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 Check your child’s folder daily  Please return the folder to school every day  Classroom Newsletter (Printed/Online)  My contact information 

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3  Check your child’s folder daily  Please return the folder to school every day  Classroom Newsletter (Printed/Online)  My contact information  School Website  Corporation Website  Twitter @me1stevens

4 8:15-8:25 Arrival/Morning Meeting 8:25-9:00 Writing 9:00-10:30 Reading Block 10:30-11:00 Number Corner 11:00-11:30 Lunch 11:30-11:50 Recess 12:00-12:30 Social Sciences 12:30-1:30 Math 1:30-2:15 SST 2:15-3:00 Related Arts (see rotation) 3:00-3:15 Daily Closure/Dismissal

5 Monday-PE (Tennis Shoes) Tuesday-Art Wednesday - Library Thursday-Music Friday -FAB FRIDAY

6  Send Email or note stating the change.  If Email, also send to Cathy Mattozzi, our attendance secretary.  If you need to call, please note phone calls may not be honored after 2:00pm.  Please sign in and out in the office.

7  Outdoor as much as possible!  Raining, snowing, below 20 degrees, including wind chill factor=INSIDE  Dress for the weather!  No backless shoes (such as flip flops)  For the safety of our students, we ask that parents NOT join us for recess.

8  Student will be announced on the Maple News, get a prize from the office, and a crown to wear from me  Classroom snacks or parties are not permitted  Student Directory-fill out form if interested; this can be used for invitations

9  Homework will start soon!  Read 20 minutes every night  No homework on Fridays!  Always check and empty the folder  Help your child develop good homework and organization skills

10  2-3 trips throughout the year  Chaperones are needed!  All chaperones MUST have a background check on file.  Information sent home well in advance

11 Bridges Math Curriculum  Develops students’ deep understanding of mathematical concepts and proficiency with key skills  Blends direct instruction, structured investigation, and open exploration r student about their favorite workplace. Number Corner  Skill-building program revolves around classroom calendar  Daily practice of skills and broad mathematical concepts through “workout” routines ur student about the Calendar Grid pattern.

12 What do Parents and Families Need to Know?  We are all learning Bridges together.  Making mistakes is a natural part of learning. We will persevere through solving problems, using many different strategies to make sense of mathematical concepts.  Students will not receive a Quarter 1 mathematics grade. Grades will resume in Quarter 2.  Homework is practice of skills. Homework is not daily.

13 Bridges Support for Families  ecific grade level support for the Bridges math curriculum

14 Bridges Resources for Families  to games and online skills practice, book lists, additional resources beyond the Bridges curriculum

15  McGraw-Hill Reading Wonders  Every student will have a username and password  Weekly Comprehension Strategy, Phonics Element, Vocabulary Words and Sight Words  Small Group Instruction  Leveled readers  Literacy Centers  Assessment on Friday  Read every night with your child!

16  Tests on Fridays  Words will come from phonics skill for the week  List of words will be in newsletter  10 pattern words a week plus high frequency words  Dictation sentence that includes weekly sight words second semester  The grade for these tests will be recorded in Writing on Power Parent. Indiana Standard for writing: 1.W.6.2c

17 Living Things Solids and Liquids Soils

18  Report Cards will come home every 9 weeks  Celebrate and set goals!  Sign and return the envelope  Use as a guide and a way to set goals

19  Color-based system  Each student has a clothespin  Starts on green each morning  Can move up to blue, purple, or even beyond = rewards given  Purple = automatic “I got caught” card  Poor choices can make clip move down to yellow, orange, or red.  Orange = consequence  Red = family contact, consequence


21  Classroom Rules › Students cooperatively develop rules based upon fairness, honesty, respect, and teamwork  Rewards › I Got Caught Cards › Verbal Praise › Warm and Fuzzies › Happy notes home!

22  Consequences › Warning › Miss 10 minutes of recess or other logical consequence › No recess/Call home  Clips return to “Green” each day

23  30 minutes for lunch  No fast food, please  Parents can eat lunch here!  PLEASE PUT MONEY IN ENVELOPE  Label (VERY IMPORTANT) › Child’s First and Last Name › Mrs. Stevens

24  All volunteers must have a background check. Background check costs you: $0 and is good for 3 years.  You can volunteer from home too!

25  Call 544-6400  Email me  Write a note  Check our class webpage weekly!  Follow on our class on Twitter @me1stevens



28  Thank you so much for taking time to come in!

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