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SWEDISH RESEARCH FUNDING The Swedish Research Council and its role in research infrastructures Sofie Björling, Department Head, Research Infrastructures.

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Presentation on theme: "SWEDISH RESEARCH FUNDING The Swedish Research Council and its role in research infrastructures Sofie Björling, Department Head, Research Infrastructures."— Presentation transcript:

1 SWEDISH RESEARCH FUNDING The Swedish Research Council and its role in research infrastructures Sofie Björling, Department Head, Research Infrastructures

2 R&D expenditure as percentage of GDP The stacks show expenditures for R&D as percentage of GDP 2001-2013. The red stacks represent 2013. Källa: OECD

3 Scource: SCB, dec 2014 Businesses 101 Private non-profit organisations 3,3 Government 31 International, EU 7 Public research fundations 1,2 Municipality and county councils 3,1 Businesses 85 Private non- profit organisations 0,3 Universities and higher education institutions 32 Municipality and county councils 2,4 Foreign businesses 24 Other gover- ment organis -tions 2,3 Totally ca 146 billions SEK PERFORMERS FUNDERS Funding providers of R&D in Sweden 2013 Billion SEK

4 Reseach funding providers 2013 Government agencies and certain foundations. Source: Each organisation's annual report for the current year.

5 The Swedish Research Council Provides funding for research of the highest scientific quality Invites researcher-initiated basic research and initiates research in strategically important areas Has overall national responsibility for research infrastructures Performs analyses and advises the government Promotes international collaborative research Coordinates and develops communication about the significance, results and conditions of research

6 Funding research of the highest scientific quality Scientific development is stimulated by open competition where the best research ideas are rewarded Efficient, clearly-defined processes Peer review for highest research quality Researchers on subject advisory boards, councils and committees


8 Distribution of forms of grants 2015 Total: 6 401 billion SEK

9 Overall responsibility for research infrastructure Provides funding for national research infrastructures Member of international infrastructures and organisations Monitors and evaluates Develops strategies and plans −Guide for Sweden’s long-term needs of national and international research infrastructure: the Research Council’s guide to infrastructure

10 Research infrastructure funding 2015 Larger infrastructures, 1 918 MSEK

11 Research funding 2011-2015

12 BUDGET SITUATION RFI No more increases in RFI´s budget foreseen International RIs get more expensive Too little funds for new initiatives

13 Scientifiic and strategic assessment RFI/Sci. Councils/Univ Evaluation RFI/Int panel/Sci. Councils Decision Funding starting 2018, or rejection RFI New model for a cyclic prioritisation process for national RIs Year 1:2015 RI needs are received Univ/Researchers etc Year 2:2016 Guide to Research Infrastructures RFI Applications: Consortia of at least 3 univ/equiv Costs shared 50/50 by the Council and host/consortia Univ. Year 3:2017 Call for proposals Only for RIs/areas in the Guide.

14 Infrastructures for register-based research Swedish population-based registers and biobanks-goldmines for research National web portal with information on existing Swedish registers, legal framework, and on how to access data. The Register Utiliser Tool A unique tool to explore the contents of Swedish registers at the meta-data level. Help researchers to identify microdata for research and which register data that can be combined across registers.

15 SUNET provides Swedish universities, colleges and other public institutions with access to national and international data communication and related services


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