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El Dorado High School Home of “The Empire” Student Handbook 2016 – 2017.

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Presentation on theme: "El Dorado High School Home of “The Empire” Student Handbook 2016 – 2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 El Dorado High School Home of “The Empire” Student Handbook 2016 – 2017

2 Welcome Aztecs to the 2016-2017 school year! The year has started off with a bang and the halls are filled with school spirit and pride and we are all excited for the year ahead! Know that the following guidelines are just a portion of the EDHS Student Handbook and you are still required to read it in it’s entirety by going online to the school website. Go to menu, resources and students. As young adults, you are aware of your responsibility to follow all school policies and procedures and we believe that each of you will make it a priority to do so. When you make the choice not to, you will need to be accountable for that choice just as you are in any real life situation. Seniors, please protect your open campus lunch privilege by returning to campus on time and being in class by the tardy bell. We DO NOT want to change your lunch time due to excessive tardies so again, please return on time. Rules and policies are created so that there is safety and order on campus at all times. We want you to enjoy your time at school and become involved in as many activities and groups as you can. “The Empire” is an empire because of YOU! Welcome Aztecs to the 2016-2017 school year! The year has started off with a bang and the halls are filled with school spirit and pride and we are all excited for the year ahead! Know that the following guidelines are just a portion of the EDHS Student Handbook and you are still required to read it in it’s entirety by going online to the school website. Go to menu, resources and students. As young adults, you are aware of your responsibility to follow all school policies and procedures and we believe that each of you will make it a priority to do so. When you make the choice not to, you will need to be accountable for that choice just as you are in any real life situation. Seniors, please protect your open campus lunch privilege by returning to campus on time and being in class by the tardy bell. We DO NOT want to change your lunch time due to excessive tardies so again, please return on time. Rules and policies are created so that there is safety and order on campus at all times. We want you to enjoy your time at school and become involved in as many activities and groups as you can. “The Empire” is an empire because of YOU!

3 Satanic messages, obscenities or alcohol/tobacco/drug advertisement on clothing or accessories Any type of clothing that advertises another high school Hats (both males and females), caps, bandanas, beanies, hairnets, doo rags, scarves, handkerchiefs, hoodies covering the head or sunglasses worn inside the building Satanic messages, obscenities or alcohol/tobacco/drug advertisement on clothing or accessories Any type of clothing that advertises another high school Hats (both males and females), caps, bandanas, beanies, hairnets, doo rags, scarves, handkerchiefs, hoodies covering the head or sunglasses worn inside the building The following Dress/Attire IS NOT ALLOWED:

4 The following Dress/Attire IS NOT Allowed Spandex, fishnet shirts, spaghetti straps, off the shoulder, low cut, and tube tops or stretch clothing--tank top straps must be wider than 1 ½ inches Bare midriffs (i.e. exposed tummy)--shirts should/blouses must be long enough to where the midriff area is never exposed Men’s shirts must have sleeves. See-through or translucent clothing must have a shirt underneath (underwear and/or any undergarments) cannot show at any time Spandex, fishnet shirts, spaghetti straps, off the shoulder, low cut, and tube tops or stretch clothing--tank top straps must be wider than 1 ½ inches Bare midriffs (i.e. exposed tummy)--shirts should/blouses must be long enough to where the midriff area is never exposed Men’s shirts must have sleeves. See-through or translucent clothing must have a shirt underneath (underwear and/or any undergarments) cannot show at any time

5 The following Dress/Attire IS NOT ALLOWED: Excessively baggy clothing (pants and shorts must be worn at the waist) Torn or ripped apparel that shows undergarments (it is at the administrator's discretion that you may be asked to change your clothing if the tears are excessive) All coveralls/overalls must be worn properly (straps must be snapped on and worn over the shoulders) Excessively baggy clothing (pants and shorts must be worn at the waist) Torn or ripped apparel that shows undergarments (it is at the administrator's discretion that you may be asked to change your clothing if the tears are excessive) All coveralls/overalls must be worn properly (straps must be snapped on and worn over the shoulders)

6 Other Reminders: Dresses, skirts, and shorts must not be shorter than 2 inches above the knee all around. Long key chains, chains on pants, and wallet chains of any length are not allowed. Belts must be tucked all the way in pant loops. Do not wear any clothing or accessories which indicate gang affiliation. Dresses, skirts, and shorts must not be shorter than 2 inches above the knee all around. Long key chains, chains on pants, and wallet chains of any length are not allowed. Belts must be tucked all the way in pant loops. Do not wear any clothing or accessories which indicate gang affiliation.

