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AGM – 27 th May 2016. OBJECTIVE To build and commission and operate a community hydro scheme at Harlaw Reservoir.

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Presentation on theme: "AGM – 27 th May 2016. OBJECTIVE To build and commission and operate a community hydro scheme at Harlaw Reservoir."— Presentation transcript:

1 AGM – 27 th May 2016

2 OBJECTIVE To build and commission and operate a community hydro scheme at Harlaw Reservoir.

3 Agenda AGM Apologies Chairman's remarks Approval of annual accounts Approval of interest payment Agreement to verify the accounts Appointment of verifier (Gordon Mavor) Election of the Board Performance vs Prospectus EIS/SEIS The Team Harlaw Hydro Education – Graham Ellis & Lynn Molleson Investing in the community – Keith Taylor AOCB Questions Wine, juice and nibbles

4 Chairman’s Remarks A Community Success Initiated in.. Funded by.. Managed by.. the Community Our third AGM 1 st AGM – Some challenges, the lease, the trees 2 nd AGM – Formal Opening 3 rd AGM – ‘Routine Operation’ – Technical Committee stands down Results so far compare favourably with the share prospectus An added dimension to weather appreciation. Glorious summer days Wet winter Dry Spring Considerable interest in BenComs and community hydro

5 Society Accounts Accounting period 1 st April 2015 - 31 st March 2016 Prepared and verified by Gordon Mavor

6 Income & Expenditure

7 Balance Sheet

8 Rule 96 Members of the Society will be rewarded primarily through a social dividend rather than a monetary dividend. Any profits of the Society shall be applied as follows in such proportions and in such manner as may be decided by the Society at the annual general meeting: (a)To a general reserve for the continuation and development of the Society; (b)To paying interest on issued share capital at such rate or rates as determined by the Board from time to time, but not exceeding 5% per annum or 2% above the Co-operative Bank’s base rate, whichever is the greater; (c)To making payments to the Balerno Village Trust (SC 369378) for use in accordance with its charitable objectives.

9 Society Accounts Approve Accounts Approve verification of accounts Proposer Seconder

10 Application of Profits Repairs Provision - £3,000 Repayment Provision - £3,000 Members Interest - £16,120 Donation to BVT - £5,000 Proposer Seconder

11 Interim Payments It is possible that BVT may require funds at short notice a community project. The Board requests permission to:- Advance up to £5k to BVT for a specific purpose in support of its charitable objectives.

12 The Board Rule 65 Up to nine Directors elected by and from the Society’s Membership; one third retire each year. Up to three Directors as representative[s] appointed/nominated by Balerno Village Trust (SC 369378) Board Membership Simon Dormer (appointed by BVT) Ian Hynd (appointed by BVT) Martin Petty (appointed by BVT) Lynn Molleson (elected 2014) Johanna Carrie (elected 2014, retiring by rotation) Mike Molleson (elected 2015) Tony Allen (elected 2015)

13 Election to the Board Standing for election or re-election are:- Johanna Carrie Andrew Clark Alister Skinner

14 Andrew Clark I have been involved with Harlaw Hydro since the detailed Design and Construction process started in 2013. A Chartered Civil Engineer and Information Technology Professional I have been a member of the Technical Team that delivered the successful project including close supervision of contractors on site. If elected to the Board I will continue to provide assistance and technical consultancy for the maintenance and running of the turbine as well as representing the best interests of all shareholders.

15 Alister Skinner Formerly a geologist with the British Antarctic Survey and the British Geological Survey responsible for the entire UK Marine Operations Programme of the British Geological Survey. In 2007 he set up his own consulting company collecting core data for foundation and environmental issues surrounding infrastructure projects particularly in the field of renewable energy in Iceland, Japan and the UK. The logistical, contractual and interactive expertise involved in all of the above was put to good practical use while working with the Harlaw Hydro team.

16 Election to the Board Standing for election or re-election are:- Johanna Carrie Andrew Clark Alister Skinner Proposer Seconder

17 AGM Completed

18 Performance vs Prospectus Projected Green Energy 260,000 kWh pa Actual Green Energy 255,563 kWh (July-Mar) equiv. 383,344 kWh pa Projected Revenue £58,000 pa Actual Revenue £68,000 pa

19 What‘s happened since Sept. 2015 EIS EIS1 form submitted EIS2 form received EIS3 forms printed and distributed Technical team Weekly meeting, to monthly meeting, to disband Estimated saving in professional fees since 2009 £130k Night out for the team and long suffering partners Television in visitor Centre installed and configured Monthly greasing of the generator Regular monitoring of reservoir levels and power output Balancing the requirements of CEC Flood Prevention, Malleny Angling Association and Harlaw Hydro

20 Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme (SEIS) & Enterprise Investment Scheme (SEIS) SEIS3 forms completed and distributed EIS3 forms completed and distributed The society involvement completed HMRC’s 3 years ends SEIS – 25 th May 2016 EIS – 21 st July 2018

