clinical Lead – National End of Life Care Intelligence Network.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to the National End of Life Care Intelligence Network Professor Julia Verne Clinical Lead – National End of Life Care Intelligence Network."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to the National End of Life Care Intelligence Network Professor Julia Verne Clinical Lead – National End of Life Care Intelligence Network (NEoLCIN) West Midlands Strategic Clinical Network 5 th February 2015

2 What we are going to do Remind you of the aims of NEoLCIN Describe the principle data sources available to us Show you the resources on the NEoLCIN website Pull out from them headlines about you Tell you about the proposed palliative care dataset 2

3 Every data item represents a person with a family, friends and a life lived 3

4 Introduction End of life Intelligence Network (PHE, NHS, charities, researchers, key users) Raising profile Better understanding Better commissioning Research Improved measurement monitoring 4

5 Nationally available data Mortality data (ONS) Death in Usual place of residence (available on NEoLCIN website) Hospital admissions data (HSCIC) Palliative Care Minimum dataset (MDS – aggregate data, published by NEoLCIN) National Survey of Bereaved Relatives – Voices (ONS) National Care of the Dying Audit for Hospitals Other population statistics from ONS CQC, DWP, local authorities etc 5

6 Because it is available for everyone For example Place of death (Death certificate) Cause of death (Death certificate) Number of admissions / Time spent in hospital   Managing and planning Describing quality of care 6

7 From this we produce reports Including : Patterns of end of life care in England, 2008 to 2010 Head and neck cancers in England: who dies from them and where do they die? National Survey of Patient Activity Data for Specialist Palliative Care Services 2012/13 Introduction7

8 And profiles 8

9 9 What about quality of care ? For example Voices  Overall picture  Local issues For example NCDAH  Detailed  Paperwork based

10 Health Intelligence Networks National Cancer Intelligence Network (NCIN) National End of Life Care Intelligence Network (NEoLCIN) National Child and Maternal Health Intelligence Network (ChiMat) National Cardiovascular Intelligence Network (NCVIN) National Mental Health Intelligence Network (MHDNIN) National Liver Disease Intelligence Service Introduction 10

11 Any questions before I move on? 11

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