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Guided Pathways at Yakima Valley College (YVC). YVC Students, 2014-15 Enrollment: 8,250 Annual Headcount 4,503 Full-Time Equivalent Demographics: Gender:

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1 Guided Pathways at Yakima Valley College (YVC)

2 YVC Students, 2014-15 Enrollment: 8,250 Annual Headcount 4,503 Full-Time Equivalent Demographics: Gender: 63% Female, 37% Male Ethnicity: 56% Hispanic, 37% White, 3% Native American, 2% African American, 1% Pacific Islander Graduating Class: 1,054 Graduates (558 Transfer Degrees, 309 Associate of Applied Science Degrees, 321 Certificates)

3 Adult Education at YVC 2,214 students (27% of total YVC enrollment) 5 Locations Yakima (66% of adult ed. students) Grandview (22%) Toppenish (6%) Ellensburg (3%) Sunnyside (3%) Program Offerings ESL GED prep HS21+ I-BEST Skills Upgrade for college

4 Achieving the Dream Leader College 2006 - 2015 What we found in our data: Significant drop out rates within the first year Performance gaps Students needing multiple quarters of developmental math YVCC’s AtD Intervention: Improve the First Year Experience Build institutional data management capacity  Office of Institutional Effectiveness Improve student progress through developmental math

5 Improving the First Year Experience Focus on the “front door” Admissions process – end late registration Mandatory New Student Orientation Delivered to student groups by faculty teams Financial Aid workshops, Tour of campus, Student IDs, Parking, Books, etc. Included advising and registration for first quarter classes

6 Wal-Mart Press Grant in 2012 What we found in our data: Students who start underprepared don’t finish <50% FT and <10% PT students take Math and English in the first year <30% of students complete a quantitative degree requirement Retention was up for Hispanic students – but continued to drop off from the first to the second year Degree completion rates decreasing What advising structure would help us achieve our goal of increasing student success?

7 Advising Redesign Reviewed: Past practice wasn’t working Not all students seeking/receiving advising Faculty advising load inequities Faculty and staff focus groups and surveys Literature on advising and student success Dr. Davis Jenkins, Community College Research Center - Guided Pathways Approach

8 Advising Redesign Plan Mandatory Advising until students earn 30 college level credits Pathways or Meta-Majors Degree/Career Maps Faculty advisors – discipline specific and “buddy” system Advising Day – designated day each quarter Technology needs – tools to manage our advisees Outreach – call students who miss Advising Day

9 What are YVC Pathways? Arts & Humanities Business ​​ Healthcare Social Sciences & STEM Exploratory Education Six Pathways containing all YVC degrees and certificates All full-time faculty assigned to advise in a Pathway Degree/Career Maps


11 YVCC Pathway Communications Strategy NSO – pathway selection and New Student Orientation messaging Week 1: Email from official faculty advisor Week 2 & 3: Community Relations produce print materials (posters, table tents, etc.) and post online Week 4: Faculty Advisors email students w/ link to Advising Day schedule online Week 5: Community Relations re-posts on social media and on campus, Registrar sends final email Week 6: Advising Day – faculty advise students and track those who do not attend

12 YVCC Pathway Advising Day Designated day Pathways reserve an area on campus Faculty set schedules Students sign in Faculty monitor “no shows”

13 YVCC Pathway Advising Block Process Week 7: Faculty email/reach out to students “no shows” to schedule advising Registration emails students informing of block process Week 7-8: Students “no-shows” meet with their Pathway Advisors individually Pathway Advisors email Registration to prevent blocks for registering Week 9-11: Registration blocks students who did not meet an advisor Faculty Counselors call students who are blocked to connect to advisors Week 12: Students can meet with counselors/advisors in Counseling & Advising Center Counselors/Advisors email Registration to have blocks removed

14 Pathway Selection Tool Students select pathway & program Registrar generates lists for pathway leads Pathway leads assign students to faculty

15 Pathway Advising Tool Manage our advisee list Monitor for 30 credits Email communications

16 YVCC Pathway Advising Benefits & Advantages For Students: Mandatory = all students receive advising Build relationships with faculty advisors Exposure to other programs in the pathway CREATING A CULTURE OF ADVISING For Faculty/Staff: “Buddy” system helps with advising ratios Fosters collegiality - networking Dedicated day/time to see many students

17 YVCC Pathway Advising Model Challenges Work in progress – culture change takes years Clarifying leadership/management roles and communication Dedicating an Advising Day each quarter Faculty concerns/resistance to advising outside their area or others advising in their area Administration & logistics: Managing advisees-technology, Communication plan, Registration blocks Students who “no show”

18 How Do Pathways Impact Adult Ed?? A Whole Bunch!, A LOT!, A TON! Aligns perfectly with WIOA and influences how we move forward Major Impacts 1. Refine and expand curricular pathways into college 2. Enhance advising services 3. Influence curriculum 4. Integrate Adult Ed. into the college

19 Refined and Expanded Pathway into College Reduce curricular overlap Clear math and English sequence by Pathway Co-enrolled classes Part of HS21+ curricular alignment An I-BEST for each Pathway

20 Basic Skills Pathway

21 Enhanced Advising New Student Advising Introduction to the program, goal setting, course selection & registration End of Quarter Advising Review of course grades and academic progress, course selection & registration for next term We needed more time to talk in-depth about educational goals, opportunities at the college, available resources, HS21+ credits, how college works, how to navigate the college to achieve goals, etc.  Advising Day and Guided Pathways was the answer

22 Spring 2016 Advising Day Sessions Pathways to College I-BEST HS21+/GED Healthcare Pathway Borrowing Basics COMPASS Referral Community/College Resources Campus Tour Writing & Math Center Orientation Getting to Know Financial Aid CANVAS Orientation YVCC Short Term Certificates Time Management Stress Management Wine Program Scholarship Opportunities Library Tour Individual Advising Sessions

23 Pathways Embedded into Curriculum Transition to College course Life Skills course for TANF students – WF Component Monthly focus on a Pathway YVC Educational Opportunities, Academic & Life Skills Example: Social Sciences & Education Pathway YVC Elementary and Early Childhood Education Programs Note Taking Healthy Parenting Skills

24 Integration of Adult Education into the College How to fit Adult Ed. into a college-wide effort? At YVC, Adult Ed. is part of the Exploratory Pathway. Supports curricular alignment & clear pathways Clarifies options for the students least familiar with higher education Highlights best practices in Adult Ed. the rest of the college can learn from Facilitates conversations between faculty and staff from different departments Ripple effects

25 Moving Forward with Pathways at YVC Collaboration with external partners Expand degree & career maps Course scheduling I-BEST expansion Increased integration into curriculum Faculty professional development What is the role of an advisor? Expanded navigation and case management support services Increased integration with assessment of student learning activities

26 Questions? Bryce Humpherys, EdD Dean for Basic Skills and the Grandview Campus Yakima Valley Community College 509-882-7049

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