21 The Team!!

22 The Team Andrew Clark Simon Dormer Ian Hynd Alister Skinner Tsjerk Hoekstra Also in the picture Euan Clayton (Clerk of Works) Mike Molleson Martin Petty Lynn Molleson Tony Allen Graham Ellis Not in the picture Johanna Carrie

23 Harlaw Hydro Education Web site – live data Web site – background etc Ranger Centre display Schools visits Data availability for research






29 Story Board 1 - History Harlaw Reservoir was built by the Edinburgh Water Company in 1845 to collect water to power the many mills that operated along with Water of Leith. There were over 70 mills between Balerno and Leith. In the Balerno area the mills were involved with paper making but also flax and snuff. The largest was Balerno Bank Paper Mills, which closed in the early 1970s Until July 2014, when Harlaw Hydro started building the new micro hydro scheme, you could see the settling pool where the old water wheel once sat, providing power to the water engineer’s house, now Harlaw Visitors Centre. The settling pool is gone now and the new pipe takes the water from the reservoir in to the new turbine house and out again in to the Bavelaw Burn.

30 Story Board 2 - Science We are harnessing the potential power from the collected rainwater in Harlaw Reservoir and using gravity and the dam to drive our turbine to produce energy. The water then flows out in to the Bavelaw Burn and joins the Water of Leith further down at Balerno High School. The TV screen in the Harlaw Visitors Centre shows the Power Meter on our website ( This tells you what we are generating at any given time. It can be accessed from anywhere in the world and we hope this will contribute to renewable energy education.

31 Story Board 3 – The build We lease the micro hydro site from City of Edinburgh Council and work closely with their engineers to fit within the overall management of Harlaw Reservoir. Our Grid connection is relatively close to our turbine site in the garden of the Harlaw Visitors Centre. We have installed a Francis Turbine that runs at 750rpm. It has a peak generating capacity of 85 kW, enough for 177 average houses. Our chosen contractors were a local firm based in West Lothian, SJB Construction Services Ltd. The design engineer was Adrian Laycock and the turbine control panels were by Kestral Controls Ltd, Kilsyth. The feasibility studies for the project were funded by a grant through the CARES programme and conducted by Highland Eco Ltd.

32 Story Board 4 – Harlaw Hydro Harlaw Hydro was officially opened on 1st September 2015 by Fergus Ewing MSP, Minister for Business, Tourism and the Environment. Pictured here with the staff and the choir from Dean Park Primary School. Harlaw Hydro, Community Benefit Society, (a type of coop), is owned by 254 share holder members a investing £403K. We sell all our energy to the grid and the profits are given to Balerno Village Trust to develop projects that benefit the local community. The founding Directors of Harlaw Hydro are local residents and volunteers. They were the Energy Group of the Balerno Village Trust.

33 Tours and Talks - 1 June 2016 – Martin attending Low Carbon Scotland drinks and dinner reception as sponsored HH person. Our Dynamic Earth. May 2016 – visited by Energise Galasheilds who have development options on 10 sites on the Gala Water. They plan to use Community Shares to fund 3 of these and lease others for testing of new hydro technologies. Feb 2016 – keynote speakers at Greener Kirkcaldy Annual Gathering Fife, ‘Powering Communities’. Sharing the stage with Alastair MacIntosh, author and campaigner. December 2015 – nominated in the Best Community Energy Project at the Scottish Renewables Annual Gathering, SECC, Glasgow Featured by Scottish Renewables for our innovative education and information pages on our website – Power Meter December 2015 – delegation from DECC Whitehall as part of Scottish Gov hosted information gathering session on FITs and Community Energy. November 2015 – NFU Scotland visit with Smith Gore Rural hosted by HH at St Joseph’s Centre. Presentations from Local Energy Scotland and Community Shares Scotland May 2015 – World Water Congress, EICC. Visit to HH site.

34 Tours and Talks - 2 May 2015- Cooperative Edinburgh Networking Meeting – City Chambers May 2015 – Enhancing Coops, North Edinburgh Arts. Discussion group facilitator Nov 2014 – Round Table discussion on Community Ownership with Energy Minister – on panel with Energy Saving Trust, Santander Bank, Triodos and LES. Surgeons Hall, Edinburgh September 2014 – LES (Local Energy Scotland) Annual conference. HH presentation. March 2014 – Cross Party working group on Coops, Scottish Parliament. Discussion contributors Feb 2014 – SCCAN (Scottish Communities Climate Action Network) Low Carbon Scotland event. Workshop facilitators with CES (Community Energy Scotland) November 2013 – CES Annual conference. HH workshop August 2013 – DTAS (Development Trust Association Scotland) Annual Gathering. Workshop on HH (post conference discussions with Applecross, Mull and Ullapool. Now all running or raising funds for community owned micro hydro schemes. One to one support given to Sunart Hydro, now operational)

35 Investing in the Community Keith Taylor Chairman of Balerno Village Trust

36 Investing in the Community About BVT Community Consultation Establishing a small grants scheme BVT Works


38 Questions Wine and ‘nibbles’

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