7 PLEASE LEAVE THESE AT HOME No flip-flops, shower shoes, or sandals without a back strap No house slippers, or any shoe with soft soles No pajamas of any type No flip-flops, shower shoes, or sandals without a back strap No house slippers, or any shoe with soft soles No pajamas of any type

8 The following Dress/Attire IS NOT ALLOWED: 1. Facial piercing No spikes No sharp points 2. Ear Piercing No tapers No talons 1. Facial piercing No spikes No sharp points 2. Ear Piercing No tapers No talons

9 * Anything deemed inappropriate/dangerous by administration will result in a violation of the dress code.

10 Cameras on Campus Please be aware that at El Dorado High School all activities, at all hours, and in all locations (to include stairwells, hallways, parking lots, etc.) are monitored by cameras. Our security team is constantly checking camera footage to ensure student expectations are being met.

11 Consequences First Warning – Student will be required to change (borrow clothing from EDHS). Second Warning - Student will be required to change and sent to In School Suspension (SAC). Third Warning – Student will be required to change, student will be sent to In School Suspension (SAC) and have community service during Saturday School. Fourth Warning - Student will serve OSS (out of school suspension) and additional consequences will be given as deemed appropriate by an administrator. Fifth Warning - Student will serve two days of OSS (out of school suspension) and additional consequences will be given as deemed appropriate by an administrator. *Note: Excessive dress code violations may result in a KEYS recommendation. First Warning – Student will be required to change (borrow clothing from EDHS). Second Warning - Student will be required to change and sent to In School Suspension (SAC). Third Warning – Student will be required to change, student will be sent to In School Suspension (SAC) and have community service during Saturday School. Fourth Warning - Student will serve OSS (out of school suspension) and additional consequences will be given as deemed appropriate by an administrator. Fifth Warning - Student will serve two days of OSS (out of school suspension) and additional consequences will be given as deemed appropriate by an administrator. *Note: Excessive dress code violations may result in a KEYS recommendation.

12 Tardy Policy DEFINITION OF TARDY: A student shall be considered tardy when he or she arrives to school after the beginning of the official school day or is not in the assigned class at the beginning of a class period. DEFINITION OF TARDY: A student shall be considered tardy when he or she arrives to school after the beginning of the official school day or is not in the assigned class at the beginning of a class period.

13 First tardy –Verbal Warning Second tardy - Teacher will make parent contact and may impose a consequence Third tardy - Teacher will make parent contact and write a referral; consequence will be one day of Saturday School, lunch detention, or community service. Fourth tardy - Teacher will make parent contact and write a second referral; consequence will be one day of Saturday School, lunch detention, and/or community service. First tardy –Verbal Warning Second tardy - Teacher will make parent contact and may impose a consequence Third tardy - Teacher will make parent contact and write a referral; consequence will be one day of Saturday School, lunch detention, or community service. Fourth tardy - Teacher will make parent contact and write a second referral; consequence will be one day of Saturday School, lunch detention, and/or community service. Tardy Policy (per class) Tardy Policy (per class)

14 Tardy Policy Fifth tardy - Teacher will make a parent contact and write a third referral; consequence will be Saturday School and In School Suspension (SAC). Sixth tardy - Teacher will make parent contact and write a fourth referral; consequence will be two days of Saturday School, In School Suspension (SAC), and off campus lunch may be revoked if tardies are accumulated the class period after lunch. * Tardy records are cleared at the beginning of every semester. Fifth tardy - Teacher will make a parent contact and write a third referral; consequence will be Saturday School and In School Suspension (SAC). Sixth tardy - Teacher will make parent contact and write a fourth referral; consequence will be two days of Saturday School, In School Suspension (SAC), and off campus lunch may be revoked if tardies are accumulated the class period after lunch. * Tardy records are cleared at the beginning of every semester.


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