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Your achievement…. Your success! Your University Library.

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2 Your achievement…. Your success! Starts @ Your University Library

3 The Library Building…  Yes - we do have books… … and other research material  Journals & Magazines  Microfilm  Research Theses  DVDs/CDs  400,000 volumes on our shelves

4 University Library covers entire 2 nd Floor of the Vasche Library Building

5 Even a third floor filled with books!  100,000 books on philosophy, history, psychology, culture, economics, social sciences, and society shelved on the 2 nd floor  100,000 books on the sciences, medicine, literature, government, law, and languages shelved on the 3 rd floor

6 But a visit to the Library provides so much more than books…

7 Computers and Laptops  Collaboratory - full computer lab open 7 days a week  Largest OIT Lab with the longest number of hours  OIT Lab Assistant available every weekday  In addition, laptops can be checked out for four hours

8 Study Space  Quiet Study  Tables, Carrels, Soft Chairs  Group Study  Rooms dedicated for small groups  Large group tables  Collaborative computer workstations

9 Course Reserves  Some professors put a copy of textbooks or supplemental readings on reserve at the Library’s Circulation Desk  But most extra readings for courses are online…  … and speaking of online: The University Library is as much online as it is a building to visit!

10 Library Research & Collections Online  160 research databases  Specialized search engines for different disciplines (including nursing & allied health)  60,000 periodicals  Over 100 million academic journal articles  Tens of millions of magazine and news articles  Specialized “Reference” tools  Example – Gale Encyclopedia of Nursing and Allied Health  120,000 academic books  All accessible anywhere you can connect to the Internet  Access via the library’s website (using your campus username when off-campus)

11 We’re Here to Help!  Have a question? Ask a Librarian!  Stanislaus State Librarians available 6 days a week  In person at the Library’s Reference Desk  Monday – Thursday: 9am to 6 PM (Friday 9 to 5, Sunday 2 to 6)  Via webchat or text message (library website)  Via Email (  Nationwide assistance available 24/7 every day  Web chat via library website

12 Please Visit Us!  2 nd Floor of Library Building  Open 7 days a week:  Monday – Thursday: 7:45 AM to Midnight  Friday: 7:45 AM to 5:00 PM  Saturday: 9 AM to 5:00 PM  Sunday: 11 AM to 7:00 PM  Online at: http://library.csustan.edu  Accessible 24/7  Campus username and password provides access to access resources Library has purchased (so you don’t have to pay!)  Linked from University Homepage in upper right corner

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