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Unit 1 news 2+3. News Item 2  space vehicle:  a craft capable of traveling in outer space  such as space ship, space shuttle  gravity:  (physics)

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 1 news 2+3. News Item 2  space vehicle:  a craft capable of traveling in outer space  such as space ship, space shuttle  gravity:  (physics)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 1 news 2+3

2 News Item 2  space vehicle:  a craft capable of traveling in outer space  such as space ship, space shuttle  gravity:  (physics) the force of attraction between all masses in the universe; especially the attraction of the earth's mass for bodies near its surface  地心引力

3  Key to exercises  A. Summary  This item is about a model of the 1st space vehicle designed for pleasure trips  B. Complete the blanks.  Possible time:__________  Vehicle size: _______________________  Special experience: ______________  Length of the trip: __________  Cost: ____________. in 3 years can hold a pilot & two passengers 3 minutes of 0 gravity one hour $100,000

4 News Item 3  Background information  1. United Nations’ conference  联合国会议  2. Monterrey:  an industrial city in northeastern Mexico  蒙特雷 

5  3. Peru:  a republic in western South America  秘鲁  Peruvian: relating to Peru

6  Security Council  UN General Assembly  UN Secretary General  Development

7  Lima:  capital and largest city and economic center of Peru; located in western Peru  利马 ( 秘鲁首都 )  terrorism:  恐怖主义  poverty:  state of being poor

8  Key to exercises:  A. Summary  This news item is about  ________________________  B. Best Answer  1. __ 2. __ 3. __ 4. __ 5. __ BCD D a UN conference on financing for development B

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