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The Competition Review Project Michael Dowling – IOF Vice President.

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Presentation on theme: "The Competition Review Project Michael Dowling – IOF Vice President."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Competition Review Project Michael Dowling – IOF Vice President

2 Background Project initiated at 2014 General Assembly. Key Goals Review competition program across all disciplines Sustainable international program Globally attractive to stakeholders Accord with IOF strategic directions. New WOC program direction decided at 2015 ExGA WOC from 2019 on odd years – forest based formats New Sprint WOC from 2020 on even years – urban based formats. 2

3 Process Overview 3 Identify Issues Analysis Stakeholder Consultation If Required Conclusions Proposals To Council Final Reports

4 Manning & Consultation Competition Review Project Group. Member Federations. Discipline Commissions. Expert Groups. 4

5 Outcomes 5 Refer to the General Assembly binder for the detailed final reports for each discipline.

6 Foot Orienteering

7 Overview 7 Four high level competition periods in a year In 2018, for example World Cup (EOC May-Jun) World Cup (Jun-Jul) World Championships (Aug) World Cup round (Sep- Oct). Standardise systems for high level events Event timing, GPS tracking, online & broadcast media delivery, brand development and marketing. A professional event quality team as resource capacity allows.

8 FootO Program Proposals 8 WOC (Forest Based Formats) From 2019 and in future odd years (decision of 2015 ex GA) Middle distance Long distance Relay Sprint WOC (Urban Based Formats) From 2020 and in future even years (decision of 2015 ex GA Sprint Sprint Relay New Format – knockout, first to finish, realistic to organise, testing in 2017 by FOC. Decision early 2018.

9 9 FootO Program Proposals World Cup: From 2018 3 rounds in a year Individual and relay formats from WOC program. World Cup - Aims TV broadcasts. Commercial partnerships. High event quality. Attractive to athletes. Consistent annual time frame.

10 10 FootO Program Proposals 10 Regional Championships Suited to each region’s interests. From 2020, EOC annual program, opposite to WOC cycle. Same races as WOC program. Junior World Championships No change Sprint distance Middle distance Long distance Relay.

11 11 FootO Program Proposals World Masters From 2020, 3 individual interval start competitions Sprint Distance Middle Distance Long Distance. World Masters - Aims High event quality. Attractive to participants. Keep within one week time frame. Survey of WMOC’16 participants on a possible future program model.

12 12 FootO Program Proposals Regional Youth Championships Annual (Europe), every 2 years (other IOF regions). Age classes W/M16 & W/M18. Program in other IOF regions suited to each region’s interests using one or both these two age classes. Multi-Sport Games Grow partnerships with IWGA, CISM and FISU. Seek inclusion in other regional or global multi- sport games if align with the IOF’s global development goals.

13 Detailed FootO Report In GA Binder We welcome your questions? 13

14 Ski Orienteering

15 SkiO Program Proposals 15 World Championships Held every year from 2019. 3 individual interval-start competitions and 1 relay competition. Formats alternate on a 2 year cycle. One year - Sprint, Middle, Long-distance (mass-start), single gender Relay. Alternate year - Sprint, Pursuit, Middle (mass-start) and mixed gender Sprint Relay.

16 16 SkiO Program Proposals World Cup Held each year with 3 rounds. 3 competitions each round Mix of formats from WOC program. Regional Championships European Championships (EOC) embedded in round of the World Cup. 3 EOC competitions each year. Regional Championships in regions as SkiO develops.

17 17 SkiO Program Proposals Junior World Championships Held each year. Same program as World Championships. World Masters Championships Held each year. 3 competitions Long distance 2-day combined time middle distance.

18 18 SkiO Program Proposals Regional Youth Championships European (and other applicable regional) should be held each year.

19 Detailed SkiO Report In GA Binder We welcome your questions? 19

20 Mountain Bike Orienteering

21 MTBO Program Proposals 21 World Championships Held every year. 3 individual interval-start competitions Sprint distance Middle distance Long distance. A mass start competition. Relay.

22 22 MTBO Program Proposals World Cup Held each year with 3 rounds including WOC. 3 competitions each round except for WOC. Mix of formats from WOC program. Regional Championships European Championships (EOC) embedded in round of the World Cup. 3 EOC competitions each year. Regional Championships in regions as MTBO develops.

23 23 MTBO Program Proposals Junior World Championships Held each year. Same program as World Championships. World Masters Championships Held each year. 4 competitions interval-start sprint, middle & long distances, and a mass- start.

24 24 MTBO Program Proposals Regional Youth Championships European (and other applicable regional) should be held each year.

25 Detailed MTBO Report In GA Binder We welcome your questions? 25

26 Trail Orienteering

27 The IOF Council proposes that no changes be made to the current Trail Orienteering competition program 27

28 TrailO Program 28 World Championships An annual World Championships. 2 individual competitions (PreO and TempO), and 1 relay competition. PreO competition there are 2 classes, one Open one Paralympic. TempO competition are open class

29 TrailO Program 29 European Championships Held every 2nd year. Program comprises the World Championships competition formats.

30 Detailed TrailO Report In GA Binder We welcome your questions? 30

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