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Digital TV in Portugal New Technology, New Uses? Vera Araújo, Gustavo Cardoso and Rita Espanha MAY 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Digital TV in Portugal New Technology, New Uses? Vera Araújo, Gustavo Cardoso and Rita Espanha MAY 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital TV in Portugal New Technology, New Uses? Vera Araújo, Gustavo Cardoso and Rita Espanha MAY 2009

2 Research Question and Objective Research Question: What is the impact of DTV in the traditional television viewing practices? Objective: To compare the TV viewing experience of individuals who currently have DTV with that of those still receiving an analogical signal, in order to highlight eventual differences in terms of: 1) viewer profile; 2) TV viewing patterns; 3) interest and usage of DTV new services and potencialities.

3 Research Question and Objective Specificity of this study Broad concept of DTV

4 Theorethical Framework Human factors and the introduction of new technologies

5 Diffusion of Innovations: focus is the process of adopting or rejectiong a given technological inovation (active adopters) Domestication: focus is the process of ICT integration in everyday life (active users) With digital migration, TV is no longer “given for granted” and is back to the center of attentions in what concerns the ways through which this technology is integrated in everyday life Theorethical Framework


7 TV is going through an “identity crisis” in the Digital Era  it is not related to a specific device anymore  Fragmentation of social practices that used to lead the TV viewing experience Theorethical Framework

8 This study is based on the results of the survey DTT in Portugal 2008, devoloped by OberCom (Portuguese Media Observatory). We used a representative sample of the population of Continental Portugal (n=1041) and the field work was undertaken in February 2008. Methodological Framework

9 1) Viewers’ Profile Fonte: TDT 2008, OberCom …and only 7,3% DTV penetration MIXED ACCESS COUNTRY

10 Source: TDT 2008, OberCom 1) Viewers’ Profile

11 Source: TDT 2008, OberCom

12 1) Viewers’ Profile Source: TDT 2008, OberCom

13 1) Viewers’ Profile Source: TDT 2008, OberCom

14 2) TV viewing patterns Source: TDT 2008, OberCom From the following TV programs please indicate those you enjoy… (%)

15 DTV population tends to participate and interact more with television 25% has made phone calls to TV programs (against 11,2% of individual in the general population); 11,8% has sent SMS (in opposition to only 5,4% in the general population); 7,9% has visited the site of a TV network (against 3,8% in the total sample) 2) TV viewing patterns Source: TDT 2008, OberCom

16 Do you agree with the following statements… Type of TV access (% of the answer “agree”, in each category) General population (n=1036 - people with a TV set) DTV population (n=76) TV was better a few years ago53,055,3 TV is a means of family gathering57,850,0 TV is before and foremost a company85,180,3 I only watch programs I have selected previously 68,484,2 Attitudes towards TV DTV population: increased need to control TV experience 2) TV viewing patterns Source: TDT 2008, OberCom

17 DTV population: more sensitive to DTT-related issues 11,8% of the DTV population has heard of the switchover process (against only 3,2% in the total sample) 46,1% has heard of DTT (against 16,3% in the general population) 2) TV viewing patterns Source: TDT 2008, OberCom

18 3) DTV Experience

19 Source: TDT 2008, OberCom (n=76) 3) DTV Experience

20 % de “agree” (n=76) I watch less advertisements53,9 I have an increased control over what I watch71,1 TV viewing became easier53,9 I began interacting more with TV39,5 TV viewing became more pleasant78,9 my TV viewing time increased46,1 Since having DTV… (% of DTV population) 3) DTV Experience Source: TDT 2008, OberCom (n=76)

21 Fonte: TDT 2008, OberCom Perception of the utility of DTV services/ applications (%) 3) DTV Experience

22 Conclusion: from Mass to Networked TV Fonte: TDT 2008, OberCom DTV population: more exposed to media 28,9% of DTV population watches daily at least three hours of TV, against 24,8% among general population 39,5% of DTV population uses Internet on a daily basis against only 16,8% in the total sample

23 Fonte: TDT 2008, OberCom From the following equipments, indicate those you have… (%) Conclusion: from Mass to Networked TV Source: TDT 2008, OberCom

24 Fonte: TDT 2008, OberCom DTV population: high diversity of platforms 4,5% of DTV population has used the computer screen to watch television High tendency to multitask while watching TV: > use the phone/mobile phone (30,8%) > send SMS (14,0%) > read (9,8%) > listen to music (8,1%) > use the Internet (7,7%) Conclusion: from Mass to Networked TV

25 Fonte: elaboração própria Television after the mass… TV as a structuring node of the Network Society Conclusion: from Mass to Networked TV

26 Exploratory analysis… FR1 DTV awarenessFR3 DTV usesFR2 DTV platformsFR4 DTV attitudes

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